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"set down", "take down", "write down" ], "near synonyms":[ "chronicle", "minute", "transcribe", "enregister", "enter", "inscribe", "chalk (up)", "notch", "score" ], "near antonyms":[], "antonyms":[] }, "type":[ "noun", "verb" ] }, "reporter":{ "a person employed by a newspaper, magazine, or radio or television station to gather, write, or report news":{ "examples":[ "the reporter was careful to ask as many questions as possible without annoying anyone" ], "synonyms":[ "correspondent", "intelligencer", "journalist", "newshound", "newsman", "newsperson", "pressman" ], "near synonyms":[ "announcer", "broadcaster", "newscaster", "newspaperman", "newspaperwoman", "newswoman", "anchor", "anchorman", "anchorperson", "anchorwoman", "byliner", "columnist", "commentator", "copyreader", "editor", "muckraker", "photojournalist", "police reporter", "sportswriter", "staffer", "stringer" ], "near antonyms":[], "antonyms":[] }, "type":[ "noun" ] }, "reposes":{ "to remain out of sight":{ "examples":[ 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"examples":[ "the Constitution reposes the power to declare war to Congress, and to that body alone" ], "synonyms":[ "commends", "commits", "confides", "consigns", "delegates", "delivers", "entrusts", "intrusts", "gives", "gives over", "hands", "hands over", "leaves", "passes", "recommends", "transfers", "transmits", "trusts", "turns over", "vests" ], "near synonyms":[ "confers", "grants", "assigns", "deals (out)", "dispenses", "disperses", "distributes", "divides", "hands in", "releases", "relinquishes", "submits", "surrenders", "turns in", "yields", "bequeaths", "hands down", "hands on", "wills", "advances", "lends", "loans", "furnishes", "supplies", "recommits", "redelivers", "retransfers", "retransmits" ], "near antonyms":[ "detains", "holds back", "reserves", "withholds", "owns", "possesses", "accepts", "receives", "takes in", "occupies", "takes", "takes over" ], "antonyms":[ "holds", "keeps", "retains" ] }, "type":[ "verb" ] }, "repossessions":{ "the act or process of getting 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"adjective" ] }, "represent":{ "to point out the chief quality or qualities of an individual or group":{ "antonyms":[], "examples":[ "the writer of the magazine article represented the students at the academy as a bunch of spoiled brats" ], "near antonyms":[], "related":[ "categorize", "classify", "pigeonhole", "type", "color", "identify", "indicate", "name", "specify", "distinguish", "individualize", "mark", "particularize", "stamp" ], "synonyms":[ "character", "characterize", "define", "depict", "describe", "portray" ] }, "to present a picture of":{ "antonyms":[], "examples":[ "a painting representing the ocean at sunrise" ], "near antonyms":[], "related":[ "delineate", "describe", "document", "render", "outline", "silhouette", "sketch", "illustrate", "show", "diagram", "caricature" ], "synonyms":[ "depict", "image", "picture", "portray" ] }, "to serve as a material counterpart of":{ "antonyms":[], "examples":[ "this orange represents the sun and this pea represents the Earth" ], 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"scored", "tongue-lashed", "upbraided" ] }, "to criticize (someone) usually gently so as to correct a fault":{ "antonyms":[], "examples":[ "reprimanded the student for using the lax grammar and punctuation of text messaging in a term paper" ], "near antonyms":[ "approved", "endorsed", "indorsed", "OK'd", "okayed", "sanctioned", "applauded", "extolled", "hailed", "lauded", "praised", "saluted", "touted" ], "related":[ "berated", "castigated", "chewed out", "dressed down", "flayed", "harangued", "jawed", "keelhauled", "lambasted", "lectured", "railed (at or