{ "wud":{ "having or showing a very abnormal or sick state of mind":{ "antonyms":[ "balanced", "compos mentis", "sane", "sound", "uncrazy" ], "examples":[ "an old miser whose obsession with money had driven him wud" ], "near antonyms":[ "clear", "lucid", "rational", "reasonable", "judicious", "sensible", "wise", "healthy", "normal", "well-adjusted", "unneurotic" ], "related":[ "dotty", "fey", "loopy", "off", "potty", "teched", "tetched", "touched", "aberrant", "delirious", "delusional", "delusionary", "disordered", "disturbed", "neurotic", "obsessive-compulsive", "paranoiac", "paranoic", "paranoid", "paranoidal", "schizoid", "schizophrenic", "sociopathic", "eccentric", "odd", "oddball", "pixilated", "pixillated", "queer", "strange", "foolish", "senseless", "witless", "irrational", "unreasonable", "amok", "amuck", "ape", "ballistic", "bananas", "berserk", "nuclear", "depressed", "distracted", "distraught", "frantic", "frenzied", "hysterical", "hysteric", "raving", "wigged-out", "fixated", "monomaniac", "monomaniacal", "obsessed" ], "synonyms":[ "balmy", "barmy", "bats", "batty", "bedlam", "bonkers", "brainsick", "bughouse", "certifiable", "crackbrained", "cracked", "crackers", "crackpot", "cranky", "crazed", "crazy", "cuckoo", "daffy", "daft", "demented", "deranged", "fruity", "gaga", "haywire", "insane", "kooky", "kookie", "loco", "loony", "looney", "loony tunes", "looney tunes", "lunatic", "mad", "maniacal", "maniac", "mental", "meshuga", "meshugge", "meshugah", "meshuggah", "moonstruck", "non compos mentis", "nuts", "nutty", "psycho", "psychotic", "scatty", "screwy", "unbalanced", "unhinged", "unsound", "wacko", "whacko", "wacky", "whacky" ] }, "type":[ "adjective" ] }, "wurst":{ "a rod-shaped portion of seasoned ground meat in a casing":{ "antonyms":[], "examples":[ "spicy wurst mixed with chopped potatoes is delicious" ], "near antonyms":[], "related":[ "bologna", "frank", "frankfurter", "hot dog", "kielbasa", "knockwurst", "knackwurst", "liver sausage", "liver pudding", "liverwurst", "pepperoni", "salami", "Vienna sausage", "weenie", "wiener", "weiner", "wienerwurst", "blood sausage", "blood pudding" ], "synonyms":[ "banger", "link", "sausage" ] }, "type":[ "noun" ] }, "wursts":{ "a rod-shaped portion of seasoned ground meat in a casing":{ "antonyms":[], "examples":[ "spicy wurst mixed with chopped potatoes is delicious" ], "near antonyms":[], "related":[ "bolognas", "frankfurters", "franks", "hot dogs", "kielbasas", "kielbasy", "knockwursts", "knackwursts", "liver sausages", "liver puddings", "liverwursts", "pepperonis", "salamis", "Vienna sausages", "weenies", "wieners", "weiners", "wienerwursts", "blood sausages", "blood puddings" ], "synonyms":[ "bangers", "links", "sausages" ] }, "type":[ "noun" ] } }