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"tear", "travel", "trot", "whirl", "whisk", "zip", "zoom" ] }, "to take sudden, violent action against":{ "antonyms":[], "examples":[ "one goat suddenly rushed the other and knocked it down" ], "near antonyms":[ "cover", "defend", "guard", "protect", "secure", "shield" ], "related":[ "bum-rush", "gang up (on)", "mob", "swarm", "mug", "rob", "ambuscade", "ambush", "surprise", "surprize", "waylay", "blitz", "bomb", "bombard", "nuke", "barrage", "cannon", "cannonade", "bang away (at)", "batter", "buffet", "plaster", "beleaguer", "besiege", "press", "harry", "loot", "pillage", "plunder", "ravage", "sack", "foray", "invade", "overrun", "envelop", "flank" ], "synonyms":[ "assail", "assault", "attack", "beset", "bushwhack", "charge", "descend (on or upon)", "go in (on)", "jump (on)", "pounce (on or upon)", "raid", "set on", "sic", "sick", "storm", "strike", "trash", "turn (on)" ] }, "type":[ "adjective", "noun", "verb" ] }, "rusted":{ "to form rust":{ "antonyms":[], "examples":[ "The old car 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"annoyers", "disturbers", "harassers", "mischiefs", "offenders", "pandora's boxes" ], "near antonyms":[ "delights", "joys", "pleasures" ], "antonyms":[] }, "to disturb the peace of mind of (someone) especially by repeated disagreeable acts":{ "examples":[ "the stream of minor complaints finally ruffled him into snapping, \"If you don't like the way I'm doing it, do it yourself!\"" ], "synonyms":[ "aggravates", "annoys", "bothers", "bugs", "burns (up)", "chafes", "eats", "exasperates", "frosts", "galls", "gets", "grates", "gripes", "hacks (off)", "irks", "irritates", "itches", "narks", "nettles", "peeves", "persecutes", "piques", "puts out", "rasps", "riles", "spites", "vexes" ], "near synonyms":[ "hassles", "heckles", "nags", "inflames", "enflames", "provokes", "rouses", "badgers", "baits", "bullyrags", "ballyrags", "devils", "hagrides", "harasses", "harries", "pesters", "plagues", "teases", "angers", "antagonizes", "enrages", "incenses", "infuriates", "maddens", "rankles", "roils", 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"type":[ "noun", "verb" ] } }