against)", "rated", "scolded", "scored", "upbraided", "abused", "assailed", "attacked", "bad-mouthed", "blamed", "blasted", "censured", "condemned", "criticized", "crucified", "denounced", "dissed", "excoriated", "faulted", "knocked", "lashed", "panned", "reprehended", "slammed", "belittled", "deprecated", "disparaged", "minimized", "mocked", "put down", "derided", "ridiculed", "scoffed", "scorned" ], "synonyms":[ "admonished", 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"affecting", "causing", "drawing", "effecting" ], "antonyms":[] }, "to speak or write in reaction to a question or to another reaction":{ "examples":[ "please reply to my question at your earliest convenience" ], "synonyms":[ "answering", "coming back", "rejoining", "responding", "retorting", "returning", "riposting" ], "near synonyms":[ "acknowledging", "commenting", "communicating", "corresponding", "reacting", "remarking", "countering", "defending", "denying", "explaining", "fielding", "rebutting", "refuting" ], "near antonyms":[ "challenging", "cross-examining", "examining", "grilling", "interrogating", "pumping", "quizzing", "polling", "querying", "surveying" ], "antonyms":[ "asking", "inquiring", "questioning" ] }, "type":[ "verb" ] }, "repellents":{ "causing intense displeasure, disgust, or resentment":{ "examples":[ "your snobbish behavior towards my friends is so repellent I can't stand to be around you anymore" ], "synonyms":[ "abhorrent", "abominable", "appalling", "awful", 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"esteems", "honors", "respects" ] }, "to criticize (someone) severely or angrily especially for personal failings":{ "examples":[ "our neighbor loudly reproached us for tromping through his yard" ], "synonyms":[ "bastes", "bawls out", "berates", "calls down", "castigates", "chastises", "chews out", "dresses down", "flays", "hammers", "jaws", "keelhauls", "lambastes", "lambasts", "lectures", "rags", "rails (at or against)", "rants (at)", "rates", "reams (out)", "rebukes", "reprimands", "scolds", "scores", "tongue-lashes", "upbraids" ], "near synonyms":[ "admonishes", "chides", "remonstrates (with)", "reproves", "abuses", "assails", "attacks", "bad-mouths", "blames", "blasts", "censures", "condemns", "criticizes", "crucifies", "denounces", "disses", "excoriates", "faults", "harangues", "knocks", "laces (into)", "lashes", "pans", "reprehends", "reviles", "scourges", "slams", "vituperates", "belittles", "disparages", "mocks", "puts down", "ridicules", "scoffs", "scorns" ], "near 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"noun", "verb" ] }, "replant":{ "as in transplant":{ "examples":[], "synonyms":[], "near synonyms":[ "transplant", "bed", "broadcast", "scatter", "drill", "plant", "put in", "seed", "sow", "pot", "overseed", "reseed" ], "near antonyms":[ "gather", "harvest", "reap" ], "antonyms":[] }, "type":[ "verb" ] }, "reprover":{ "as in scold , haranguer":{ "examples":[], "synonyms":[], "near synonyms":[ "admonisher", "haranguer", "railer", "ranter", "rebuker", "reproacher", "scold", "upbraider", "criticaster", "hairsplitter", "pettifogger", "quibbler", "bellyacher", "complainer", "crybaby", "fusser", "griper", "grouch", "grouser", "grumbler", "whiner", "assailant", "attacker", "crucifier", "belittler", "decrier", "denigrator", "derider", "detractor", "condemner", "condemnor", "denouncer", "carper", "castigator", "caviler", "caviller", "censurer", "critic", "criticizer", "disparager", "faultfinder", "hypercritic", "knocker", "niggler", "nitpicker" ], "near antonyms":[ "commender", "praiser" ], "antonyms":[] }, "type":[ "noun" ] }, "repeat":{ "to say or state again":{ "examples":[ "I repeated the address over and over until I had it memorized" ], "synonyms":[ "chime", "din", "iterate", "rehearse", "reiterate" ], "near synonyms":[ "paraphrase", "reword", "echo", "reecho", "mouth", "parrot", "abstract", "encapsulate", "epitomize", "outline", "recap", "recapitulate", "summarize", "sum up" ], "near antonyms":[], "antonyms":[] }, "to give from memory":{ "examples":[ "repeated correctly all the verses she had memorized" ], "synonyms":[ "recite", "reel off", "say" ], "near synonyms":[ "con", "learn", "memorize", "study", "declaim", "mouth", "orate", "speak" ], "near antonyms":[ "read" ], "antonyms":[] }, "to say after another":{ "examples":[ "now repeat the oath after me" ], "synonyms":[ "ditto", "echo", "parrot", "quote", "reecho" ], "near synonyms":[ "mouth", "ape", "copy", "copycat", "emulate", "imitate", "mime", "mimic" ], "near antonyms":[], "antonyms":[] }, "to make or do 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"dyed-in-the-wool", "habitual", "inveterate", "deep-rooted", "deep-seated", "entrenched", "intrenched", "inbred", "inherent", "innate", "intrinsic", "apt", "inclined", "prone", "mulish", "obstinate", "set", "stubborn" ], "near antonyms":[ "unaccustomed", "unused", "intermittent", "occasional" ], "antonyms":[] }, "type":[ "adjective", "noun", "verb" ] }, "repines (for)":{ "to have an earnest wish to own or enjoy":{ "examples":[ "during the deep cold of winter, I repine for warm tropical beaches" ], "synonyms":[ "aches (for)", "covets", "craves", "desiderates", "desires", "dies (for)", "hankers (for or after)", "hungers (for)", "itches (for)", "joneses (for)", "longs (for)", "lusts (for or after)", "pants (after)", "pines (for)", "salivates (for)", "sighs (for)", "thirsts (for)", "wants", "wishes (for)", "yearns (for)", "yens (for)" ], "near synonyms":[ "spoils (for)", "adores", "delights (in)", "digs", "enjoys", "fancies", "grooves (on)", "likes", "loves", "relishes", "revels (in)", "favors", "prefers", "admires", "appreciates", "cherishes", "prizes", "treasures", "values" ], "near antonyms":[ "abhors", "abominates", "despises", "detests", "execrates", "hates", "loathes", "declines", "refuses", "rejects", "spurns" ], "antonyms":[] }, "type":[ "verb" ] }, "replies":{ "to act or behave in response (as to a stimulus or influence)":{ "examples":[ "replied to the news that she had won the scholarship by jumping around the room and cheering" ], "synonyms":[ "reacts", "responds" ], "near synonyms":[ "answers", "returns", "retaliates", "construes", "interprets", "reads", "takes", "understands", "contends (with)", "copes (with)", "grapples (with)", "handles", "manages", "negotiates" ], "near antonyms":[ "acts", "behaves", "affects", "causes", "draws", "effects" ], "antonyms":[] }, "to speak or write in reaction to a question or to another reaction":{ "examples":[ "please reply to my question at your earliest convenience" ], "synonyms":[ "answers", "comes back", "rejoins", "responds", "retorts", "returns", "ripostes" ], "near synonyms":[ "acknowledges", "comments", "communicates", "corresponds", "reacts", "remarks", "counters", "defends", "denies", "explains", "fields", "rebuts", "refutes" ], "near antonyms":[ "challenges", "cross-examines", "examines", "grills", "interrogates", "pumps", "quizzes", "polls", "queries", "surveys" ], "antonyms":[ "asks", "inquires", "questions" ] }, "action or behavior that is done in return to other action or behavior":{ "examples":[ "decided the best reply to a wrongful discharge from employment was a lawsuit claiming discrimination" ], "synonyms":[ "answers", "reactions", "responses", "takes" ], "near synonyms":[ "backlashes", "kickbacks", "rebounds", "recoils", "reflexes", "revulsions", "rises", "counterreactions", "counter-reactions", "counterresponses", "counter-responses" ], "near antonyms":[ "actions", "behaviors", "causes", "effects" ], "antonyms":[] }, "something spoken or written in reaction especially to a 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