{ "Gehennas":{ "a situation or state that causes great suffering and unhappiness":{ "examples":[ "the depression that has enshrouded her since the death of her husband is a Gehenna from which she may never be released" ], "synonyms":[ "agonies", "hells", "horrors", "miseries", "murders", "nightmares", "torments", "tortures" ], "near synonyms":[ "afflictions", "calvaries", "crosses", "curses", "ordeals", "trials", "tribulations", "calamities", "misfortunes", "tragedies", "galls", "thorns", "bummers", "downers", "drags" ], "near antonyms":[ "delights", "diversions", "entertainments", "fun", "joys", "pleasures", "recreations", "larks", "picnics", "riots" ], "antonyms":[ "heavens", "paradises" ] }, "type":[ "noun" ] }, "Gehenna":{ "a situation or state that causes great suffering and unhappiness":{ "examples":[ "the depression that has enshrouded her since the death of her husband is a Gehenna from which she may never be released" ], "synonyms":[ "agony", "hell", "horror", "misery", "murder", "nightmare", "torment", "torture" ], "near synonyms":[ "affliction", "calvary", "cross", "curse", "ordeal", "trial", "tribulation", "calamity", "misfortune", "tragedy", "gall", "thorn", "bummer", "downer", "drag" ], "near antonyms":[ "delight", "diversion", "entertainment", "fun", "joy", "pleasure", "recreation", "lark", "picnic", "riot" ], "antonyms":[ "heaven", "paradise" ] }, "the place of punishment for the wicked after death":{ "examples":[ "in a fire-and-brimstone sermon, the evangelist warned those assembled that they faced the fires of Gehenna if they failed to repent" ], "synonyms":[ "hell", "Pandemonium", "perdition", "Tophet" ], "near synonyms":[ "blazes", "inferno", "purgatory", "hades", "netherworld", "shades", "Tartarus", "underworld", "Sheol", "abyss", "pit", "fire and brimstone", "hellfire" ], "near antonyms":[ "glory", "happy hunting ground", "nirvana", "promised land", "Valhalla" ], "antonyms":[ "bliss", "elysian fields", "Elysium", "empyrean", "heaven", "kingdom come", "New Jerusalem", "paradise", "sky", "Zion", "Sion" ] }, "type":[ "noun" ] } }