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"type":[ "verb" ] }, "merchandize":{ "products that are bought and sold in business":{ "examples":[ "we stock only the finest-quality merchandise in this store" ], "synonyms":[ "commodities", "goods", "wares" ], "near synonyms":[ "line", "export", "import", "inventory", "staples", "stock", "stuff", "supply", "job lot", "domestics", "durables", "durable goods", "hard goods" ], "near antonyms":[], "antonyms":[] }, "to offer for sale to the public":{ "examples":[ "the now-familiar practice of stores merchandising goods at dramatically lower prices on the day after Thanksgiving" ], "synonyms":[ "deal (in)", "market", "put up", "retail", "sell", "vend" ], "near synonyms":[ "presell", "wholesale", "remarket", "resell", "hawk", "peddle", "barter", "distribute", "exchange", "export", "handle", "trade", "traffic (in)", "advertise", "ballyhoo", "boost", "plug", "promote", "tout", "bargain", "chaffer", "dicker", "haggle", "horse-trade", "palter", "auction", "provide", "supply", "carry", "keep", "stock" ], "near antonyms":[], "antonyms":[ "buy", "purchase" ] }, "type":[ "noun", "verb" ] }, "membership":{ "the people who belong to a group or organization":{ "examples":[ "Club leaders are elected by the membership ." ], "synonyms":[], "near synonyms":[ "faithful", "fold", "collective", "commune", "community", "cooperative", "alliance", "bloc", "camp", "coalition", "partnership", "body", "cadre", "group", "circle", "clan", "clique", "coterie", "junta", "junto", "klatch", "klatsch", "lot", "set", "crew", "outfit", "party", "squad", "team", "branch", "chapter", "local", "sisterhood", "sorority", "cabal", "camarilla", "camorra", "confederacy", "conspiracy", "band", "gang", "ring", "cartel", "combine", "syndicate", "association", "board", "brotherhood", "chamber", "club", "college", "congress", "consortium", "council", "fellowship", "fraternity", "guild", "gild", "institute", "institution", "league", "order", "organization", "society", "sodality" ], "near antonyms":[], "antonyms":[] 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"type":[ "noun" ] }, "metier":{ "something for which a person shows a special talent":{ "examples":[ "public speaking is not my m\u00e9tier , as others can attest" ], "synonyms":[ "forte", "long suit", "speciality", "specialty", "strong suit", "thing" ], "near synonyms":[ "area", "arena", "bailiwick", "business", "circle", "demesne", "department", "discipline", "domain", "fief", "fiefdom", "field", "line", "precinct", "province", "realm", "sphere", "terrain", "element", "aptitude", "aptness", "bent", "faculty", "flair", "genius", "gift", "knack", "talent", "pursuit", "racket", "vocation", "inclination", "leaning", "partiality", "penchant", "predilection", "predisposition", "proclivity", "propensity", "tendency" ], "near antonyms":[], "antonyms":[] }, "type":[ "noun" ] }, "mentored":{ "to give advice and instruction to (someone) regarding the course or process to be followed":{ "examples":[ "we're looking for volunteers to mentor students in the theater arts" ], "synonyms":[ "coached", 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