{ "liaison":{ "the fact or state of having something in common":{ "examples":[ "a variety of political factions are attracted to that presidential contender, but there doesn't appear to be much of a liaison between them and the candidate" ], "synonyms":[ "affinity", "association", "bearing", "connection", "kinship", "linkage", "relation", "relationship" ], "near synonyms":[ "correlation", "interrelation", "materiality", "pertinence", "relevance", "bond", "link", "tie", "affiliation", "alliance", "union", "identicalness", "sameness", "alikeness", "community", "likeness", "resemblance", "similarity", "accordance", "agreement", "conformity", "congruity", "correspondence" ], "near antonyms":[ "variability", "variance", "incompatibility", "incongruence", "incongruity", "incongruousness" ], "antonyms":[] }, "the state of having shared interests or efforts (as in social or business matters)":{ "examples":[ "the strong liaison between the parents and teachers is based on the fact that both have the students' best interests at heart" ], "synonyms":[ "affiliation", "alliance", "association", "collaboration", "confederation", "connection", "cooperation", "hookup", "linkup", "partnership", "relation", "relationship", "tie-up", "union" ], "near synonyms":[ "business", "dealings", "interaction", "exchange", "interconnection", "interrelation", "mutualism", "reciprocity", "symbiosis", "incorporation", "integration", "merger", "unification", "affinity", "attachment", "closeness", "intimacy", "rapport", "sympathy", "kinship", "oneness", "solidarity", "togetherness", "unity", "colleagueship", "companionship", "company", "fellowship", "bed", "cahoots", "league" ], "near antonyms":[ "breakup", "dissolution", "disunion", "division", "parting", "separation", "severance", "split", "alienation", "divorce", "estrangement" ], "antonyms":[ "disaffiliation", "dissociation" ] }, "type":[ "noun" ] }, "liabilities":{ "something (as money) which is owed":{ "examples":[ "your liabilities total about $200,000" ], "synonyms":[ "arrearage", "arrears", "debt", "indebtedness", "obligation", "score" ], "related":[ "bond", "debit", "delinquency", "bankruptcy", "default", "embarrassment", "insolvency" ], "near antonyms":[ "quietus", "quittance", "repayment", "asset" ], "antonyms":[] }, "type":[ "noun" ] }, "liable":{ "being in a situation where one is likely to meet with harm":{ "examples":[ "because of his frail constitution, he's liable to diseases" ], "synonyms":[ "endangered", "exposed", "open", "sensitive", "subject (to)", "susceptible", "vulnerable" ], "near synonyms":[ "likely", "prone", "uncovered", "undefended", "unguarded", "unprotected", "unscreened", "unsecured" ], "near antonyms":[ "covered", "guarded", "protected", "safeguarded", "screened", "secured", "sheltered", "shielded", "warded" ], "antonyms":[ "insusceptible", "invulnerable", "unexposed", "unsusceptible" ] }, "being the one who must meet an obligation or suffer the consequences for failing to do so":{ "examples":[ "the owner of a pet is liable for any damage that that pet might do" ], "synonyms":[ "accountable", "amenable", "answerable", "responsible" ], "near synonyms":[ "beholden", "indebted", "obligated", "obliged" ], "near antonyms":[ "exempt", "immune" ], "antonyms":[ "irresponsible", "nonaccountable", "unaccountable" ] }, "type":[ "adjective" ] }, "liar":{ "a person who tells lies":{ "examples":[ "she knew he was a liar when he started claiming that he was an astronaut" ], "synonyms":[ "fabricator", "fabulist", "fibber", "prevaricator", "storyteller" ], "near synonyms":[ "exaggerator", "mythomaniac", "calumniator", "defamer", "libeler", "libelist", "slanderer", "perjurer", "distorter", "falsifier", "equivocator", "palterer", "gossip", "gossiper", "talebearer", "charlatan", "cheat", "cheater", "counterfeiter", "cozener", "deceiver", "defrauder", "dissembler", "dissimulator", "double-dealer", "fraud", "hustler", "knave", "mountebank", "operator", "pretender" ], "near antonyms":[ "square shooter" ], "antonyms":[] }, "type":[ "noun" ] }, "liars":{ "a person who tells lies":{ "examples":[ "she knew he was a liar when he started claiming that he was an astronaut" ], "synonyms":[ "fabricators", "fabulists", "fibbers", "prevaricators", "storytellers" ], "near synonyms":[ "exaggerators", "mythomaniacs", "calumniators", "defamers", "libelers", "libelists", "slanderers", "perjurers", "distorters", "falsifiers", "equivocators", "palterers", "gossipers", "gossips", "talebearers", "charlatans", "cheaters", "cheats", "counterfeiters", "cozeners", "deceivers", "defrauders", "dissemblers", "dissimulators", "double-dealers", "frauds", "hustlers", "knaves", "mountebanks", "operators", "pretenders" ], "near antonyms":[ "square shooters" ], "antonyms":[] }, "type":[ "noun" ] } }