{ "hokeypokey":{ "language, behavior, or ideas that are absurd and contrary to good sense":{ "examples":[ "every year the legislature has to go through the same hokeypokey before it balances the state budget" ], "synonyms":[ "applesauce", "balderdash", "baloney", "boloney", "beans", "bilge", "blah", "blah-blah", "blarney", "blather", "blatherskite", "blither", "bosh", "bull", "bunk", "bunkum", "buncombe", "claptrap", "codswallop", "crapola", "crock", "drivel", "drool", "fiddle", "fiddle-faddle", "fiddlesticks", "flannel", "flapdoodle", "folderol", "falderal", "folly", "foolishness", "fudge", "garbage", "guff", "hogwash", "hokum", "hoodoo", "hooey", "horsefeathers", "humbug", "humbuggery", "jazz", "malarkey", "malarky", "moonshine", "muck", "nerts", "nonsense", "nuts", "piffle", "poppycock", "punk", "rot", "rubbish", "senselessness", "silliness", "slush", "stupidity", "taradiddle", "tarradiddle", "tommyrot", "tosh", "trash", "trumpery", "twaddle" ], "near synonyms":[ "absurdity", "asininity", "fatuity", "foolery", "idiocy", "imbecility", "inaneness", "inanity", "insanity", "kookiness", "lunacy", "absurdness", "craziness", "madness", "witlessness", "hoity-toity", "monkey business", "monkeyshine(s)", "shenanigan(s)", "tomfoolery", "gas", "hot air", "rigmarole", "rigamarole", "double-talk", "greek", "hocus-pocus" ], "near antonyms":[ "levelheadedness", "rationality", "reasonability", "reasonableness", "sensibleness", "common sense", "horse sense", "sense", "discernment", "judgment", "judgement", "wisdom" ], "antonyms":[] }, "type":[ "noun" ] }, "hokeyness":{ "as in corn , schmaltz":{ "examples":[], "synonyms":[], "near synonyms":[ "corn", "corniness", "schmaltz", "schmalz", "sentiment", "emotion", "bathos", "gooeyness", "lovey-doveyness", "mawkishness", "mush", "mushiness", "saccharinity", "sappiness", "sentimentalism", "sentimentality", "sloppiness", "soppiness", "syrup", "sirup" ], "near antonyms":[ "cynicism", "hardheadedness", "hard-heartedness" ], "antonyms":[] }, "type":[ "noun" ] }, "hokey":{ "tiresomely obvious and unsophisticated":{ "examples":[ "their father's sense of humor was hokey beyond belief and most people's endurance" ], "synonyms":[ "corn-fed", "cornball", "cornpone", "corny" ], "near synonyms":[ "countrified", "countryfied", "down-home", "folksy", "rustic", "rustical", "hick", "hickish" ], "near antonyms":[ "cosmopolitan", "smart", "sophisticated", "worldly", "worldly-wise", "hip", "trendy", "with-it" ], "antonyms":[] }, "type":[ "adjective" ] } }