{ "sybaritic":{ "given to or marked by excessive gratification of one's desires":{ "examples":[ "after putting in long hours for months on end, she was ready for a sybaritic sojourn at some ridiculously expensive spa" ], "synonyms":[ "decadent", "hedonistic", "indulgent", "luxurious", "overindulgent", "self-indulgent" ], "near synonyms":[ "carnal", "fleshly", "sensual", "sensuous", "voluptuous", "masturbatory", "onanistic", "self-absorbed", "self-obsessed", "gluttonous", "greedy", "rapacious", "voracious", "extravagant", "incontinent", "intemperate", "reckless", "splurging", "uncontrolled", "wanton" ], "near antonyms":[ "abstemious", "abstinent", "continent", "sober", "temperate", "ascetic", "ascetical", "austere", "spartan", "disciplined", "self-controlled", "self-disciplined", "self-governed" ], "antonyms":[ "self-abnegating", "self-denying" ] }, "type":[ "adjective" ] }, "sybarites":{ "a person whose life is devoted to luxury and sensual pleasures":{ "examples":[ "the prince was remembered as a self-indulgent sybarite , not as a statesman or warrior" ], "synonyms":[ "debauchees", "decadents", "hedonists", "sensualists", "voluptuaries" ], "near synonyms":[ "Cyrenaics", "Epicureans", "bons vivants", "bon vivants", "epicures", "gluttons", "gourmands", "libertines", "playboys", "rakes", "rou\u00e9s", "playgirls" ], "near antonyms":[ "killjoys", "spoilsports", "wet blankets", "fuddy-duddies", "prudes", "straight arrows" ], "antonyms":[ "ascetics" ] }, "type":[ "noun" ] }, "sybaritism":{ "excessive pursuit of fleshly pleasures":{ "examples":[ "the billionaire's extravagant parties were marked by a degree of sybaritism not seen since the days of decadent Rome" ], "synonyms":[ "carnality", "debauchery", "hedonism", "sensuality", "voluptuousness" ], "near synonyms":[ "venery", "wantonness", "greed", "rapaciousness", "rapacity", "ravenousness", "dissipation", "gluttony", "immoderation", "intemperance", "self-indulgence" ], "near antonyms":[], "antonyms":[ "abstinence", "asceticism", "sobriety", "temperance" ] }, "type":[ "noun" ] }, "sybarite":{ "a person whose life is devoted to luxury and sensual pleasures":{ "examples":[ "the prince was remembered as a self-indulgent sybarite , not as a statesman or warrior" ], "synonyms":[ "debauchee", "decadent", "hedonist", "sensualist", "voluptuary" ], "near synonyms":[ "Cyrenaic", "Epicurean", "bon vivant", "epicure", "glutton", "gourmand", "libertine", "playboy", "rake", "rou\u00e9", "playgirl" ], "near antonyms":[ "killjoy", "spoilsport", "wet blanket", "fuddy-duddy", "prude", "straight arrow" ], "antonyms":[ "ascetic" ] }, "type":[ "noun" ] } }