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"settling", "soothing", "stilling", "subduing", "tranquilizing", "tranquillizing" ], "antonyms":[] }, "to rouse to strong feeling or action":{ "examples":[ "the charge that the scene in the movie had instigated teenagers to commit similar acts of vandalism" ], "synonyms":[ "arousing", "encouraging", "exciting", "firing (up)", "impassioning", "inciting", "moving", "piquing", "provoking", "revving (up)", "sparking", "stimulating", "stirring" ], "near synonyms":[ "fanning", "igniting", "inflaming", "enflaming", "kindling", "triggering", "activating", "animating", "driving", "energizing", "galvanizing", "inducing", "inspiring", "keying (up)", "motivating", "motiving", "pumping up", "quickening", "setting off", "vitalizing", "abetting", "fermenting", "fomenting", "raising", "whipping (up)", "angering", "enraging", "maddening", "upsetting", "jeering", "taunting", "teasing", "aggravating", "annoying", "bothering", "exasperating", "galling", "getting", "irritating", "vexing" ], "near 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