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"examples":[ "cracked the bow of the ship with a champagne bottle" ], "near antonyms":[], "related":[ "batter", "beat", "buffet", "bung", "chop", "cuff", "drub", "lace", "lambaste", "lambast", "lick", "mangle", "maul", "pelt", "pepper", "pommel", "pummel", "rough", "scuff", "bunt", "flick", "stroke", "tap", "bump", "butt", "jab", "jostle", "kick", "knee", "poke", "prod", "push", "shove", "stamp", "bowl (down or over)", "cream", "deck", "dump", "fell", "floor", "knock down", "level", "rabbit-punch", "sucker punch", "cane", "club", "cudgel", "flail", "flog", "lash", "sap", "slash", "sledge", "sledgehammer", "spear", "stab", "switch", "thrash", "whip", "bean", "brain", "conk", "skull" ], "synonyms":[ "bang", "bash", "bat", "belt", "biff", "bludgeon", "bob", "bonk", "bop", "box", "bust", "clap", "clip", "clobber", "clock", "clout", "hammer", "hit", "knock", "nail", "paste", "pound", "punch", "rap", "slam", "slap", "slog", "slug", "smack", "smite", "sock", "strike", "swat", "swipe", "tag", "thump", "thwack", "wallop", "whack", "whale", "zap" ] }, "to find an answer for through reasoning":{ "antonyms":[], "examples":[ "I've been mulling this riddle, but I just can't crack it" ], "near antonyms":[], "related":[ "conclude", "decide", "deduce", "gather", "infer", "judge", "reason", "clear (up)", "iron out", "straighten (out)", "unscramble", "untangle", "untie", "assume", "conjecture", "divine", "guess", "presume", "speculate", "decipher", "decode" ], "synonyms":[ "answer", "break", "dope (out)", "figure out", "puzzle (out)", "resolve", "riddle (out)", "solve", "unravel", "unriddle", "work", "work out" ] }, "to yield to mental or emotional stress":{ "antonyms":[], "examples":[ "after hours of tough questioning the suspect finally cracked and blurted out a confession" ], "near antonyms":[], "related":[ "choke" ], "synonyms":[ "break down", "break up", "flip (out)", "freak (out)", "melt down", "wig (out)" ] }, "type":[ "adjective", "noun", "verb" ] }, "crack (on)":{ "to proceed 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"scantily", "barely", "hardly", "just", "marginally", "minimally", "scarcely" ], "antonyms":[ "little", "negligibly", "nominally", "slightly", "somewhat" ] }, "to break suddenly with an explosive sound":{ "examples":[ "the tree branch unexpectedly cracked under our weight" ], "synonyms":[ "popping", "snapping" ], "near synonyms":[ "rending", "riving", "splitting", "crackling", "hissing", "sizzling", "sputtering", "bursting", "exploding", "shattering", "clacking", "clattering", "clicking" ], "near antonyms":[], "antonyms":[] }, "to yield to mental or emotional stress":{ "examples":[ "after hours of tough questioning the suspect finally cracked and blurted out a confession" ], "synonyms":[ "breaking down", "breaking up", "flipping (out)", "freaking (out)", "melting down", "wigging (out)" ], "near synonyms":[ "choking" ], "near antonyms":[], "antonyms":[] }, "to change (as a secret message) from code into ordinary language":{ "examples":[ "the United States military used the Navajo 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"antonyms":[] }, "to find an answer for through reasoning":{ "examples":[ "I've been mulling this riddle, but I just can't crack it" ], "synonyms":[ "answering", "breaking", "doping (out)", "figuring out", "puzzling (out)", "resolving", "riddling (out)", "solving", "unraveling", "unriddling", "working", "working out" ], "near synonyms":[ "concluding", "deciding", "deducing", "gathering", "inferring", "judging", "reasoning", "clearing (up)", "ironing out", "straightening (out)", "unscrambling", "untangling", "untying", "untieing", "assuming", "conjecturing", "divining", "guessing", "presuming", "speculating", "deciphering", "decoding" ], "near antonyms":[], "antonyms":[] }, "to cause to go insane or as if insane":{ "examples":[ "cracked by years in solitary confinement, the prisoner could only maunder incoherently" ], "synonyms":[ "crazing", "deranging", "frenzying", "locoing", "maddening", "unbalancing", "unhinging", "unstringing" ], "near synonyms":[ "agitating", "bothering", 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"verb" ] }, "crake":{ "as in screech , cluck":{ "examples":[], "synonyms":[], "near synonyms":[ "bark", "bay", "bellow", "blat", "bleat", "bray", "cackle", "calling", "caterwaul", "caw", "cheep", "chirp", "cluck", "coo", "croak", "crow", "grunt", "honk", "hoot", "howl", "low", "meow", "miaow", "mew", "moo", "neigh", "oink", "peep", "quack", "roar", "screech", "squall", "squawk", "squeak", "squeal", "trumpet", "tu-whit tu-whoo", "twitter", "whinny", "yap", "yelp", "yip", "yowl", "call", "cry", "note" ], "near antonyms":[], "antonyms":[] }, "type":[ "noun" ] }, "cravens":{ "a person who shows a shameful lack of courage in the face of danger":{ "examples":[ "a craven who ran away and left everyone else behind to deal with the crisis" ], "synonyms":[ "chickens", "cowards", "curs", "dastards", "funks", "poltroons", "recreants", "sissies" ], "near synonyms":[ "defeatists", "quitters", "cream puffs", "milquetoasts", "pushovers", "pussies", "weaklings", "wimps", "caitiffs", "snakes", "sneaks", 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