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"synonyms":[ "blow up", "flare (up)", "flip (out)" ], "near synonyms":[ "anger", "fulminate", "rage", "rant", "rave", "snap", "snarl", "sputter", "storm", "tee off", "vent", "vituperate", "bristle", "burn", "foam", "fume", "glare", "glower", "seethe", "sizzle", "smolder", "smoulder", "steam", "warm", "burst", "explode", "flare (out)", "flash", "inflame", "enflame", "madden" ], "near antonyms":[ "chill out", "cool (off or down)", "relax", "hush", "quiet (down)" ], "antonyms":[ "calm (down)", "simmer down" ] }, "to yield to mental or emotional stress":{ "examples":[ "The movie star tolerated the constant attention of the paparazzi, but finally blew her cool when one asked about her recent divorce." ], "synonyms":[ "break down", "break up", "crack", "flip (out)", "freak (out)", "melt down", "wig (out)" ], "near synonyms":[ "choke" ], "near antonyms":[], "antonyms":[] }, "type":[ "phrase" ] }, "blow smoke":{ "to praise or express pride in one's own possessions, qualities, or 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"schmooze", "shmooze", "talk", "twitter", "visit" ], "near synonyms":[ "gossip", "tattle", "descant", "discuss", "expatiate", "yak", "yack", "yammer", "yap" ], "near antonyms":[], "antonyms":[] }, "type":[ "phrase" ] }, "blowing":{ "to breathe hard, quickly, or with difficulty":{ "examples":[ "that horse was really blowing after the race" ], "synonyms":[ "gasping", "heaving", "hyperventilating", "panting", "puffing", "wheezing" ], "near synonyms":[ "choking", "gagging", "gulping", "huffing", "asphyxiating", "smothering", "stifling", "strangling", "snoring", "snuffling", "exhaling", "expiring" ], "near antonyms":[], "antonyms":[] }, "to use up carelessly":{ "examples":[ "each year he blows his holiday bonus on a trip to Las Vegas" ], "synonyms":[ "dissipating", "fiddling away", "frittering (away)", "lavishing", "losing", "misspending", "running through", "spending", "squandering", "throwing away", "trifling (away)", "wasting" ], "near synonyms":[ "splurging", "consuming", "depleting", 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"shattering", "smashing" ], "near synonyms":[ "dynamiting", "annihilating", "decimating", "destroying", "ruining", "wrecking", "detonating", "discharging", "fragmenting", "splintering" ], "near antonyms":[ "collapsing", "imploding" ], "antonyms":[] }, "to proceed or move quickly":{ "examples":[ "that car blew past us as if we were standing still" ], "synonyms":[ "barreling", "barrelling", "belting", "blasting", "blazing", "bolting", "bombing", "bowling", "breezing", "bundling", "bustling", "buzzing", "cannonballing", "careening", "careering", "chasing", "coursing", "cracking (on)", "dashing", "driving", "flying", "haring", "hastening", "highballing", "hotfooting (it)", "humping", "hurling", "hurrying", "hurtling", "hustling", "hying", "hieing", "jetting", "jumping", "motoring", "nipping", "pelting", "racing", "ramming", "ripping", "rocketing", "running", "rushing", "rustling", "scooting", "scurrying", "scuttling", "shooting", "speeding", "stepping", "tearing", "traveling", "travelling", "trotting", "whirling", "whisking", "zipping", "zooming" ], "near synonyms":[ "beetling", "darting", "flitting", "scampering", "scudding", "scuffling", "stampeding", "streaking", "whizzing", "galloping", "jogging", "sprinting", "accelerating", "quickening", "stepping out", "catching up", "fast-forwarding", "outpacing", "outrunning", "outstripping", "overtaking", "arrowing", "beelining" ], "near antonyms":[ "dallying", "dawdling", "dillydallying", "dragging", "hanging (around or out)", "lagging", "lingering", "loitering", "poking", "tarrying", "ambling", "lumbering", "plodding", "sauntering", "shuffling", "strolling", "decelerating", "slowing (down or up)" ], "antonyms":[ "crawling", "creeping", "poking" ] }, "to make or do (something) in a clumsy or unskillful way":{ "examples":[ "he keeps blowing every job interview that comes his way" ], "synonyms":[ "bobbling", "boggling", "bollixing (up)", "booting", "botching", "buggering (up)", "bumbling", "bungling", "butchering", 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"swaggering", "vaporing", "vaunting" ], "near synonyms":[ "blustering", "haranguing", "puffing", "priding", "gushing", "exulting", "glorying", "rejoicing", "brandishing", "displaying", "exhibiting", "exposing", "flaunting", "glorifying", "parading", "showing off", "magnifying", "maximizing" ], "near antonyms":[ "belittling", "deprecating", "diminishing", "discounting", "laughing off", "minimizing", "playing down", "pooh-poohing", "poohing", "shrugging off", "underrating", "undervaluing", "bemoaning", "lamenting", "mourning", "regretting" ], "antonyms":[] }, "to produce flowers":{ "examples":[ "longing for a grassy field in some far-off land where the wildflowers blow" ], "synonyms":[ "blooming", "blossoming", "burgeoning", "bourgeoning", "efflorescing", "flowering", "unfolding" ], "near synonyms":[ "leafing", "leaving", "budding", "opening" ], "near antonyms":[ "drying up", "fading", "shriveling", "shrivelling", "wilting", "withering", "dropping", "dying", "expiring", "perishing" ], "antonyms":[] }, "type":[ "verb" ] }, "blowing in":{ "as in barging (in) , breezing (in)":{ "examples":[], "synonyms":[], "near synonyms":[ "barging (in)", "breezing (in)", "bursting (in or into)", "waltzing (in)", "debarking", "disembarking", "checking in", "clocking (in)", "pulling in", "touching down", "fetching", "hitting", "making", "reaching", "appearing", "arriving", "coming", "getting in", "getting through", "landing", "showing up", "turning up" ], "near antonyms":[ "going", "leaving", "checking out", "clocking (out)", "fleeing", "vamoosing" ], "antonyms":[] }, "type":[ "verb" ] }, "blowing off":{ "to end a usually intimate relationship with":{ "examples":[ "before she embarks on another relationship, she should try to figure out why all those other men have blown her off" ], "synonyms":[ "breaking off (with)", "ditching", "dumping", "jilting", "kissing off", "leaving" ], "near synonyms":[ "brushing (aside or off)", "cold-shouldering", "cutting", "high-hatting", "slighting", "snubbing", "abandoning", "deserting", "forsaking", "marooning", "quitting" ], "near antonyms":[ "hooking up (with)", "taking", "befriending", "latching (on or onto)" ], "antonyms":[] }, "to fail to attend":{ "examples":[ "blew off the committee meeting, thinking that it would just be a colossal waste of time" ], "synonyms":[ "cutting", "missing", "skipping" ], "near synonyms":[ "ignoring", "neglecting", "passing over" ], "near antonyms":[], "antonyms":[ "attending", "showing up (for)" ] }, "type":[ "verb" ] }, "blown up":{ "as in expanded , ballooned":{ "examples":[], "synonyms":[], "near synonyms":[ "ballooned", "expanded", "bloated", "blown", "distended", "overinflated", "puffed", "swollen", "tumescent", "tumid", "turgid", "varicose", "varicosed", "bulging", "dilated", "protuberant", "ventricose", "ballooning", "dilating", "turgescent" ], "near antonyms":[ "collapsed", "deflated", "detumescent" ], "antonyms":[] }, "to become very angry":{ "examples":[ "she blew up at everybody after 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"near antonyms":[], "antonyms":[] }, "type":[ "phrase" ] }, "blow off":{ "to end a usually intimate relationship with":{ "examples":[ "before she embarks on another relationship, she should try to figure out why all those other men have blown her off" ], "synonyms":[ "break off (with)", "ditch", "dump", "jilt", "kiss off", "leave" ], "near synonyms":[ "brush (aside or off)", "cold-shoulder", "cut", "high-hat", "slight", "snub", "abandon", "desert", "forsake", "maroon", "quit" ], "near antonyms":[ "hook up (with)", "take", "befriend", "latch (on or onto)" ], "antonyms":[] }, "to fail to attend":{ "examples":[ "blew off the committee meeting, thinking that it would just be a colossal waste of time" ], "synonyms":[ "cut", "miss", "skip" ], "near synonyms":[ "ignore", "neglect", "pass over" ], "near antonyms":[], "antonyms":[ "attend", "show up (for)" ] }, "type":[ "verb" ] }, "blows one's mind":{ "to throw into a state of mental uncertainty":{ "examples":[ "The disappearing trick 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"type":[ "phrase" ] }, "blossoms":{ "a state or time of great activity, thriving, or achievement":{ "examples":[ "in the full blossom of her career as a writer" ], "synonyms":[ "blooms", "florescences", "floruits", "flowers", "flushes", "heydays", "high noons", "primes", "salad days", "springtimes" ], "near synonyms":[ "autumns", "Indian summers", "efflorescences", "flowerings", "acmes", "apexes", "apices", "climaxes", "meridians", "peaks", "pinnacles", "summits", "zeniths", "glories", "grandeurs", "splendors", "belle epoques", "belles \u00e9poques", "golden ages", "silver ages", "comebacks", "recoveries", "revivals" ], "near antonyms":[ "decays", "declines", "downfalls", "bottoms", "nadirs" ], "antonyms":[] }, "the usually showy plant part that produces seeds":{ "examples":[ "the marigolds are finally showing blossoms" ], "synonyms":[ "blooms", "flowers" ], "near synonyms":[ "buds", "florets", "flowerets", "flowerettes", "bouquets", "nosegays", "posies", "arrangements", "boutonnieres", "corsages", "garlands", "leis", "sprays", "wreaths" ], "near antonyms":[], "antonyms":[] }, "to produce flowers":{ "examples":[ "the fruit tree seemed to blossom overnight once the warm spring weather arrived" ], "synonyms":[ "blooms", "blows", "burgeons", "bourgeons", "effloresces", "flowers", "unfolds" ], "near synonyms":[ "leafs", "leaves", "buds", "opens" ], "near antonyms":[ "dries up", "fades", "shrivels", "wilts", "withers", "dies", "drops", "expires", "perishes" ], "antonyms":[] }, "type":[ "noun", "verb" ] }, "blown":{ "enlarged beyond normal from internal pressure":{ "examples":[ "if the tin can is blown , throw it away\u2014the food inside is spoiled" ], "synonyms":[ "bloated", "distended", "overinflated", "puffed", "swollen", "tumescent", "tumid", "turgid", "varicose", "varicosed" ], "near synonyms":[ "ballooned", "blown up", "expanded", "bulging", "dilated", "protuberant", "ventricose", "ballooning", "dilating", "turgescent" ], "near antonyms":[ "collapsed", "deflated", "detumescent" ], "antonyms":[] }, "to breathe hard, quickly, or with difficulty":{ "examples":[ "that horse was really blowing after the race" ], "synonyms":[ "gasped", "heaved", "hove", "hyperventilated", "panted", "puffed", "wheezed" ], "near synonyms":[ "choked", "gagged", "gulped", "huffed", "asphyxiated", "smothered", "stifled", "strangled", "snored", "snuffled", "exhaled", "expired" ], "near antonyms":[], "antonyms":[] }, "to use up carelessly":{ "examples":[ "each year he blows his holiday bonus on a trip to Las Vegas" ], "synonyms":[ "dissipated", "fiddled away", "frittered (away)", "lavished", "lost", "misspent", "run through", "spent", "squandered", "thrown away", "trifled (away)", "wasted" ], "near synonyms":[ "splurged", "consumed", "depleted", "exhausted", "impoverished", "overspent", "shot", "indulged", "overindulged", "disbursed", "expended", "laid out" ], "near antonyms":[ "economized", "scrimped", "skimped", "preserved", "protected", "saved", "hoarded", "laid up" ], "antonyms":[ "conserved" ] }, "to break open or into pieces usually because of internal pressure":{ "examples":[ "a huge crater was formed when the volcano last blew" ], "synonyms":[ "blown up", "burst", "bursted", "crumped", "detonated", "exploded", "gone off", "popped" ], "near synonyms":[ "fragmented", "shattered", "smashed", "splintered", "discharged", "fired", "shot", "ballooned", "burgeoned", "bourgeoned", "mushroomed" ], "near antonyms":[ "collapsed", "fizzled" ], "antonyms":[ "imploded" ] }, "to cause to break open or into pieces by or as if by an explosive":{ "examples":[ "one false move and we would be blown to bits" ], "synonyms":[ "blasted", "blown up", "burst", "bursted", "demolished", "exploded", "popped", "shattered", "smashed" ], "near synonyms":[ "dynamited", "annihilated", "decimated", "destroyed", "ruined", "wrecked", "detonated", "discharged", "fragmented", "splintered" ], "near antonyms":[ "collapsed", "imploded" ], "antonyms":[] }, "to 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"outstripped", "overtaken", "arrowed", "beelined" ], "near antonyms":[ "dallied", "dawdled", "dillydallied", "dragged", "hung (around or out)", "hanged (around or out)", "lagged", "lingered", "loitered", "poked", "tarried", "ambled", "lumbered", "plodded", "sauntered", "shuffled", "strolled", "decelerated", "slowed (down or up)" ], "antonyms":[ "crawled", "crept", "poked" ] }, "to make or do (something) in a clumsy or unskillful way":{ "examples":[ "he keeps blowing every job interview that comes his way" ], "synonyms":[ "bobbled", "boggled", "bollixed (up)", "booted", "botched", "buggered (up)", "bumbled", "bungled", "butchered", "dubbed", "flubbed", "fluffed", "foozled", "fouled up", "fumbled", "goofed (up)", "loused up", "mangled", "messed (up)", "mucked up", "muffed", "murdered", "screwed up" ], "near synonyms":[ "blundered", "gummed (up)", "muddled", "piffled", "blemished", "blighted", "damaged", "flawed", "harmed", "hurt", "impaired", "injured", "marred", "mutilated", "ruined", "spoiled", "spoilt", "vitiated", "destroyed", "wrecked", "mishandled", "mismanaged" ], "near antonyms":[ "ameliorated", "bettered", "enhanced", "helped", "improved", "meliorated", "rectified", "refined", "reformed", "remedied", "doctored", "fixed", "patched", "reconditioned", "renovated", "repaired", "revamped" ], "antonyms":[] }, "to praise or express pride in one's own possessions, qualities, or accomplishments often to excess":{ "examples":[ "another self-made millionaire blowing about how much he'd achieved" ], "synonyms":[ "boasted", "bragged", "bulled", "crowed", "gasconaded", "swaggered", "vapored", "vaunted" ], "near synonyms":[ "blustered", "harangued", "puffed", "prided", "gushed", "exulted", "gloried", "rejoiced", "brandished", "displayed", "exhibited", "exposed", "flaunted", "glorified", "paraded", "shown off", "showed off", "magnified", "maximized" ], "near antonyms":[ "belittled", "deprecated", "diminished", "discounted", "laughed off", "minimized", "played down", "pooh-poohed", "poohed", "shrugged off", "underrated", "undervalued", "bemoaned", "lamented", "mourned", "regretted" ], "antonyms":[] }, "to produce flowers":{ "examples":[ "longing for a grassy field in some far-off land where the wildflowers blow" ], "synonyms":[ "bloomed", "blossomed", "burgeoned", "bourgeoned", "effloresced", "flowered", "unfolded" ], "near synonyms":[ "leafed", "leaved", "budded", "opened" ], "near antonyms":[ "dried up", "faded", "shriveled", "shrivelled", "wilted", "withered", "died", "dropped", "expired", "perished" ], "antonyms":[] }, "type":[ "adjective", "verb" ] }, "blows a gasket":{ "to become very angry":{ "examples":[ "He blew a gasket when he saw that his younger brother had borrowed his car without asking." ], "synonyms":[ "blows up", "flares (up)", "flips (out)" ], "near synonyms":[ "angers", "fulminates", "rages", "rants", "raves", "snaps", "snarls", "sputters", "storms", "tees off", "vents", "vituperates", "bristles", "burns", "foams", "fumes", 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"transcending", "edging (out)", "nosing out", "pipping", "capping", "excelling", "flourishing", "scoring", "succeeding", "breaking", "destroying", "doing in", "finishing", "sinking", "slaughtering" ], "near antonyms":[], "antonyms":[] }, "type":[ "verb" ] }, "blonde":{ "of a pale yellow or yellowish brown color":{ "examples":[ "the little boy's blond hair darkened to brown as he grew older" ], "synonyms":[ "fair", "flaxen", "golden", "sandy", "straw", "tawny" ], "near synonyms":[ "ocherous", "ochreous", "ash-blond", "ash-blonde", "blondish", "strawberry blonde", "strawberry blond", "towheaded", "gold", "light", "white" ], "near antonyms":[ "black-a-vised", "brown", "brunet", "brunette", "dark", "olive", "swart", "swarthy", "black", "ebony", "raven" ], "antonyms":[] }, "type":[ "adjective" ] }, "blowhards":{ "a person who talks constantly":{ "examples":[ "a politician who is the stereotypical backslapping blowhard" ], "synonyms":[ "babblers", "blabbermouths", "blabbers", "cacklers", "chatterboxes", "chatterers", "conversationalists", "gabblers", "gasbags", "jabberers", "jays", "magpies", "motormouths", "prattlers", "talkers", "windbags" ], "near synonyms":[ "gossipers", "gossips", "talebearers", "tattlers", "tattletales", "blatherers", "blatherskites", "conversers", "discoursers" ], "near antonyms":[], "antonyms":[] }, "someone who boasts":{ "examples":[ "a blowhard who always had to act like she was better than anyone else" ], "synonyms":[ "blowers", "boasters", "braggadocios", "braggarts", "braggers", "brags", "cockalorums", "crackers", "gasconaders", "gascons", "swaggerers", "vaunters" ], "near synonyms":[ "blusterers", "cocks", "self-advertisers", "self-dramatizers", "self-promoters" ], "near antonyms":[], "antonyms":[] }, "type":[ "noun" ] }, "blob":{ "a small uneven mass":{ "examples":[ "flicked a blob of jelly on the toast and began to spread it around" ], "synonyms":[ "chunk", "clod", "clot", "clump", "dollop", "glob", "gob", "gobbet", "hunk", "knob", "lump", "nub", "nubble", "nugget", "wad" ], "near synonyms":[ "bead", "drop", "globule", "block", "body", "bulk", "particle", "piece", "portion", "bit", "chip", "crumb", "granule", "morsel", "nubbin", "patch", "scrap" ], "near antonyms":[], "antonyms":[] }, "the quantity of fluid that falls naturally in one rounded mass":{ "examples":[ "got a blob of honey on his sweater" ], "synonyms":[ "bead", "driblet", "drip", "drop", "droplet", "glob", "globule" ], "near synonyms":[ "gobbet", "dewdrop", "raindrop", "tear", "teardrop", "spatter", "dribble", "trickle" ], "near antonyms":[], "antonyms":[] }, "type":[ "noun" ] }, "blocking (off)":{ "to disallow entry into (a place) by means of a physical barrier at the entry point":{ "examples":[ "the square is temporarily blocked off for the street fair" ], "synonyms":[ "barricading", "barring", "blockading", "closing (off)", "guarding", "walling (off)" ], "near synonyms":[ "curtaining (off)", "screening (off)", "diking", "fencing", "gating", "hedging", "bolting", "locking", "obstructing" ], "near antonyms":[ "reopening", "unblocking", "unbolting" ], "antonyms":[ "opening", "unbarring" ] }, "type":[ "verb" ] }, "blockading":{ "to disallow entry into (a place) by means of a physical barrier at the entry point":{ "examples":[ "the militant protestors blockaded the whole area around city hall" ], "synonyms":[ "barricading", "barring", "blocking (off)", "closing (off)", "guarding", "walling (off)" ], "near synonyms":[ "curtaining (off)", "screening (off)", "diking", "fencing", "gating", "hedging", "bolting", "locking", "obstructing" ], "near antonyms":[ "reopening", "unblocking", "unbolting" ], "antonyms":[ "opening", "unbarring" ] }, "to surround (as a fortified place) with armed forces for the purpose of capturing or preventing commerce and communication":{ "examples":[ "blockaded the city until it surrendered" ], "synonyms":[ "beleaguering", "besieging", "investing", "leaguering" ], "near synonyms":[ "barricading", "blocking", "cutting off", "damming", "encircling", "assailing", "assaulting", "attacking", "besetting", "confining", "insulating", "isolating", "quarantining" ], "near antonyms":[ "emancipating", "freeing", "liberating", "releasing", "rescuing" ], "antonyms":[] }, "type":[ "verb" ] }, "blogger":{ "as in reporter , journalist":{ "examples":[], "synonyms":[], "near synonyms":[ "columnist", "journalist", "newspaperman", "paragrapher", "reporter", "sportswriter", "author", "litterateur", "litt\u00e9rateur", "pen", "penman", "scribe", "scrivener", "writer", "auteur", "belletrist", "belle-lettrist", "stylist", "wordsmith", "coauthor", "coscenarist", "cowriter", "ghostwriter", "hack", "hatchet man", "scribbler", "wordmonger", "biographer", "hagiographer", "autobiographer", "memoirist", "memorialist", "fabulist", "fictioneer", "fictionist", "novelist", "romancer", "storyteller", "essayist", "pamphleteer", "satirist" ], "near antonyms":[ "nonauthor", "nonwriter" ], "antonyms":[] }, "type":[ "noun" ] }, "blowing a gasket":{ "to become very angry":{ "examples":[ "He blew a gasket when he saw that his younger brother had borrowed his car without asking." ], "synonyms":[ "blowing up", "flaring (up)", "flipping (out)" ], "near synonyms":[ "angering", "fulminating", "raging", "ranting", "raving", "snapping", "snarling", "sputtering", "storming", "teeing off", "venting", "vituperating", "bristling", "burning", "foaming", "fuming", "glaring", "glowering", "seething", "sizzling", "smoldering", "smouldering", "steaming", "warming", "bursting", "exploding", "flaring (out)", "flashing", "inflaming", "enflaming", "maddening" ], "near antonyms":[ "chilling out", "cooling (off or down)", "relaxing", "hushing", "quieting (down)" ], "antonyms":[ "calming (down)", "simmering down" ] }, "type":[ "phrase" ] }, "blow out":{ "to let or force out of the lungs":{ "examples":[ "blew out a smoke ring and began to tell us a good yarn" ], "synonyms":[ "breathe (out)", "exhale", "expel", "expire" ], "near synonyms":[ "expectorate" ], "near antonyms":[], "antonyms":[ "inbreathe", "inhale", "inspire" ] }, "a social gathering":{ "examples":[ "staged a huge blowout for Halloween" ], "synonyms":[ "affair", "bash", "binge", "blast", "do", "event", "fete", "f\u00eate", "function", "get-together", "party", "reception", "shindig" ], "near synonyms":[ "benefit", "fund-raiser", "ball", "dance", "formal", "prom", "celebration", "gala", "occasion", "bacchanal", "bacchanalia", "orgy", "saturnalia", "bake", "clambake", "cocktail party", "hen party", "house party", "housewarming", "icebreaker", "kaffeeklatsch", "kegger", "keg party", "klatch", "klatsch", "masquerade", "meet and greet", "mixer", "salon", "shower", "social", "soiree", "soir\u00e9e", "stag", "supper", "symposium", "tea", "tea party" ], "near antonyms":[], "antonyms":[] }, "type":[ "noun", "verb" ] }, "blow the whistle (on)":{ "to reveal the true nature of":{ "examples":[], "synonyms":[ "debunk", "expose", "nail", "show up", 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"covering (up)", "smothering", "gilding", "glossing (over)", "varnishing", "whitewashing", "beclouding", "bedimming", "befogging", "blocking", "clouding", "darkening", "eclipsing", "obstructing", "occluding", "overcasting", "overshadowing", "shading" ], "near antonyms":[ "bringing out", "presenting", "clarifying", "illuminating", "advertising", "airing", "broadcasting", "getting