{ "athletic":{ "having great physical strength, skill, or ability":{ "examples":[ "She had always been athletic , playing multiple sports even as a child." ], "synonyms":[], "near synonyms":[ "able-bodied", "fit", "trim", "healthy", "hearty", "robust", "sound", "well-conditioned", "brawny", "muscular", "rugged", "sinewy", "stalwart", "stout", "strong", "hefty", "hulking", "muscle-bound", "powerful", "sculpted", "beefy", "burly", "husky", "strapping", "forceful", "forcible", "mighty", "potent", "powerful", "puissant", "balletic", "coordinated", "acrobatic", "flexible", "limber", "loose-jointed", "pliable", "pliant", "supple", "adroit", "deft", "dexterous", "dextrous", "light-fingered", "agile", "featly", "feline", "gracile", "light", "light-footed", "light-foot", "lightsome", "lissome", "lissom", "lithe", "lithesome", "nimble", "spry", "hard", "inured", "strengthened", "sturdy", "tough", "toughened", "energetic", "energized", "invigorated", "red-blooded", "vigorous", "vitalized" ], 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"kitty-corner", "catty-corner", "catercorner", "kitty-cornered", "catty-cornered", "catercornered", "obliquely", "transversely" ], "near synonyms":[ "across" ], "near antonyms":[ "lengthwise", "longitudinally" ], "antonyms":[] }, "to the opposite side of":{ "examples":[ "athwart the road was farmland as far as the eye could see" ], "synonyms":[ "across", "over", "through" ], "near synonyms":[ "around", "round", "beyond", "past" ], "near antonyms":[], "antonyms":[] }, "type":[ "adverb", "preposition" ] }, "athletics":{ "as in gymnastics , aerobics":{ "examples":[], "synonyms":[], "near synonyms":[ "aerobics", "bodybuilding", "body mechanics", "calisthenics", "gymnastics", "isometrics", "plyometrics", "slimnastics", "weight lifting", "activity", "conditioning", "exercise", "exertion", "training", "warm-up", "workout", "toning", "trimming", "physical therapy" ], "near antonyms":[], "antonyms":[] }, "as in sport":{ "examples":[], "synonyms":[], "near synonyms":[ "sport", "bout", "competition", "contest", "event", "game", "match", "matchup", "meet", "sweepstakes", "sweep-stake", "tournament", "tourney", "battle", "conflict", "scrimmage", "skirmish", "struggle", "tug-of-war", "tussle", "championship", "national(s)", "final", "nightcap", "play-off", "semifinal", "derby", "field day", "gymkhana", "open", "outing", "biathlon", "decathlon", "heptathlon", "pentathlon", "triathlon", "marathon", "race", "ultramarathon", "heat", "round", "run", "set", "rally", "volley" ], "near antonyms":[], "antonyms":[] }, "type":[ "noun" ] }, "atheists":{ "a person who believes that God does not exist":{ "examples":[ "He left the church while in college and became an atheist ." ], "synonyms":[], "near synonyms":[ "disbelievers", "giaours", "infidels", "misbelievers", "miscreants", "nonbelievers", "unbelievers", "gentiles", "heathens", "heathen", "idolaters", "idolators", "pagans", "doubters", "skeptics", "agnostics", "neo-pagans", "polytheists" ], "near antonyms":[ "believers" ], "antonyms":[] }, "type":[ "noun" ] }, "athirst":{ "showing urgent desire or interest":{ "examples":[ "was athirst for any news at all about family members serving in the war zone" ], "synonyms":[ "agog", "antsy", "anxious", "ardent", "avid", "crazy", "desirous", "eager", "enthused", "enthusiastic", "excited", "geeked", "great", "greedy", "gung ho", "hepped up", "hopped-up", "hot", "hungry", "impatient", "juiced", "keen", "nuts", "pumped", "raring", "solicitous", "stoked", "thirsty", "voracious", "wild" ], "near synonyms":[ "engaged", "interested", "happy", "hung up", "obsessed", "ambitious", "appetent", "covetous", "craving", "hankering", "longing", "pining", "breathless", "restive", "restless", "amenable", "disposed", "game", "glad", "inclined", "ready", "unreluctant", "willing" ], "near antonyms":[ "casual", "incurious", "insouciant", "nonchalant", "unconcerned", "uninterested", "aloof", "detached", "disinterested", "impassive", "stolid", "halfhearted", "lackadaisical", "languid", 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