{ "giddy":{ "lacking in seriousness or maturity":{ "examples":[ "the giddy youngsters continued to laugh, joke, and make faces during the ceremonies", "the old guy's having an affair with a giddy twentysomething" ], "synonyms":[ "birdbrained", "ditzy", "ditsy", "dizzy", "featherbrained", "flighty", "frivolous", "frothy", "futile", "goofy", "harebrained", "light-headed", "light-minded", "puerile", "scatterbrained", "silly", "yeasty" ], "near synonyms":[ "fatuous", "foolish", "inane", "nonsensical", "thoughtless", "witless", "crazy", "daffy", "daft", "fruity", "exuberant", "flippant", "fluttery", "giggly", "happy", "light", "lighthearted", "playful", "sappy", "shallow", "superficial" ], "near antonyms":[ "grave", "melancholy", "somber", "sombre", "thoughtful", "dignified", "heavy", "no-nonsense", "sedate", "severe", "solemn", "staid" ], "antonyms":[ "earnest", "serious", "serious-minded", "sober", "unfrivolous" ] }, "having a feeling of being whirled about and in danger of falling down":{ "examples":[ "I love the giddy feeling you get riding roller coasters" ], "synonyms":[ "aswoon", "dizzy", "light-headed", "reeling", "swimmy", "vertiginous", "whirling", "woozy" ], "near synonyms":[ "faint", "weak", "addled", "befuddled", "confused", "dazed", "groggy" ], "near antonyms":[ "clearheaded", "stable", "steady" ], "antonyms":[] }, "experiencing or marked by overwhelming usually pleasurable emotion":{ "examples":[ "he's clearly giddy at the news that his ailing grandfather will be fine" ], "synonyms":[ "ecstatic", "elated", "elevated", "enrapt", "enraptured", "entranced", "euphoric", "exhilarated", "heady", "intoxicated", "rapt", "rapturous", "rhapsodic", "rhapsodical" ], "near synonyms":[ "enchanted", "exultant", "glorying", "jubilant", "rejoicing", "triumphant", "enthusiastic", "excited", "gung ho", "thrilled", "blissed-out", "blissful", "delighted", "glad", "gratified", "happy", "joyful", "joyous", "pleased", "satisfied", "tickled" ], "near antonyms":[ "blue", "brokenhearted", "crestfallen", "dejected", "despondent", "disconsolate", "disheartened", "doleful", "down", "downcast", "downhearted", "forlorn", "gloomy", "glum", "hangdog", "heartbroken", "heartsick", "heartsore", "inconsolable", "joyless", "low", "low-spirited", "melancholy", "miserable", "mournful", "sad", "saddened", "sorrowful", "sorry", "unhappy", "woebegone", "woeful", "wretched" ], "antonyms":[ "depressed" ] }, "type":[ "adjective" ] } }