{ "nadirs":{ "the lowest point or level":{ "examples":[ "the discussion really reached its nadir when people resorted to name-calling" ], "synonyms":[ "bedrocks", "bottoms", "depths", "rock bottoms", "zeros", "zeroes" ], "near synonyms":[ "abysses", "armpits", "pits" ], "near antonyms":[ "blooms", "flood tides", "flowers", "glories", "heydays", "crescendos", "crescendoes", "crescendi", "highs", "caps", "ceilings", "crests", "roofs" ], "antonyms":[ "acmes", "apexes", "apices", "climaxes", "crowns", "culminations", "heads", "heights", "high-water marks", "meridians", "peaks", "pinnacles", "summits", "tip-tops", "tops", "zeniths" ] }, "the lowest part, place, or point":{ "examples":[ "got into the stock market when it was at its nadir and then watched prices soar" ], "synonyms":[ "basements", "bases", "bottoms", "feet", "foot", "rock bottoms" ], "near synonyms":[ "bases", "bedrocks", "beds", "foundations", "grounds", "groundworks", "keystones", "seats", "underpinnings" ], "near antonyms":[ "acmes", "apexes", "apices", "climaxes", "crests", "culminations", "heights", "meridians", "peaks", "pinnacles", "summits", "tips", "tip-tops", "zeniths" ], "antonyms":[ "heads", "tops", "vertices", "vertexes" ] }, "type":[ "noun" ] }, "nadir":{ "the lowest point or level":{ "examples":[ "the discussion really reached its nadir when people resorted to name-calling" ], "synonyms":[ "bedrock", "bottom", "depth", "rock bottom", "zero" ], "near synonyms":[ "abyss", "armpit", "pit" ], "near antonyms":[ "bloom", "flood tide", "flower", "glory", "heyday", "crescendo", "high", "cap", "ceiling", "crest", "roof" ], "antonyms":[ "acme", "apex", "climax", "crown", "culmination", "head", "height", "high-water mark", "meridian", "peak", "pinnacle", "summit", "tip-top", "top", "zenith" ] }, "the lowest part, place, or point":{ "examples":[ "got into the stock market when it was at its nadir and then watched prices soar" ], "synonyms":[ "base", "basement", "bottom", "foot", "rock bottom" ], "near synonyms":[ "basis", "bed", "bedrock", "foundation", "ground", "groundwork", "keystone", "seat", "underpinning" ], "near antonyms":[ "acme", "apex", "climax", "crest", "culmination", "height", "meridian", "peak", "pinnacle", "summit", "tip", "tip-top", "zenith" ], "antonyms":[ "head", "top", "vertex" ] }, "type":[ "noun" ] } }