out", "proclaiming", "publicizing", "publishing", "spreading" ], "antonyms":[ "baring", "disclosing", "displaying", "divulging", "exposing", "revealing", "showing", "uncloaking", "uncovering", "unmasking", "unveiling" ] }, "type":[ "verb" ] }, "bloviates":{ "as in declaims , pontificates":{ "examples":[], "synonyms":[], "near synonyms":[ "blows", "declaims", "harangues", "mouths (off)", "orates", "pontificates", "blusters", "fulminates", "huffs", "rants", "raves", "spouts", "sounds off", "speaks out", "speaks up", "blares", "blurts (out)", "bolts", "carries on", "rages", "storms", "takes on" ], "near 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"synonyms":[], "near synonyms":[ "verbosity", "windiness", "pomposity", "turgidity", "wind", "babble", "blab", "chatter", "drivel", "gabble", "gibber", "gibberish", "jabber", "prattle", "oratory", "rhapsody", "rhetoric", "jawing", "patter", "prating", "yammering", "bluster", "bombast", "brag", "braggadocio", "bull", "cockalorum", "fanfaronade", "gas", "gasconade", "grandiloquence", "hot air", "magniloquence", "rant", "rodomontade", "rhodomontade", "egotism", "self-conceit", "self-importance", "swagger", "vaunt" ], "near antonyms":[], "antonyms":[] }, "type":[ "noun" ] }, "blowing up":{ "to become very angry":{ "examples":[ "she blew up at everybody after a very long and very bad day" ], "synonyms":[ "flaring (up)", "flipping (out)" ], "near synonyms":[ "angering", "fulminating", "raging", "ranting", "raving", "snapping", "snarling", "sputtering", "storming", "teeing off", "venting", "vituperating", "bristling", "burning", "foaming", "fuming", "glaring", "glowering", "seething", 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"exploding", "popping", "shattering", "smashing" ], "near synonyms":[ "dynamiting", "annihilating", "decimating", "destroying", "ruining", "wrecking", "detonating", "discharging", "fragmenting", "splintering" ], "near antonyms":[ "collapsing", "imploding" ], "antonyms":[] }, "to praise or publicize lavishly and often excessively":{ "examples":[ "the advertisement blows the new soda up to the point where I half expected to be transported to a higher level of consciousness" ], "synonyms":[ "ballyhooing", "cracking up", "crying up", "glorifying", "touting", "trumpeting", "tub-thumping" ], "near synonyms":[ "acclaiming", "applauding", "extolling", "lauding", "magnifying", "commending", "complimenting", "eulogizing", "advancing", "advertising", "announcing", "blaring", "blazing", "blazoning", "boosting", "heralding", "offering", "plugging", "promoting", "publicizing", "asserting", "averring", "claiming", "declaring", "laying down", "making out", "proclaiming", "pronouncing" ], "near 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"sequestrations", "incarcerations", "internments" ], "near antonyms":[], "antonyms":[] }, "to disallow entry into (a place) by means of a physical barrier at the entry point":{ "examples":[ "the militant protestors blockaded the whole area around city hall" ], "synonyms":[ "barricades", "bars", "blocks (off)", "closes (off)", "guards", "walls (off)" ], "near synonyms":[ "curtains (off)", "screens (off)", "dikes", "fences", "gates", "hedges", "bolts", "locks", "obstructs" ], "near antonyms":[ "reopens", "unblocks", "unbolts" ], "antonyms":[ "opens", "unbars" ] }, "to surround (as a fortified place) with armed forces for the purpose of capturing or preventing commerce and communication":{ "examples":[ "blockaded the city until it surrendered" ], "synonyms":[ "beleaguers", "besieges", "invests", "leaguers" ], "near synonyms":[ "barricades", "blocks", "cuts off", "dams", "encircles", "assails", "assaults", "attacks", "besets", "confines", "insulates", "isolates", "quarantines" ], "near 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