{ "Eurytomidae":{ "antonyms":[], "definitions":{ ": a family of black or black and yellowish chalcid flies which have the abdomen rounded and compressed and some of which are parasitic on other insects while others are plant feeders and important pests especially of grains \u2014 see jointworm":[] }, "examples":[], "first_known_use":{}, "history_and_etymology":{ "New Latin, from Eurytoma , type genus (from eury- + -toma ) + -idae":"" }, "pronounciation":[ "\u02ccyu\u0307r\u0259\u02c8t\u00e4m\u0259\u02ccd\u0113" ], "synonym_discussion":"", "synonyms":[], "time_of_retrieval":"20220707-105225", "type":[ "plural noun" ] }, "Eurytrema":{ "antonyms":[], "definitions":{ ": a genus of digenetic trematode worms (family Dicrocoeliidae) infesting the pancreatic and bile ducts of various ruminants, rodents, and primates chiefly in tropical areas":[] }, "examples":[], "first_known_use":{}, "history_and_etymology":{ "New Latin, from eury- + -trema":"" }, "pronounciation":[ "\u02ccyu\u0307r\u0259\u2027\u02c8tr\u0113m\u0259" ], "synonym_discussion":"", "synonyms":[], "time_of_retrieval":"20220706-111723", "type":[ "noun" ] }, "eurhythmic":{ "antonyms":[ "disharmonic", "disharmonious", "incongruous", "inharmonic", "inharmonious", "unbalanced" ], "definitions":{ ": harmonious":[], ": of or relating to eurythmy or eurythmics":[] }, "examples":[ "the ratio of the height of the temple's colonnade to the width of the entablature and pediment make for an eye-pleasing and eurythmic facade" ], "first_known_use":{ "1855, in the meaning defined at sense 1":"" }, "history_and_etymology":{}, "pronounciation":[ "yu\u0307-\u02c8rit\u035fh-mik" ], "synonym_discussion":"", "synonyms":[ "balanced", "congruous", "consonant", "harmonic", "harmonious" ], "time_of_retrieval":"20220707-100342", "type":[ "adjective" ] }, "eurythermal":{ "antonyms":[], "definitions":{ ": tolerating a wide range of temperature":[ "eurythermal animals" ] }, "examples":[], "first_known_use":{ "1881, in the meaning defined above":"" }, "history_and_etymology":{ "International Scientific Vocabulary":"" }, "pronounciation":[ "\u02ccyu\u0307r-i-\u02c8th\u0259r-m\u0259l" ], "synonym_discussion":"", "synonyms":[], "time_of_retrieval":"20220706-135448", "type":[ "adjective" ] }, "eurythermic":{ "antonyms":[], "definitions":{ ": eurythermal":[] }, "examples":[], "first_known_use":{ "1903, in the meaning defined above":"" }, "history_and_etymology":{ "International Scientific Vocabulary":"" }, "pronounciation":[ "\u02ccyu\u0307r-i-\u02c8th\u0259r-mik" ], "synonym_discussion":"", "synonyms":[], "time_of_retrieval":"20220708-102940", "type":[ "adjective" ] }, "eurythermous":{ "antonyms":[], "definitions":{ ": eurythermal":[] }, "examples":[], "first_known_use":{ "1940, in the meaning defined above":"" }, "history_and_etymology":{ "International Scientific Vocabulary":"" }, "pronounciation":[ "\u02ccyu\u0307r-i-\u02c8th\u0259r-m\u0259s" ], "synonym_discussion":"", "synonyms":[], "time_of_retrieval":"20220707-203725", "type":[ "adjective" ] }, "eurythmic":{ "antonyms":[ "disharmonic", "disharmonious", "incongruous", "inharmonic", "inharmonious", "unbalanced" ], "definitions":{ ": harmonious":[], ": of or relating to eurythmy or eurythmics":[] }, "examples":[ "the ratio of the height of the temple's colonnade to the width of the entablature and pediment make for an eye-pleasing and eurythmic facade" ], "first_known_use":{ "1855, in the meaning defined at sense 1":"" }, "history_and_etymology":{}, "pronounciation":[ "yu\u0307-\u02c8rit\u035fh-mik" ], "synonym_discussion":"", "synonyms":[ "balanced", "congruous", "consonant", "harmonic", "harmonious" ], "time_of_retrieval":"20220707-004306", "type":[ "adjective" ] }, "eurythmics":{ "antonyms":[], "definitions":{ ": the art of harmonious bodily movement especially through expressive timed movements in response to improvised music":[] }, "examples":[], "first_known_use":{ "1912, in the meaning defined above":"" }, "history_and_etymology":{}, "pronounciation":[ "yu\u0307-\u02c8rit\u035fh-miks" ], "synonym_discussion":"", "synonyms":[], "time_of_retrieval":"20220706-174627", "type":[ "noun, plural in form but singular or plural in construction" ] }, "eurythmy":{ "antonyms":[], "definitions":{ ": a system of harmonious body movement to the rhythm of spoken words":[] }, "examples":[], "first_known_use":{ "1949, in the meaning defined above":"" }, "history_and_etymology":{ "German Eurhythmie , from Latin eurythmia rhythmical movement, from Greek, from eurythmos rhythmical, from eu- + rhythmos rhythm":"" }, "pronounciation":[ "yu\u0307-\u02c8rit\u035fh-m\u0113" ], "synonym_discussion":"", "synonyms":[], "time_of_retrieval":"20220707-023542", "type":[ "noun" ] }, "eurytopic":{ "antonyms":[], "definitions":{ ": tolerant of wide variation in one or more environmental factors":[] }, "examples":[], "first_known_use":{ "1937, in the meaning defined above":"" }, "history_and_etymology":{ "International Scientific Vocabulary eury- + Greek topos place":"" }, "pronounciation":[ "\u02ccyu\u0307r-i-\u02c8t\u00e4-pik" ], "synonym_discussion":"", "synonyms":[], "time_of_retrieval":"20220706-232823", "type":[ "adjective" ] }, "European mountain ash":{ "type":[ "noun" ], "definitions":{ ": a mountain ash (Sorbus aucuparia) of Eurasia that typically reaches a height of 20 to 40 feet (6.1 to 12.2 meters) and has showy clusters of small white flowers and bright orange to red berrylike fruits that are technically pomes":[ "\u2014 compare american mountain ash" ] }, "pronounciation":[], "synonyms":[], "antonyms":[], "synonym_discussion":"", "examples":[], "history_and_etymology":{}, "first_known_use":{ "1809, in the meaning defined above":"" }, "time_of_retrieval":"20220708-174501" }, "European nightjar":{ "type":[ "noun" ], "definitions":{ ": a nocturnal nightjar ( Caprimulgus europaeus ) of Europe and Asia that has grayish-brown plumage speckled and barred with dark brown and buff and in the male has white markings on wing tips and outer tail feathers":[] }, "pronounciation":[], "synonyms":[], "antonyms":[], "synonym_discussion":"", "examples":[], "history_and_etymology":{}, "first_known_use":{ "1835, in the meaning defined above":"" }, "time_of_retrieval":"20220708-201926" }, "European partridge":{ "type":[ "noun" ], "definitions":{ ": hungarian partridge":[] }, "pronounciation":[], "synonyms":[], "antonyms":[], "synonym_discussion":"", "examples":[], "history_and_etymology":{}, "first_known_use":{}, "time_of_retrieval":"20220708-212201" }, "European pasqueflower":{ "type":[ "noun" ], "definitions":{ ": a highly variable European perennial herb ( Anemone pulsatilla ) typically having violet or white campanulate flowers in spring":[] }, "pronounciation":[], "synonyms":[], "antonyms":[], "synonym_discussion":"", "examples":[], "history_and_etymology":{}, "first_known_use":{}, "time_of_retrieval":"20220708-212651" }, "European plan":{ "type":[ "noun" ], "definitions":{ ": a hotel plan whereby the daily rates cover only the cost of the room \u2014 compare american plan":[] }, "pronounciation":[], "synonyms":[], "antonyms":[], "synonym_discussion":"", "examples":[], "history_and_etymology":{}, "first_known_use":{ "1834, in the meaning defined above":"" }, "time_of_retrieval":"20220708-225658" }, "european mountain ash":{ "type":[ "noun" ], "definitions":{ ": a mountain ash (Sorbus aucuparia) of Eurasia that typically reaches a height of 20 to 40 feet (6.1 to 12.2 meters) and has showy clusters of small white flowers and bright orange to red berrylike fruits that are technically pomes":[ "\u2014 compare american mountain ash" ] }, "pronounciation":[], "synonyms":[], "antonyms":[], "synonym_discussion":"", "examples":[], "history_and_etymology":{}, "first_known_use":{ "1809, in the meaning defined above":"" }, "time_of_retrieval":"20220709-061154" }, "Eur-":{ "type":[ "abbreviation", "combining form" ], "definitions":{ "Europe; European":[], ": European and":[ "Eur american", "Euro centric", "Euro communism", "Euro crat" ], ": European":[ "Eur american", "Euro centric", "Euro communism", "Euro crat" ], ": western European":[ "Eur american", "Euro centric", "Euro communism", "Euro crat" ], ": of the European Union":[ "Eur american", "Euro centric", "Euro communism", "Euro crat" ] }, "pronounciation":[], "synonyms":[], "antonyms":[], "synonym_discussion":"", "examples":[], "history_and_etymology":{ "Europe":"Combining form" }, "first_known_use":{}, "time_of_retrieval":"20220709-061723" }, "european hornet":{ "type":[ "noun" ], "definitions":{ ": a chiefly brown and yellow hornet ( Vespa crabro ) that is native to Europe but has become widely established in North America and that builds a papery nest especially in the cavities of trees":[ "\u2026 European hornets are unique in that they fly and forage at night and are attracted to lights. Many of our close encounters happen at night, and you might hear them bouncing off lights or windows after hours.", "\u2014 Annette Cormany", "The adult hornet worker is about an inch in length with yellow and brown coloration. The overwintering queens are larger and are about one-and-one-half inches in length. European hornet colonies often contain 300 or more workers by September or October.", "\u2014 Trish Rudder" ] }, "pronounciation":[], "synonyms":[], "antonyms":[], "synonym_discussion":"", "examples":[], "history_and_etymology":{}, "first_known_use":{ "1866, in the meaning defined above":"" }, "time_of_retrieval":"20220709-070401" }, "Europeanly":{ "type":[ "adverb" ], "definitions":{ ": in a European manner":[] }, "pronounciation":[], "synonyms":[], "antonyms":[], "synonym_discussion":"", "examples":[], "history_and_etymology":{}, "first_known_use":{}, "time_of_retrieval":"20220709-090540" }, "European":{ "type":[ "adjective", "noun" ], "definitions":{ ": of, relating to, or characteristic of Europe or its people":[], ": a native or inhabitant of Europe":[], ": a person of European descent":[] }, "pronounciation":[ "\u02ccyu\u0307r-\u0259-\u02c8p\u0113-\u0259n", "-\u02c8p\u0113n" ], "synonyms":[], "antonyms":[], "synonym_discussion":"", "examples":[], "history_and_etymology":{}, "first_known_use":{ "1555, in the meaning defined above":"Adjective", "1578, in the meaning defined at sense 1":"Noun" }, "time_of_retrieval":"20220709-181405" }, "European honeysuckle":{ "type":[ "noun" ], "definitions":{ ": european fly honeysuckle":[], ": a woodbine ( Lonicera periclymenum )":[] }, "pronounciation":[], "synonyms":[], "antonyms":[], "synonym_discussion":"", "examples":[], "history_and_etymology":{}, "first_known_use":{}, "time_of_retrieval":"20220709-181935" }, "European house borer":{ "type":[ "noun" ], "definitions":{ ": a wood-boring beetle ( Hylotrupes bajulus ) native to northern Europe but widely distributed by commerce that feeds as larva and adult in dry timbers and is especially destructive in soft