{ "yuck":{ "used to express disgust":{ "examples":[ "yuck , I really hate brussels sprouts" ], "synonyms":[ "faugh", "fie", "phew", "phooey", "rats", "ugh", "yech", "yecch" ], "near synonyms":[ "ah", "bah", "boo", "humph", "pish", "pooh", "pshaw", "sheesh", "tush", "tut", "tut-tut", "alack", "alas", "woe" ], "near antonyms":[], "antonyms":[] }, "type":[ "interjection" ] }, "yucked":{ "to make jokes":{ "examples":[ "pay no mind to those clowns\u2014they are just yukking it up and don't mean any harm" ], "synonyms":[ "bantered", "chaffed", "fooled", "funned", "gagged", "japed", "jested", "jived", "joked", "jollied", "joshed", "kidded", "quipped", "wisecracked" ], "near synonyms":[ "gibed", "jibed", "hazed", "jeered", "mocked", "ragged", "rallied", "razzed", "ribbed", "ridiculed", "teased", "caricatured", "lampooned", "parodied", "satirized", "amused", "diverted", "entertained" ], "near antonyms":[], "antonyms":[] }, "type":[ "verb" ] }, "yucks":{ "something said or done to cause 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"jests", "jives", "jokes", "jollies", "joshes", "kids", "quips", "wisecracks" ], "near synonyms":[ "gibes", "jibes", "hazes", "jeers", "mocks", "rags", "rallies", "razzes", "ribs", "ridicules", "teases", "caricatures", "lampoons", "parodies", "satirizes", "amuses", "diverts", "entertains" ], "near antonyms":[], "antonyms":[] }, "type":[ "noun", "verb" ] }, "yucking":{ "to make jokes":{ "examples":[ "pay no mind to those clowns\u2014they are just yukking it up and don't mean any harm" ], "synonyms":[ "bantering", "chaffing", "fooling", "funning", "gagging", "japing", "jesting", "jiving", "joking", "jollying", "joshing", "kidding", "quipping", "wisecracking" ], "near synonyms":[ "gibing", "jibing", "hazing", "jeering", "mocking", "ragging", "rallying", "razzing", "ribbing", "ridiculing", "teasing", "caricaturing", "lampooning", "parodying", "satirizing", "amusing", "diverting", "entertaining" ], "near antonyms":[], "antonyms":[] }, "type":[ "verb" ] }, "yucky":{ "disagreeable or disgusting to the sense of taste":{ "examples":[ "a child at that age where every unfamiliar and untried food is preemptively dismissed as \" yucky \"" ], "synonyms":[ "brackish", "distasteful", "unappetizing", "unpalatable", "unsavory" ], "near synonyms":[ "abominable", "awful", "bad", "filthy", "foul", "horrible", "loathsome", "nasty", "nauseating", "noisome", "obnoxious", "offensive", "repellent", "repellant", "repugnant", "repulsive", "revolting", "shocking", "sickening", "bland", "flat", "flavorless", "insipid", "savorless", "tasteless" ], "near antonyms":[ "appealing", "attractive", "flavorful", "piquant", "rich" ], "antonyms":[ "appetizing", "delectable", "delicious", "delish", "palatable", "savory", "savoury", "tasty", "toothsome", "yummy" ] }, "not giving pleasure to the mind or senses":{ "examples":[ "the weather is supposed to be yucky , so bring your jacket and umbrella" ], "synonyms":[ "bad", "bitter", "disagreeable", "displeasing", "distasteful", "harsh", "icky", "nasty", "rotten", "sour", "uncongenial", "unlovely", "unpalatable", "unpleasant", "unpleasing", "unsavory", "unwelcome", "wicked" ], "near synonyms":[ "abhorrent", "abominable", "appalling", "awful", "beastly", "bilious", "disgusting", "dreadful", "foul", "ghastly", "gnarly", "god-awful", "gross", "hateful", "hellish", "hideous", "horrendous", "horrible", "horrid", "invidious", "loathsome", "nauseating", "nauseous", "noisome", "obnoxious", "obscene", "odious", "offensive", "repellent", "repellant", "repugnant", "repulsive", "revolting", "revulsive", "scandalous", "seamy", "shocking", "sick", "sickening", "ugly", "unholy", "vile", "villainous", "aggravating", "annoying", "galling", "irritating", "vexing", "crappy", "cruddy", "crummy", "crumby", "lousy", "miserable", "sucky", "wretched" ], "near antonyms":[ "delectable", "delicious", "delightful", "dreamy", "felicitous", "amiable", "charming", "cheery", "friendly", "jolly", "kindly", "sweet" ], "antonyms":[ "agreeable", "congenial", "good", "grateful", "gratifying", "nice", "palatable", "pleasant", "pleasing", "pleasurable", "satisfying", "welcome" ] }, "type":[ "adjective" ] } }