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"brand-new", "new", "spick-and-span", "spic-and-span", "unused" ], "antonyms":[] }, "to cause (something) to separate into jagged pieces by violently pulling at it":{ "examples":[ "the little boy tattered that blanket beyond repair by repeatedly yanking on it" ], "synonyms":[ "rent", "rended", "ribboned", "ripped", "rived", "shredded", "tore" ], "near synonyms":[ "broke", "cleaved", "cleft", "ruptured", "split", "cut", "gashed", "incised", "lacerated", "slashed", "butchered", "dismembered", "dissected", "hacked", "mangled" ], "near antonyms":[], "antonyms":[] }, "type":[ "adjective", "verb" ] }, "tatter":{ "to cause (something) to separate into jagged pieces by violently pulling at it":{ "examples":[ "the little boy tattered that blanket beyond repair by repeatedly yanking on it" ], "synonyms":[ "rend", "ribbon", "rip", "rive", "shred", "tear" ], "near synonyms":[ "break", "cleave", "rupture", "split", "cut", "gash", "incise", "lacerate", "slash", "butcher", "dismember", "dissect", 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