{ "ebullition":{ "a sudden intense expression of strong feeling":{ "examples":[ "the earsplitting ebullition of the fans following the from-the-jaws-of-defeat victory" ], "synonyms":[ "agony", "blaze", "burst", "eruption", "explosion", "fit", "flare", "flare-up", "flash", "flush", "gale", "gush", "gust", "outburst", "paroxysm", "spasm", "storm" ], "near synonyms":[ "blowup", "grouch", "rage", "tantrum", "ecstasy", "rapture", "transport", "delirium", "firestorm", "frenzy", "furor" ], "near antonyms":[], "antonyms":[] }, "type":[ "noun" ] }, "ebullience":{ "the quality of being cheerful and full of energy":{ "examples":[ "The children's ebullience was charming at first, but it could be tiring after a few hours." ], "synonyms":[], "near synonyms":[ "eagerness", "ebulliency", "enthusiasm", "keenness", "spiritedness", "buoyancy", "jauntiness", "springiness", "brightness", "cheer", "cheerfulness", "chirpiness", "effervescence", "friskiness", "pizzazz", "pizazz", "sparkle", "spirit", "verve", "vivaciousness", "vivacity", "impishness", "pertness", "playfulness", "ambition", "beans", "bounce", "brio", "dash", "drive", "dynamism", "energy", "esprit", "gas", "get-up-and-go", "ginger", "go", "gusto", "hardihood", "juice", "life", "moxie", "oomph", "pep", "punch", "sap", "snap", "starch", "vigor", "vim", "vinegar", "vitality", "zest", "zing", "zip", "animation", "briskness", "exuberance", "jazziness", "liveliness", "lustiness", "peppiness", "robustness", "sprightliness", "vibrance", "vibrancy", "vigorousness" ], "near antonyms":[ "indolence", "laziness", "anemia", "bloodlessness", "languidness", "languor", "lethargy", "limpness", "listlessness", "sleepiness", "sluggishness", "spiritlessness", "torpidity", "torpor", "weariness", "apathy", "impassivity", "dullness", "dulness", "pallidness", "tediousness", "tedium", "vapidity", "vapidness", "inactivity", "lifelessness" ], "antonyms":[] }, "type":[ "noun" ] }, "ebullitions":{ "a sudden intense expression of strong feeling":{ "examples":[ "the earsplitting ebullition of the fans following the from-the-jaws-of-defeat victory" ], "synonyms":[ "agonies", "blazes", "bursts", "eruptions", "explosions", "fits", "flares", "flare-ups", "flashes", "flushes", "gales", "gushes", "gusts", "outbursts", "paroxysms", "spasms", "storms" ], "near synonyms":[ "blowups", "grouches", "rages", "tantrums", "ecstasies", "raptures", "transports", "deliriums", "firestorms", "frenzies", "furors" ], "near antonyms":[], "antonyms":[] }, "type":[ "noun" ] } }