{ "sword":{ "a hand weapon with a length of metal sharpened on one or both sides and usually tapered to a sharp point":{ "antonyms":[], "examples":[ "once upon a time dueling with swords was the gentlemanly way to settle a point of honor" ], "near antonyms":[], "related":[ "broadsword", "cutlass", "rapier", "saber", "sabre", "scimitar", "smallsword" ], "synonyms":[ "blade", "brand", "steel" ] }, "type":[ "noun" ] }, "swoons":{ "a temporary state of unconsciousness":{ "examples":[ "fell into a swoon after stepping off of the incredibly fast roller coaster" ], "synonyms":[ "blackouts", "faints", "insensibilities", "knockouts", "swims", "syncopes" ], "near synonyms":[ "dazes", "stupors", "trances", "narcoses", "sleeps", "somnolences" ], "near antonyms":[], "antonyms":[] }, "a state of overwhelming usually pleasurable emotion":{ "examples":[ "her boyfriend's proposal sent her into a joyous swoon" ], "synonyms":[ "cloud nine", "ecstasies", "elations", "euphorias", "exhilarations", "heavens", "highs", "intoxications", "paradises", "raptures", "rhapsodies", "seventh heaven", "transports" ], "near synonyms":[ "exaltations", "blisses", "delights", "enchantments", "felicities", "joys", "pleasures", "reveries", "trances", "inspirations", "fervors", "frenzies", "passions", "cheers", "exuberances", "gaieties", "gayeties", "glees", "jubilances", "jubilations" ], "near antonyms":[ "miseries", "woes", "blues", "dejections", "desolations", "despairs", "despondencies", "disheartenments", "doldrums", "dumps", "glooms", "melancholies", "mopes" ], "antonyms":[ "depressions" ] }, "to lose consciousness":{ "examples":[ "easily swooned at the sight of blood" ], "synonyms":[ "blacks out", "conks (out)", "faints", "keels (over)", "passes out" ], "near synonyms":[ "breaks down", "collapses", "zonks (out)" ], "near antonyms":[], "antonyms":[ "comes around", "comes round", "comes to", "revives" ] }, "type":[ "noun", "verb" ] }, "sworn":{ "as in confirmed , inveterate":{ "examples":[], "synonyms":[], "near synonyms":[ "confirmed", "dyed-in-the-wool", "inveterate", "determined", "intent", "resolute", "ardent", "avid", "enthusiastic", "fervent", "fervid", "gung ho", "impassioned", "passionate", "serious", "unfaltering", "unhesitating", "unwavering", "dependable", "dutiful", "reliable", "responsible", "solid", "tried", "tried-and-true", "trustworthy", "trusty", "constant", "dedicated", "devoted", "devout", "down-the-line", "faithful", "fast", "good", "loyal", "pious", "staunch", "stanch", "steadfast", "steady", "true", "true-blue" ], "near antonyms":[ "disloyal", "faithless", "false", "fickle", "inconstant", "perfidious", "recreant", "traitorous", "treacherous", "unfaithful", "untrue", "irresponsible", "undependable", "unreliable", "untrustworthy", "faltering", "hesitant", "vacillating", "wavering", "dubious", "irresolute", "shaky", "uncertain", "apathetic", "dispassionate", "uninterested" ], "antonyms":[] }, "to use offensive or indecent language":{ "examples":[ "no 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"unhappiness", "woe", "wretchedness", "blues", "dejection", "desolation", "despair", "despondency", "disconsolateness", "disheartenment", "dispiritedness", "doldrums", "downheartedness", "dreariness", "dumps", "forlornness", "gloom", "gloominess", "heartsickness", "melancholy", "mopes" ], "antonyms":[ "depression" ] }, "type":[ "noun", "verb" ] }, "swooshing":{ "to flow out in great quantities or with force":{ "examples":[ "water swooshed powerfully from the fire hose" ], "synonyms":[ "gushing", "jetting", "pouring", "rushing", "spewing", "spouting", "spurting", "squirting" ], "near synonyms":[ "cascading", "issuing", "rolling", "running", "streaming", "plashing", "sloshing", "splashing", "washing", "surging", "swelling", "flushing", "sluicing", "deluging", "drowning", "engulfing", "flooding", "inundating", "overflowing", "overwhelming", "submerging", "submersing", "swamping", "fountaining" ], "near antonyms":[ "spattering", "sprinkling", "bleeding", "exuding", "leaking", "oozing", 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"whishes", "whizzes", "sibilances", "sibilants" ], "near antonyms":[], "antonyms":[] }, "type":[ "noun", "verb" ] }, "swooshed":{ "to flow out in great quantities or with force":{ "examples":[ "water swooshed powerfully from the fire hose" ], "synonyms":[ "gushed", "jetted", "poured", "rushed", "spewed", "spouted", "spurted", "squirted" ], "near synonyms":[ "cascaded", "issued", "ran", "run", "rolled", "streamed", "plashed", "sloshed", "splashed", "washed", "surged", "swelled", "flushed", "sluiced", "deluged", "drowned", "engulfed", "flooded", "inundated", "overflowed", "overwhelmed", "submerged", "submersed", "swamped", "fountained" ], "near antonyms":[ "spattered", "sprinkled", "bled", "exuded", "leaked", "oozed", "percolated", "seeped", "strained", "wept" ], "antonyms":[ "dribbled", "dripped", "dropped", "trickled" ] }, "type":[ "verb" ] }, "swords":{ "a hand weapon with a length of metal sharpened on one or both sides and usually tapered to a sharp point":{ "examples":[ "once upon 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"double-domes", "highbrows", "intellectuals", "brains", "geniuses", "genii", "academics", "bookmen", "scholars", "gearheads", "techies" ], "near antonyms":[ "goldbricks", "goof-offs", "slackers", "underachievers", "lowbrows" ], "antonyms":[] }, "as in grinds":{ "examples":[], "synonyms":[], "near synonyms":[ "grinds", "crams", "analyzes", "deduces", "finds out", "bones (up)", "studies", "cons", "learns", "memorizes", "reads", "researches", "restudies", "apprehends", "comprehends", "grasps", "knows", "understands", "absorbs", "digests" ], "near antonyms":[], "antonyms":[] }, "type":[ "noun", "verb" ] } }