{ "yell":{ "a loud vocal expression of strong emotion":{ "antonyms":[], "examples":[ "the crowd gave a yell of approval" ], "near antonyms":[ "mumble", "murmur", "mutter", "gasp", "whimper", "whisper" ], "related":[ "ejaculation", "interjection", "scream", "screech", "shriek", "shrill", "squall", "squeak", "squeal", "yelp", "bawl", "bellow", "clamor", "outcry", "roar", "caterwaul", "plaint", "wail" ], "synonyms":[ "cry", "holler", "hoot", "howl", "shout", "whoop", "yowl" ] }, "to cry out loudly and emotionally":{ "antonyms":[], "examples":[ "yelled with fear when the speeding car veered onto the crowded sidewalk" ], "near antonyms":[ "murmur", "mutter", "whisper" ], "related":[ "bay", "caterwaul", "keen", "squawk", "wail", "yawp", "yaup", "yowl", "bawl", "call", "cry", "holler", "shout", "thunder", "vociferate" ], "synonyms":[ "howl", "scream", "screech", "shriek", "shrill", "squall", "squeal", "yelp" ] }, "to speak so as to be heard at a distance":{ "antonyms":[], "examples":[ "I yelled to the kids in the backyard that it was time to go home" ], "near antonyms":[ "breathe", "mumble", "murmur", "mutter", "whisper" ], "related":[ "crow", "whoop", "scream", "screech", "shriek", "shrill", "squeak", "squeal", "caterwaul", "howl", "ululate", "wail", "yawp", "yaup", "yowl", "hail", "speak out", "speak up" ], "synonyms":[ "bawl", "bay", "bellow", "call", "cry", "holler", "hollo", "halloo", "hallo", "roar", "shout", "sound off", "thunder", "vociferate" ] }, "type":[ "noun", "verb" ] }, "yelled":{ "to cry out loudly and emotionally":{ "examples":[ "yelled with fear when the speeding car veered onto the crowded sidewalk" ], "synonyms":[ "howled", "screamed", "screeched", "shrieked", "shrilled", "squalled", "squealed", "yelped" ], "near synonyms":[ "bayed", "caterwauled", "keened", "squawked", "wailed", "yawped", "yauped", "yowled", "bawled", "called", "cried", "hollered", "shouted", "thundered", "vociferated" ], "near antonyms":[ "murmured", "muttered", "whispered" ], "antonyms":[] }, "to speak so as to be heard at a distance":{ "examples":[ "I yelled to the kids in the backyard that it was time to go home" ], "synonyms":[ "bawled", "bayed", "bellowed", "called", "cried", "hollered", "holloed", "hallooed", "roared", "shouted", "sounded off", "thundered", "vociferated" ], "near synonyms":[ "crowed", "whooped", "screamed", "screeched", "shrieked", "shrilled", "squeaked", "squealed", "caterwauled", "howled", "ululated", "wailed", "yawped", "yauped", "yowled", "hailed", "spoke out", "spoke up" ], "near antonyms":[ "breathed", "mumbled", "murmured", "muttered", "whispered" ], "antonyms":[] }, "type":[ "verb" ] }, "yelling":{ "as in screaming , howling":{ "examples":[], "synonyms":[], "near synonyms":[ "howling", "screaming", "loudmouthed", "noisy", "openmouthed", "outspoken", "vocal", "caterwauling", "clamant", "squawking", "vociferant", "vociferating", "yawping", "yauping", "yowling", "blatant", "obstreperous", "strident", "vociferous", "cacophonous", "dissonant", "resounding", "sonorous", "clamorous", "uproarious", "blaring", "booming", "brassy", "brazen", "clanging", "earsplitting", "jangly", "squealing", "whining", "whiny", "whiney", "yapping", "yelping", "nasal", "penetrating", "piercing", "sharp" ], "near antonyms":[ "calm", "hushed", "noiseless", "quiet", "silent", "soundless", "still", "muffled", "muted", "softened", "toned (down)" ], "antonyms":[] }, "to cry out loudly and emotionally":{ "examples":[ "yelled with fear when the speeding car veered onto the crowded sidewalk" ], "synonyms":[ "howling", "screaming", "screeching", "shrieking", "shrilling", "squalling", "squealing", "yelping" ], "near synonyms":[ "baying", "caterwauling", "keening", "squawking", "wailing", "yawping", "yauping", "yowling", "bawling", "calling", "crying", "hollering", "shouting", "thundering", "vociferating" ], "near antonyms":[ "murmuring", "muttering", "whispering" ], "antonyms":[] }, "to speak so as to be heard at a distance":{ "examples":[ "I yelled to the kids in the backyard that it was time to go home" ], "synonyms":[ "bawling", "baying", "bellowing", "calling", "crying", "hollering", "holloing", "hallooing", "roaring", "shouting", "sounding off", "thundering", "vociferating" ], "near synonyms":[ "crowing", "whooping", "screaming", "screeching", "shrieking", "shrilling", "squeaking", "squealing", "caterwauling", "howling", "ululating", "wailing", "yawping", "yauping", "yowling", "hailing", "speaking out", "speaking up" ], "near antonyms":[ "breathing", "mumbling", "murmuring", "muttering", "whispering" ], "antonyms":[] }, "type":[ "adjective", "verb" ] } }