woods":[] }, "pronounciation":[], "synonyms":[], "antonyms":[], "synonym_discussion":"", "examples":[], "history_and_etymology":{}, "first_known_use":{}, "time_of_retrieval":"20220709-191421" }, "Europeanism":{ "type":[ "noun" ], "definitions":{ ": attachment or allegiance to the traditions, interests, or ideals of Europeans":[], ": the ideal or advocacy of the political and economic integration of Europe":[] }, "pronounciation":[ "\u02ccyu\u0307r-\u014d-\u02c8p\u0113-\u0259-ni-z\u0259m" ], "synonyms":[], "antonyms":[], "synonym_discussion":"", "examples":[], "history_and_etymology":{}, "first_known_use":{ "1824, in the meaning defined at sense 1":"" }, "time_of_retrieval":"20220709-203213" }, "Europe":{ "type":[ "geographical name" ], "definitions":{ "continent of the eastern and northern hemispheres that has the Atlantic Ocean to its west, the Arctic Ocean to its north, Asia to its east, and Africa and the Mediterranean and Black seas to its south area 3,997,929 square miles (10,354,636 square kilometers)":[], "the European continent exclusive of the British Isles":[] }, "pronounciation":[ "\u02c8yu\u0307r-\u0259p" ], "synonyms":[], "antonyms":[], "synonym_discussion":"", "examples":[], "history_and_etymology":{}, "first_known_use":{}, "time_of_retrieval":"20220709-203414" }, "european":{ "type":[ "adjective", "noun" ], "definitions":{ ": of, relating to, or characteristic of Europe or its people":[], ": a native or inhabitant of Europe":[], ": a person of European descent":[] }, "pronounciation":[ "-\u02c8p\u0113n", "\u02ccyu\u0307r-\u0259-\u02c8p\u0113-\u0259n" ], "synonyms":[], "antonyms":[], "synonym_discussion":"", "examples":[], "history_and_etymology":{}, "first_known_use":{ "1555, in the meaning defined above":"Adjective", "1578, in the meaning defined at sense 1":"Noun" }, "time_of_retrieval":"20220709-220732" }, "Europa Point":{ "type":[ "geographical name" ], "definitions":{ "the southernmost tip of Gibraltar facing Morocco across the Strait of Gibraltar":[] }, "pronounciation":[ "yu\u0307-\u02c8r\u014d-p\u0259" ], "synonyms":[], "antonyms":[], "synonym_discussion":"", "examples":[], "history_and_etymology":{}, "first_known_use":{}, "time_of_retrieval":"20220709-223344" }, "Eurafrican":{ "type":[ "adjective", "noun" ], "definitions":{ ": of or belonging to the continents of Europe and Africa combined":[], ": of or relating to the biogeographic region that includes most of Europe and northern Africa south to the Sahara":[], ": of European and African descent":[], ": a person of European and African descent":[] }, "pronounciation":[ "(\u02c8)yu\u0307r+", "\"" ], "synonyms":[], "antonyms":[], "synonym_discussion":"", "examples":[], "history_and_etymology":{ "International Scientific Vocabulary Eur- + African":"Adjective" }, "first_known_use":{}, "time_of_retrieval":"20220709-233358" }, "Europeanist":{ "type":[ "noun" ], "definitions":{ ": a specialist in European culture or history":[], ": an advocate for Europeanism":[] }, "pronounciation":[ "\u02ccyu\u0307r-\u014d-\u02c8p\u0113-\u0259-nist" ], "synonyms":[], "antonyms":[], "synonym_discussion":"", "examples":[], "history_and_etymology":{}, "first_known_use":{ "1888, in the meaning defined at sense 1":"" }, "time_of_retrieval":"20220709-234214" }, "european bison":{ "type":[ "noun" ], "definitions":{ ": a bison ( Bison bonasus ) of European forests that has golden to dark brown dense fur and is slightly smaller in size than the related American bison : wisent":[] }, "pronounciation":[], "synonyms":[], "antonyms":[], "synonym_discussion":"", "examples":[], "history_and_etymology":{}, "first_known_use":{ "1801, in the meaning defined above":"" }, "time_of_retrieval":"20220710-001135" }, "European bird cherry":{ "type":[ "noun" ], "definitions":{ ": a small to medium-sized cherry ( Prunus padus ) closely resembling the chokecherry ( Prunus virginiana ) but having larger flowers and a strongly ridged stone":[], ": the small black fruit of the European bird cherry":[] }, "pronounciation":[], "synonyms":[], "antonyms":[], "synonym_discussion":"", "examples":[], "history_and_etymology":{}, "first_known_use":{}, "time_of_retrieval":"20220710-001737" }, "eury-":{ "type":[ "combining form" ], "definitions":{ ": broad : wide":[ "eury haline" ] }, "pronounciation":[], "synonyms":[], "antonyms":[], "synonym_discussion":"", "examples":[], "history_and_etymology":{ "New Latin, from Greek, from eurys ; akin to Sanskrit uru broad, wide":"" }, "first_known_use":{}, "time_of_retrieval":"20220710-002439" }, "European American":{ "type":[ "noun" ], "definitions":{ ": euro-american":[] }, "pronounciation":[], "synonyms":[], "antonyms":[], "synonym_discussion":"", "examples":[], "history_and_etymology":{}, "first_known_use":{ "1816, in the meaning defined above":"" }, "time_of_retrieval":"20220710-003131" }, "European plum":{ "type":[ "noun" ], "definitions":{ ": any of several cultivated plums derived chiefly from a plum ( Prunus domestica ) of southwestern Asia \u2014 compare american plum":[] }, "pronounciation":[], "synonyms":[], "antonyms":[], "synonym_discussion":"", "examples":[], "history_and_etymology":{}, "first_known_use":{}, "time_of_retrieval":"20220710-005315" }, "Eurya":{ "type":[ "noun" ], "definitions":{ ": a genus of Asian evergreen trees and shrubs (family Theaceae) having foliage resembling that of holly, small white flowers, and globose black fruit and being cultivated in mild regions as ornamentals":[] }, "pronounciation":[ "\u02c8yu\u0307r\u0113\u0259" ], "synonyms":[], "antonyms":[], "synonym_discussion":"", "examples":[], "history_and_etymology":{ "New Latin, irregular from Greek eurys":"" }, "first_known_use":{}, "time_of_retrieval":"20220710-010758" }, "European hornet":{ "type":[ "noun" ], "definitions":{ ": a chiefly brown and yellow hornet ( Vespa crabro ) that is native to Europe but has become widely established in North America and that builds a papery nest especially in the cavities of trees":[ "\u2026 European hornets are unique in that they fly and forage at night and are attracted to lights. Many of our close encounters happen at night, and you might hear them bouncing off lights or windows after hours.", "\u2014 Annette Cormany", "The adult hornet worker is about an inch in length with yellow and brown coloration. The overwintering queens are larger and are about one-and-one-half inches in length. European hornet colonies often contain 300 or more workers by September or October.", "\u2014 Trish Rudder" ] }, "pronounciation":[], "synonyms":[], "antonyms":[], "synonym_discussion":"", "examples":[], "history_and_etymology":{}, "first_known_use":{ "1866, in the meaning defined above":"" }, "time_of_retrieval":"20220710-011630" }, "European bindweed":{ "type":[ "noun" ], "definitions":{ ": field bindweed":[] }, "pronounciation":[], "synonyms":[], "antonyms":[], "synonym_discussion":"", "examples":[], "history_and_etymology":{}, "first_known_use":{}, "time_of_retrieval":"20220710-014832" }, "european red mite":{ "type":[ "noun" ], "definitions":{ ": a small bright red or brownish-red oval Old World mite ( Panonychus ulmi ) that is a destructive orchard pest":[] }, "pronounciation":[], "synonyms":[], "antonyms":[], "synonym_discussion":"", "examples":[], "history_and_etymology":{}, "first_known_use":{ "1940, in the meaning defined above":"" }, "time_of_retrieval":"20220710-023220" } }