{ "saucy":{ "displaying or marked by rude boldness":{ "examples":[ "irritated his fellow travelers with saucy questions and comments" ], "synonyms":[ "arch", "audacious", "bold", "bold-faced", "brash", "brassbound", "brassy", "brazen", "brazen-faced", "cheeky", "cocksure", "cocky", "fresh", "impertinent", "impudent", "insolent", "nervy", "sassy", "wise" ], "near synonyms":[ "assertive", "forward", "obtrusive", "defiant", "disrespectful", "shameless", "unabashed", "unblushing", "bluff", "blunt", "curt", "cute", "facetious", "flip", "flippant", "pert", "smart", "smart-aleck", "smart-alecky", "lippy", "mouthy" ], "near antonyms":[ "demure", "humble", "modest", "courteous", "genteel", "mannerly", "polite", "proper", "deferential", "respectful", "abashed", "ashamed", "blushing", "embarrassed", "shamefaced", "gentle", "mild", "inconspicuous", "unobtrusive" ], "antonyms":[ "meek", "mousy", "mousey", "retiring", "shy", "timid" ] }, "type":[ "adjective" ] }, "saunters":{ "a relaxed journey on 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"cooked" ], "near antonyms":[ "raw", "uncooked", "unheated", "rare" ], "antonyms":[] }, "type":[ "adjective" ] }, "saucers":{ "a small, round dish that you put a cup on":{ "examples":[ "The tea was served in elegant white teacups with red saucers ." ], "synonyms":[], "near synonyms":[ "plates", "dinnerwares", "tablewares", "place settings", "settings", "setups", "chinas", "chinawares", "crockeries", "earthenwares", "porcelains", "potteries", "stonewares", "wares", "demitasses", "glasses", "goblets", "mugs", "teacups" ], "near antonyms":[], "antonyms":[] }, "type":[ "noun" ] }, "sauce":{ "a savory fluid food used as a topping or accompaniment to a main dish":{ "examples":[ "the chef poured sauce over the meat just before he served it" ], "synonyms":[ "dressing", "gravy" ], "near synonyms":[ "condiment", "relish", "seasoning", "fixing(s)", "garnish", "topping", "dip", "marinade" ], "near antonyms":[], "antonyms":[] }, "disrespectful or argumentative talk given in response to a command or 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"audaciousness", "audacity", "brashness", "brass", "brassiness", "brazenness", "cheek", "cheekiness", "chutzpah", "chutzpa", "hutzpah", "hutzpa", "crust", "effrontery", "face", "gall", "nerve", "nerviness", "pertness", "presumption", "presumptuousness", "sauciness", "temerity" ], "near synonyms":[ "arrogance", "assurance", "cockiness", "confidence", "hardihood", "overconfidence", "sanguinity", "self-assurance", "self-confidence", "discourteousness", "disrespect", "impertinence", "impoliteness", "impudence", "incivility", "inconsiderateness", "inconsideration", "insolence", "rudeness", "ungraciousness", "back talk", "sass", "swagger", "swash" ], "near antonyms":[ "bashfulness", "diffidence", "faintheartedness", "hesitancy", "modesty", "shyness", "timidity", "timidness", "timorousness", "civility", "courteousness", "courtesy", "gentility", "graciousness", "mannerliness", "manners" ], "antonyms":[] }, "a distilled beverage that can make a person drunk":{ "examples":[ "as soon as she 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