{ "juxtaposes":{ "to place (different things) together in order to create an interesting effect or to show how they are the same or different":{ "examples":[ "The new museum display juxtaposes modern art with classical art." ], "synonyms":[], "near synonyms":[ "alternates", "interlaces", "intersperses", "interweaves", "laces", "salts", "threads", "weaves", "wreathes", "inserts", "intermingles", "mingles", "mixes", "amalgamates", "assimilates", "blends", "combines", "commingles", "embodies", "fuses", "incorporates", "integrates", "merges" ], "near antonyms":[], "antonyms":[] }, "type":[ "verb" ] }, "juxtaposed":{ "having a border in common":{ "examples":[ "the juxtaposed photographs of the country's richest and poorest areas are a telling commentary on inequality" ], "synonyms":[ "abutting", "adjacent", "adjoining", "bordering", "conterminous", "contiguous", "flanking", "flush", "fringing", "joining", "neighboring", "skirting", "touching", "verging" ], "near synonyms":[ "approximate", "close", "closest", "immediate", "near", "nearby", "nearest", "next-door", "nigh", "attached", "communicating", "connected", "connecting", "interconnecting", "joined", "linked", "united", "bounding", "circumjacent", "embracing", "encircling", "enclosing", "inclosing", "fencing", "rimming", "surrounding", "marginal", "peripheral", "tangent", "tangential", "ambient", "encompassing" ], "near antonyms":[ "apart", "detached", "disconnected", "discrete", "free-standing", "isolate", "isolated", "removed", "separate", "single", "unattached", "unconnected", "unlinked", "away", "distant", "far", "faraway", "far-off", "farthest", "remote", "discontinuous", "noncontinuous", "broken up", "disjoined", "dissevered", "dissociated", "disunited", "divided", "divorced", "parted", "ramified", "resolved", "severed", "split", "sundered", "uncoupled", "unyoked" ], "antonyms":[ "nonadjacent", "noncontiguous" ] }, "to place (different things) together in order to create an interesting effect or to show how they are the same or different":{ "examples":[ "The new museum display juxtaposes modern art with classical art." ], "synonyms":[], "near synonyms":[ "alternated", "interlaced", "interspersed", "interwove", "interweaved", "laced", "salted", "threaded", "wove", "weaved", "wreathed", "inserted", "intermingled", "mingled", "mixed", "amalgamated", "assimilated", "blended", "blent", "combined", "commingled", "embodied", "fused", "incorporated", "integrated", "merged" ], "near antonyms":[], "antonyms":[] }, "type":[ "adjective", "verb" ] }, "juxtaposing":{ "to place (different things) together in order to create an interesting effect or to show how they are the same or different":{ "examples":[ "The new museum display juxtaposes modern art with classical art." ], "synonyms":[], "near synonyms":[ "alternating", "interlacing", "interspersing", "interweaving", "lacing", "salting", "threading", "weaving", "wreathing", "inserting", "intermingling", "mingling", "mixing", "amalgamating", "assimilating", "blending", "combining", "commingling", "embodying", "fusing", "incorporating", "integrating", "merging" ], "near antonyms":[], "antonyms":[] }, "type":[ "verb" ] }, "juxtapose":{ "to place (different things) together in order to create an interesting effect or to show how they are the same or different":{ "examples":[ "The new museum display juxtaposes modern art with classical art." ], "synonyms":[], "near synonyms":[ "alternate", "interlace", "intersperse", "interweave", "lace", "salt", "thread", "weave", "wreathe", "insert", "intermingle", "mingle", "mix", "amalgamate", "assimilate", "blend", "combine", "commingle", "embody", "fuse", "incorporate", "integrate", "merge" ], "near antonyms":[], "antonyms":[] }, "type":[ "verb" ] }, "juxtaposition":{ "the state of being next to one another":{ "examples":[ "The juxtaposition of contrasting colors gives the painting a chaotic effect." ], "synonyms":[], "near synonyms":[ "abutment", "adjacency", "closeness", "contiguity", "immediacy", "nearness", "propinquity", "proximity", "vicinity" ], "near antonyms":[ "distance", "remoteness" ], "antonyms":[] }, "type":[ "noun" ] } }