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"near synonyms":[ "starless", "sunless", "crepuscular", "twilit", "cloudy", "dull", "dulled", "lackluster", "black", "caliginous", "dark", "darkened", "darkish", "darkling", "darksome", "dim", "dimmed", "dusk", "dusky", "gloomy", "lightless", "murky", "obscure", "obscured", "pitch-black", "pitch-dark", "pitchy", "rayless", "somber", "sombre", "stygian", "tenebrific", "tenebrous", "unlit", "shadowlike", "shadowy", "shady", "gray", "grey", "leaden", "pale", "beclouded", "befogged", "clouded", "foggy", "fuliginous", "misty", "smoggy", "soupy" ], "near antonyms":[ "bright", "brightened", "brilliant", "illuminated", "illumined", "light", "lightsome", "lit", "lighted", "lucent", "lucid", "luminous", "ablaze", "agleam", "aglitter", "alight", "beaming", "beamy", "effulgent", "glaring", "glowing", "incandescent", "lambent", "radiant", "relucent", "resplendent", "shining", "sparkling", "ultrabright", "glossy", "lustrous", "shiny", "floodlit", "floodlighted", "highlighted", "spotlighted", 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"benefactors", "philanthropists", "supporters" ], "antonyms":[] }, "type":[ "noun" ] }, "moors":{ "a broad area of level or rolling treeless country":{ "examples":[ "as she wanders the windswept moor , the novel's heroine vows that she will never marry the vicar" ], "synonyms":[ "campos", "champaigns", "downs", "grasslands", "heaths", "leas", "leys", "llanos", "pampas", "plains", "prairies", "savannas", "savannahs", "steppes", "tundras", "velds", "veldts" ], "near synonyms":[ "fields", "meadows", "floodplains", "bottomlands", "bottoms", "flats", "lowlands", "plateaus", "plateaux", "tablelands", "tables", "uplands" ], "near antonyms":[], "antonyms":[] }, "spongy land saturated or partially covered with water":{ "examples":[ "a mysterious figure who was said to have haunted the moors of southwest England" ], "synonyms":[ "bogs", "fens", "marshes", "marshlands", "mires", "morasses", "muskegs", "sloughs", "slews", "slues", "swamplands", "swamps", "washes", "wetlands" ], "near synonyms":[ "swales", "quagmires", "gucks", "gooks", "muck", "muds", "oozes", "slimes", "slop", "sludges", "slush" ], "near antonyms":[], "antonyms":[] }, "to put securely in place or in a desired position":{ "examples":[ "moored the boat to the dock" ], "synonyms":[ "anchors", "catches", "clamps", "fastens", "fixes", "hitches", "secures", "sets" ], "near synonyms":[ "embeds", "imbeds", "entrenches", "intrenches", "implants", "ingrains", "engrains", "lodges", "stuffs", "wedges" ], "near antonyms":[ "extracts", "pries", "prizes", "pulls", "roots (out)", "tears (out)", "uproots", "wrests", "yanks" ], "antonyms":[ "loosens", "looses", "unfastens", "unfixes", "unloosens", "unlooses" ] }, "type":[ "noun", "verb" ] } }