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"solaces", "soothes", "succors" ], "antonyms":[] }, "to injure by overuse, misuse, or pressure":{ "examples":[ "she racked her brain trying to remember where she'd put the money", "the sails of the boat were racked by the storm's winds" ], "synonyms":[ "pulls", "strains", "stretches", "wrenches" ], "related":[ "frays", "taxes", "weakens", "damages", "harms", "hurts", "impairs", "wounds", "batters", "bruises", "tears", "cripples", "lames", "mangles", "mutilates" ], "near antonyms":[], "antonyms":[] }, "type":[ "noun", "verb" ] }, "radiantly":{ "in a manner marked by the shining or reflecting of much light":{ "examples":[ "under a radiantly clear sky, we raised our anchor and set off on a carefree cruise" ], "synonyms":[ "bright", "brightly", "brilliantly", "dazzlingly", "fulgently", "glowingly", "incandescently", "lambently", "luminously", "lustrously", "splendidly" ], "related":[ "blazingly", "burningly", "flamingly", "blindingly", "flaringly", "flickeringly", "glaringly", 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"wisecracks", "gags", "japes", "jollies", "yuks", "yucks" ], "near antonyms":[], "antonyms":[] }, "type":[ "noun", "verb" ] }, "raffle":{ "discarded or useless material":{ "examples":[ "the front lawn was littered with the raffle that the roofers had left behind" ], "synonyms":[ "chaff", "deadwood", "debris", "dreck", "drek", "dross", "dust", "effluvium", "effluvia", "garbage", "junk", "litter", "offal", "offscouring", "refuse", "riffraff", "rubbish", "scrap", "spilth", "trash", "truck", "waste" ], "related":[ "crud", "sewage", "slop", "swill", "wash", "detritus", "remains", "rubble", "ruins", "dump", "scrap heap", "lumber", "odds and ends", "trumpery", "flotsam", "jetsam", "wreckage", "castoff", "cull", "discard", "hand-me-down", "reject", "throwaway", "nothing", "straw", "two bits" ], "near antonyms":[ "catch", "gem", "goody", "goodie", "jewel", "pearl", "plum", "prize", "treasure", "treasure trove", "trove", "valuable", "booty", "find", "salvage" ], "antonyms":[] }, "type":[ "noun" 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"examples":[ "the Norman invaders fled when the castle's defenders threw a rain of stones down upon them" ], "synonyms":[ "hail", "shower", "storm" ], "near synonyms":[ "barrage", "bombardment", "broadside", "cannonade", "fusillade", "salvo", "volley", "flood", "gush", "rush", "spate", "torrent", "eruption", "outbreak", "outburst" ], "near antonyms":[], "antonyms":[] }, "to fall as water in a continuous stream of drops from the clouds":{ "examples":[ "it started raining early this morning and hasn't let up since" ], "synonyms":[ "pour", "precipitate", "storm" ], "near synonyms":[ "shower", "spit", "hail", "squall", "deluge", "drown", "engulf", "flood", "inundate", "swamp" ], "near antonyms":[ "drizzle", "mist", "mizzle", "spit", "sprinkle" ], "antonyms":[] }, "to give readily and in large quantities":{ "examples":[ "she rained praise upon her graduating students", "the squadron rained bombs on the enemy's fortifications" ], "synonyms":[ "heap", "lavish", "pour", "shower" ], "near 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"synonyms":[ "affliction", "agony", "anguish", "distress", "excruciation", "hurt", "misery", "pain", "strait(s)", "torment", "torture", "travail", "tribulation", "woe" ], "near synonyms":[ "discomfort", "cross", "crucible", "trial", "heartache", "heartbreak", "joylessness", "sadness", "sorrow", "unhappiness", "emergency", "pinch", "asperity", "difficulty", "hardship", "rigor", "ache", "pang", "smarting", "soreness", "stitch", "throe", "twinge", "danger", "jeopardy", "trouble" ], "near antonyms":[ "comfort", "consolation", "solace", "alleviation", "assuagement", "ease", "relief", "peace", "security", "well-being" ], "antonyms":[] }, "to cause persistent suffering to":{ "examples":[ "the young man was racked with guilt over the lie he had told to his parents", "the country has been racked by years of civil war" ], "synonyms":[ "afflict", "agonize", "anguish", "bedevil", "beset", "besiege", "curse", "excruciate", "harrow", "persecute", "plague", "torment", "torture" ], "near synonyms":[ "assail", "attack", "badger", "dog", "hound", "pursue", "ride", "aggravate", "agitate", "annoy", "bother", "bug", "chafe", "distress", "disturb", "exasperate", "gall", "get", "grate", "gripe", "hagride", "harass", "harry", "irk", "irritate", "molest", "nettle", "peeve", "pester", "pique", "put