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"demimondaine", "demirep", "odalisque", "prostitute", "whore", "girlfriend" ], "near antonyms":[], "antonyms":[] }, "type":[ "noun" ] }, "other women":{ "a female other than his wife with whom a married man has a continuing sexual relationship":{ "examples":[ "tired of being the other woman , she gave him an ultimatum: divorce his wife or take a hike" ], "synonyms":[ "concubines", "doxies", "mistresses" ], "near synonyms":[ "lovers", "paramours", "courtesans", "demimondaines", "demireps", "odalisques", "prostitutes", "whores", "girlfriends" ], "near antonyms":[], "antonyms":[] }, "type":[ "noun" ] }, "other-directed":{ "as in greathearted , self-doubting":{ "examples":[], "synonyms":[], "near synonyms":[ "altruistic", "beneficent", "benevolent", "charitable", "generous", "greathearted", "humanitarian", "magnanimous", "philanthropic", "philanthropical", "self-denying", "self-giving", "self-sacrificing", "self-forgetful", "self-forgetting", "selfless", "unselfish", "self-questioning", "self-reflective", "diffident", "self-doubting", "self-flagellating" ], "near antonyms":[ "egocentric", "egoistic", "egoistical", "egomaniacal", "egotistic", "egotistical", "narcissistic", "self-absorbed", "self-centered", "self-concerned", "self-infatuated", "self-interested", "self-involved", "selfish", "self-loving", "self-obsessed", "self-oriented", "self-preoccupied", "self-regarding", "self-seeking", "self-serving", "solipsistic", "inner-directed", "complacent", "conceited", "overweening", "pompous", "prideful", "proud", "self-complacent", "self-conceited", "self-contented", "self-directed", "self-glorifying", "self-important", "self-indulgent", "self-opinionated", "self-pleased", "self-satisfied", "smug", "vain", "vainglorious" ], "antonyms":[] }, "type":[ "adjective" ] }, "otherworld":{ "as in afterworld":{ "examples":[], "synonyms":[], "near synonyms":[ "afterworld", "afterlife", "beyond", "eternity", "hereafter", "immortality" ], "near antonyms":[], "antonyms":[] }, "type":[ "noun" ] }, "otherwise":{ "in a different way":{ "examples":[ "the candidate was gracious in his defeat, though he clearly wished the election had gone otherwise" ], "synonyms":[ "differently", "else", "other (than)" ], "near synonyms":[ "dissimilarly", "diversely", "variously" ], "near antonyms":[ "similarly" ], "antonyms":[ "likewise" ] }, "type":[ "adverb" ] }, "other (than)":{ "in a different way":{ "examples":[ "we cannot make it to the party other than by canceling the previous engagement" ], "synonyms":[ "differently", "else", "otherwise" ], "near synonyms":[ "dissimilarly", "diversely", "variously" ], "near antonyms":[ "similarly" ], "antonyms":[ "likewise" ] }, "not including":{ "examples":[ "other than a new jacket, I bought no special clothes for the wedding" ], "synonyms":[ "apart from", "aside from", "bar", "barring", "beside", "besides", "but", "except", "excepting", "except for", "excluding", "exclusive of", "outside", "outside of", "save", "saving" ], "near 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