{ "lukewarmness":{ "the quality or state of being moderate in temperature":{ "examples":[ "the lukewarmness of the soda pop did nothing for its taste" ], "synonyms":[ "tepidity", "tepidness", "warmness", "warmth" ], "near synonyms":[ "balminess", "mildness", "temperateness", "glow", "radiance", "radiancy", "heat", "hotness", "stuffiness", "sultriness", "torridity", "torridness" ], "near antonyms":[ "bitterness", "bleakness", "cold", "coldness", "frigidity", "frigidness", "frostiness", "iciness", "rawness", "sharpness", "frost" ], "antonyms":[ "chill", "chilliness", "coolness" ] }, "type":[ "noun" ] }, "lukewarmly":{ "as in perfunctorily , indifferently":{ "examples":[], "synonyms":[], "near synonyms":[ "apathetically", "indifferently", "perfunctorily", "aloofly", "disinterestedly", "impassively", "incuriously", "hesitantly", "reluctantly", "unwillingly" ], "near antonyms":[ "enthusiastically", "exuberantly", "madly", "rhapsodically", "sky-high", "avidly", "eagerly", "excitedly", "impatiently", "keenly", "fanatically", "rabidly", "warmly", "zealously" ], "antonyms":[] }, "type":[ "adverb" ] }, "lukewarm":{ "having or giving off heat to a moderate degree":{ "examples":[ "I left the bowl of soup sitting on the counter too long, and now it's lukewarm" ], "synonyms":[ "heated", "hottish", "tepid", "toasty", "warm", "warmed", "warmish" ], "near synonyms":[ "thawed", "boiling", "broiling", "burning", "fiery", "hot", "piping hot", "red-hot", "roasting", "scalding", "scorching", "searing", "steamy", "sultry", "sweltering", "torrid", "white-hot", "overheated", "roasted", "superheated", "sweltering", "blazing", "glowing", "molten", "sizzling", "reheated", "rewarmed", "warmed-over" ], "near antonyms":[ "arctic", "bitter", "bleak", "chill", "chilly", "cold", "freezing", "frigid", "frosty", "gelid", "glacial", "ice-cold", "iced", "icy", "nippy", "polar", "raw", "sharp", "snappy", "snowy", "subfreezing", "subzero", "ultracold", "winterly", "wintry", "wintery", "frosted", "benumbed", "nipped", "numb" ], "antonyms":[ "chilled", "coldish", "cool", "cooled", "coolish", "refrigerated", "unheated" ] }, "showing little or no interest or enthusiasm":{ "examples":[ "the dentist's lecture on the merits of flossing got only a lukewarm response" ], "synonyms":[ "halfhearted", "tepid", "uneager", "unenthusiastic" ], "near synonyms":[ "apathetic", "disinterested", "dispassionate", "emotionless", "impassive", "indifferent", "neutral", "uncaring", "uninterested", "lackadaisical", "languid", "listless", "perfunctory", "undemonstrative", "unemotional", "unresponsive", "unfeeling", "unsympathetic", "chill", "chilly", "cold", "cool", "frigid", "frosty", "glacial", "icy", "unfriendly", "wintry", "wintery" ], "near antonyms":[ "agog", "ardent", "avid", "exuberant", "fervid", "feverish", "fiery", "gung ho", "hot-blooded", "impassioned", "intense", "raring", "red-hot", "vehement", "engaged", "engrossed", "interested", "ready", "willing", "cordial", "friendly", "genial", "warmhearted" ], "antonyms":[ "eager", "enthusiastic", "hearty", "keen", "passionate", "warm", "wholehearted" ] }, "type":[ "adjective" ] } }