{ "kvells":{ "to feel or express joy or triumph":{ "antonyms":[], "examples":[ "proud grandparents who kvell over every thing that their precious little darlings do" ], "near antonyms":[ "bemoans", "bewails", "grieves", "laments", "regrets", "weeps" ], "related":[ "gloats", "preens", "swells", "boasts", "brags", "flaunts", "parades", "shows off", "struts", "swaggers" ], "synonyms":[ "crows", "delights", "exuberates", "exults", "glories", "joys", "jubilates", "rejoices", "triumphs" ] }, "type":[ "verb" ] }, "kvetches":{ "a person who makes frequent complaints usually about little things":{ "antonyms":[], "examples":[ "according to the kvetch on the bus tour, there was little about Europe that was satisfactory" ], "near antonyms":[ "happy campers" ], "related":[ "bawlers", "bleaters", "moaners", "screamers", "squawkers", "wailers", "weepers", "crabs", "grumps", "malcontents" ], "synonyms":[ "babies", "bellyachers", "complainers", "crybabies", "fussbudgets", "fussers", "fusspots", "gripers", "grumblers", "kvetchers", "snivelers", "whiners" ] }, "an expression of dissatisfaction, pain, or resentment":{ "antonyms":[], "examples":[ "vainly hoped that his coworker would spare him another kvetch about being overworked" ], "near antonyms":[ "commendations", "compliments", "plaudits", "acclaim", "applauses", "praises", "approvals", "endorsements", "indorsements", "sanctions" ], "related":[ "challenges", "demurs", "expostulations", "kicks", "niggles", "objections", "protests", "quibbles", "remonstrances", "stinks" ], "synonyms":[ "beefs", "bitches", "bleats", "carps", "complaints", "fusses", "grievances", "gripes", "grouches", "grouses", "grumbles", "hollers", "laments", "misereres", "moans", "murmurs", "plaints", "squawks", "wails", "whimpers", "whines", "whinges", "yammers" ] }, "to express dissatisfaction, pain, or resentment usually tiresomely":{ "antonyms":[ "crows", "delights", "rejoices" ], "examples":[ "a chronically resentful person who seems to look for things to kvetch about" ], "near antonyms":[ "accepts", "bears", "countenances", "endures", "takes", "tolerates", "applauds", "cheers", "commends" ], "related":[ "objects (to)", "protests", "quarrels (with)", "cavils", "quibbles", "frets", "stews", "worries", "blubbers", "cries", "sobs", "bemoans", "bewails", "deplores", "laments" ], "synonyms":[ "beefs", "bellyaches", "bitches", "bleats", "carps", "caterwauls", "complains", "crabs", "croaks", "fusses", "gripes", "grizzles", "grouches", "grouses", "growls", "grumbles", "grumps", "hollers", "inveighs", "keens", "kicks", "maunders", "moans", "murmurs", "mutters", "nags", "repines", "screams", "squawks", "squeals", "wails", "whimpers", "whines", "whinges", "yammers", "yawps", "yaups", "yowls" ] }, "type":[ "noun", "verb" ] }, "kvetching":{ "as in complaining , grumbling":{ "examples":[], "synonyms":[], "near synonyms":[ "complaining", "fussing", "griping", "grumbling", "protesting", "squawking", "whining", "uncompromising", "unforgiving", "unyielding", "impatient", "intolerant" ], "near antonyms":[ "abiding", "enduring", "forbearing", "patient", "tolerant", "accepting", "forgiving", "long-suffering", "resigned", "uncomplaining", "willing", "indulgent" ], "antonyms":[] }, "to express dissatisfaction, pain, or resentment usually tiresomely":{ "examples":[ "a chronically resentful person who seems to look for things to kvetch about" ], "synonyms":[ "beefing", "bellyaching", "bitching", "bleating", "carping", "caterwauling", "complaining", "crabbing", "croaking", "fussing", "griping", "grizzling", "grouching", "grousing", "growling", "grumbling", "grumping", "hollering", "inveighing", "keening", "kicking", "maundering", "moaning", "murmuring", "muttering", "nagging", "repining", "screaming", "squawking", "squealing", "wailing", "whimpering", "whinging", "whingeing", "whining", "yammering", "yawping", "yauping", "yowling" ], "near synonyms":[ "objecting (to)", "protesting", "quarreling (with)", "quarrelling (with)", "caviling", "cavilling", "quibbling", "fretting", "stewing", "worrying", "blubbering", "crying", "sobbing", "bemoaning", "bewailing", "deploring", "lamenting" ], "near antonyms":[ "accepting", "bearing", "countenancing", "enduring", "taking", "tolerating", "applauding", "cheering", "commending" ], "antonyms":[ "crowing", "delighting", "rejoicing" ] }, "type":[ "adjective", "verb" ] } }