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"verb" ] }, "pawns":{ "one that is or can be used to further the purposes of another":{ "examples":[ "though he liked to play up his influence with city hall, he was really just another pawn of the political bosses" ], "synonyms":[ "cat's-paws", "instruments", "lay figures", "puppets", "tools" ], "near synonyms":[ "chumps", "dupes", "foils", "gulls", "suckers", "victims", "minions", "stooges", "lap dogs", "yes-men" ], "near antonyms":[], "antonyms":[] }, "something given or held to assure that the giver will keep a promise":{ "examples":[ "offered her license as a pawn that she would bring back the rental canoe" ], "synonyms":[ "gages", "guarantees", "guaranties", "pledges", "securities" ], "near synonyms":[ "bails", "bonds", "deposits", "down payments", "earnests", "handsels", "sureties", "warranties", "assurances", "oaths", "promises", "troths", "words", "commitments", "compacts", "contracts", "covenants", "recognizances" ], "near antonyms":[], "antonyms":[] }, "to leave as a 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