{ "laxness":{ "failure to take the care that a cautious person usually takes":{ "examples":[ "the mountain climber's uncharacteristic laxness almost caused an accident" ], "synonyms":[ "carelessness", "dereliction", "heedlessness", "incaution", "incautiousness", "neglectfulness", "negligence", "remissness", "slackness" ], "near synonyms":[ "foolhardiness", "rashness", "recklessness", "wildness", "neglect", "omission", "delinquency", "irresponsibility", "irresponsibleness", "malfeasance", "malpractice", "misconduct", "misdirection", "mishandling", "mismanagement", "forgetfulness", "inadvertence", "inadvertency", "inattention", "inattentiveness", "obliviousness", "shortsightedness", "unwariness" ], "near antonyms":[ "alertness", "attention", "attentiveness", "awareness", "circumspection", "observance", "vigilance", "watchfulness", "responsibility", "responsibleness" ], "antonyms":[ "care", "carefulness", "caution", "cautiousness", "heedfulness" ] }, "type":[ "noun" ] }, "lax":{ "failing to give proper care and attention":{ "examples":[ "lax parents who let their kids stay out as late as they want" ], "synonyms":[ "careless", "derelict", "disregardful", "lazy", "neglectful", "neglecting", "negligent", "remiss", "slack" ], "near synonyms":[ "heedless", "incautious", "irresponsible", "reckless", "wild", "unguarded", "unwary", "forgetful", "disregarding", "inattentive", "oblivious", "thoughtless", "unheeding", "unmindful", "unthinking", "apathetic", "disinterested", "indifferent", "unconcerned", "uninterested", "delinquent", "loose" ], "near antonyms":[ "meticulous", "painstaking", "punctilious", "cautious", "chary", "circumspect", "gingerly", "guarded", "alert", "heedful", "heeding", "mindful", "observant", "regardful", "regarding", "vigilant", "wary", "watchful", "foresighted", "forethoughtful", "provident", "responsible", "thinking", "thoughtful", "concerned", "interested" ], "antonyms":[ "attentive", "careful", "conscientious", "nonnegligent" ] }, "not bound by rigid standards":{ "examples":[ "the guidelines for the essay contest were fairly lax , permitting a wide variety of topics" ], "synonyms":[ "easygoing", "flexible", "loose", "relaxed", "slack", "unrestrained", "unrestricted" ], "near synonyms":[ "careless", "derelict", "heedless", "irresponsible", "lazy", "neglectful", "negligent", "remiss", "slipshod", "sloppy", "sloven", "slovenly", "unfussy" ], "near antonyms":[ "constrained", "restrained", "restricted", "tight", "careful", "conscientious", "exact", "fussy", "meticulous", "painstaking", "punctilious", "scrupulous", "implacable", "inflexible" ], "antonyms":[ "hard", "harsh", "rigid", "rigorous", "severe", "stern", "strict" ] }, "not tightly fastened, tied, or stretched":{ "examples":[ "the sheet on the foresail was lax , and so the sail was flapping wildly in the stiff wind" ], "synonyms":[ "insecure", "loose", "loosened", "relaxed", "slack", "slackened", "unsecured" ], "near synonyms":[ "detached", "free", "unattached", "unbound", "undone", "unfastened", "untied", "baggy", "blousy", "saggy" ], "near antonyms":[ "constrained", "restrained", "attached", "bound", "fastened", "tied", "fast", "firm", "jammed", "snug", "stuck", "wedged" ], "antonyms":[ "taut", "tense", "tight" ] }, "type":[ "adjective" ] } }