out", "rasp", "rile", "vex", "discomfort", "discompose", "disquiet", "fluster", "grieve", "perturb", "strain", "stress", "trouble", "try", "upset", "worry", "crush", "oppress", "overpower", "overwhelm", "smite", "strike", "tyrannize", "victimize", "hurt", "pain", "pang", "prick", "smart", "stab", "sting", "wring", "martyr" ], "near antonyms":[ "abet", "aid", "assist", "help", "deliver", "release", "relieve", "reprieve", "comfort", "console", "content", "quiet", "solace", "soothe", "succor" ], "antonyms":[] }, "to injure by overuse, misuse, or pressure":{ "examples":[ "she racked her brain trying to remember where she'd put the money", "the sails of the boat were racked by the storm's winds" ], 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"dillydallying", "dragging", "laggard", "languid", "lingering", "plodding", "poking", "poky", "pokey", "slowish", "sluggish", "unhurried", "deliberate", "leisurely", "measured", "dilatory", "late", "tardy", "ultraslow" ], "antonyms":[ "slow" ] }, "type":[ "adjective" ] }, "rationalizations":{ "as in pretexts , pretenses":{ "examples":[], "synonyms":[], "near synonyms":[ "guises", "pretenses", "pretences", "pretexts", "accountings", "accounts", "arguments", "cases", "explanations", "rationales", "reasons", "alibis", "apologiae", "apologias", "apologies", "defenses", "excuses", "justifications", "vindications", "appeals", "pleas" ], "near antonyms":[], "antonyms":[] }, "type":[ "noun" ] }, "rationalize":{ "to give the reason for or cause of":{ "examples":[ "rationalized his decision to buy the new car by noting that it was more fuel efficient than his old vehicle" ], "synonyms":[ "account (for)", "attribute", "explain", "explain away" ], "near synonyms":[ "condone", "excuse", "forgive", "justify", "absolve", "acquit", "exculpate", "exonerate", "vindicate" ], "near antonyms":[], "antonyms":[] }, "type":[ "verb" ] }, "rapped":{ "to deliver a blow to (someone or something) usually in a strong vigorous manner":{ "examples":[ "a childhood memory of the time he got his knuckles rapped for trying to steal candy from the corner store" ], "synonyms":[ "banged", "bashed", "batted", "belted", "biffed", "bludgeoned", "bobbed", "bonked", "bopped", "boxed", "busted", "bust", "clapped", "clapt", "clipped", "clobbered", "clocked", "clouted", "cracked", "hammered", "hit", "knocked", "nailed", "pasted", "pounded", "punched", "slammed", "slapped", "slogged", "slugged", "smacked", "smote", "socked", "struck", "swatted", "swiped", "tagged", "thumped", "thwacked", "walloped", "whacked", "whaled", "zapped" ], "near synonyms":[ "battered", "beat", "buffeted", "bunged", "chopped", "cuffed", "drubbed", "laced", "lambasted", "licked", "mangled", "mauled", "pelted", "peppered", "pommeled", 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"socked", "struck", "swatted", "thudded", "thumped", "thwacked", "walloped", "whacked", "chinked", "clattered", "clinked", "pinged", "patted", "pit-a-patted", "pitter-pattered", "chucked", "clapped", "clapt", "clicked", "flicked", "tipped" ], "near antonyms":[], "antonyms":[] }, "to engage in casual or rambling conversation":{ "examples":[ "the guys at the gym never seem to tire about rapping about basketball" ], "synonyms":[ "babbled", "blabbed", "cackled", "chaffered", "chatted", "chattered", "chinned", "conversed", "gabbed", "gabbled", "gassed", "jabbered", "jawed", "kibitzed", "kibbitzed", "nattered", "palavered", "pattered", "prated", "prattled", "ran on", "rattled", "schmoozed", "shmoozed", "talked", "twittered", "visited" ], "near synonyms":[ "gossiped", "tattled", "descanted", "discussed", "expatiated", "yakked", "yacked", "yammered", "yapped" ], "near antonyms":[], "antonyms":[] }, "to fill with overwhelming emotion (as wonder or delight)":{ "examples":[ "concertgoers were 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"ground", "honed", "rubbed", "sanded" ], "near synonyms":[ "planed", "scraped", "sandblasted", "scoured", "burnished", "dressed", "glossed", "polished", "shone", "shined", "smoothed", "edged", "sharpened", "stropped", "whetted", "reground" ], "near antonyms":[ "coarsened", "roughed (up)", "roughened", "scuffed" ], "antonyms":[] }, "to pass roughly and noisily over or against a surface":{ "examples":[ "the sound of fingernails rasping on the blackboard makes me cringe" ], "synonyms":[ "grated", "ground", "scraped", "scratched" ], "near synonyms":[ "rubbed", "groaned", "whined" ], "near antonyms":[ "glided", "skated", "slid" ], "antonyms":[] }, "to disturb the peace of mind of (someone) especially by repeated disagreeable acts":{ "examples":[ "the two siblings seemed intent on rasping each other for the entire car trip" ], "synonyms":[ "aggravated", "annoyed", "ate", "bothered", "bugged", "burned (up)", "burnt (up)", "chafed", "exasperated", "frosted", "galled", "got", "grated", 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"reassured", "solaced", "soothed" ], "antonyms":[] }, "to damage or diminish by continued friction":{ "examples":[ "during the last ice age, glaciers rasped the surface, leaving the deeply scarred rock" ], "synonyms":[ "abraded", "chafed", "corraded", "eroded", "frayed", "frazzled", "fretted", "galled", "rubbed", "wore" ], "near synonyms":[ "filed", "gnawed", "grated", "grazed", "ground", "nibbled", "sandblasted", "sandpapered", "scoured", "scraped", "scuffed", "shaved", "erased", "reduced", "rubbed out", "wiped (away)", "wore out", "ate", "bit", "broke down", "broke up", "chewed", "corroded", "decomposed", "disintegrated", "dissolved", "honed", "sharpened", "whetted" ], "near antonyms":[], "antonyms":[] }, "type":[ "adjective", "verb" ] }, "ran away":{ "to get free from a dangerous or confining situation":{ "examples":[ "ran away from an unhappy marriage" ], "synonyms":[ "absconded", "broke out (of)", "cleared out", "escaped", "fled", "flew", "got out", "lammed", "ran off" ], "near 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"synonyms":[ "black", "caliginous", "dark", "darkened", "darkish", "darkling", "darksome", "dim", "dimmed", "dusk", "dusky", "gloomy", "lightless", "murky", "obscure", "obscured", "pitch-black", "pitch-dark", "pitchy", "somber", "sombre", "stygian", "tenebrific", "tenebrous", "unlit" ], "near synonyms":[ "crepuscular", "twilit", "moonless", "starless", "sunless", "cloudy", "dull", "dulled", "lackluster", "shadowlike", "shadowy", "shady", "gray", "grey", "leaden", "pale", "beclouded", "befogged", "clouded", "foggy", "fuliginous", "misty", "smoggy", "soupy" ], "near antonyms":[ "ablaze", "agleam", "aglitter", "alight", "beaming", "beamy", "effulgent", "glaring", "glowing", "incandescent", "lambent", "radiant", "relucent", "resplendent", "shining", "sparkling", "ultrabright", "glossy", "lustrous", "shiny", "floodlit", "floodlighted", "highlighted", "spotlighted", "spotlit", "moonlit", "moony", "starlit", "sunlit" ], "antonyms":[ "bright", "brightened", "brilliant", "illuminated", "illumined", "light", "lit", "lighted", "lightsome", "lucent", "lucid", "luminous" ] }, "type":[ "adjective" ] }, "ran across":{ "to come upon unexpectedly or by chance":{ "examples":[ "She ran across an old friend at lunch." ], "synonyms":[ "chanced (upon)", "encountered", "found", "happened (on or upon)", "hit (upon)", "lit (on or upon)", "lighted (on or upon)", "met", "pitched (upon)", "stumbled (on or onto)", "tumbled (upon)" ], "near synonyms":[ "lucked (out, on, onto, or into)", "confronted", "faced", "discovered", "struck", "turned up" ], "near antonyms":[], "antonyms":[] }, "to come upon face-to-face or as if face-to-face":{ "examples":[ "They ran across a bear while camping in the woods." ], "synonyms":[ "caught", "chanced (upon)", "encountered", "happened (upon)", "met", "stumbled (upon)" ], "near synonyms":[ "accosted", "confronted", "faced", "greeted", "saluted", "collided (with)", "crashed (into)", "crisscrossed", "crossed", "passed", "hit (upon)", "lit (upon)", "lighted 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"banning", "enjoining", "forbidding", "illegalizing", "interdicting", "prohibiting", "proscribing", "disregarding", "ignoring", "neglecting", "overlooking", "rebuffing", "rebutting", "refusing", "spurning" ], "antonyms":[ "declining", "denying", "disallowing", "disapproving", "negativing", "rejecting", "turning down", "vetoing" ] }, "type":[ "verb" ] }, "rabbits":{ "as in raccoon , fox":{ "examples":[], "synonyms":[], "near synonyms":[ "badger", "beaver", "chamois", "chinchilla", "ermine", "fisher", "fox", "marten", "mink", "muskrat", "otter", "Persian lamb", "raccoon", "racoon", "sable", "seal", "fur", "hide", "leather", "pelt", "skin", "bearskin", "buckskin", "calfskin", "coonskin", "cowhide", "deerskin", "doeskin", "goatskin", "horsehide", "karakul", "kidskin", "kolinsky", "lambskin", "pigskin", "rawhide", "sealskin", "sharkskin", "sheep", "sheepskin", "snakeskin", "fleece", "mouton", "alligator", "crocodile", "cordovan", "morocco", "patent leather", "suede" ], "near antonyms":[], "antonyms":[] }, "type":[ "noun" ] }, "rants":{ "a long angry speech or scolding":{ "examples":[ "after complaining about the hotel's lousy service, the woman went off on another rant about the condition of her room" ], "synonyms":[ "diatribes", "harangues", "jeremiads", "philippics", "tirades" ], "near synonyms":[ "assaults", "attacks", "broadsides", "invectives", "lashings", "tongue-lashings", "vituperations", "rebukes", "reprimands", "reproaches", "reproofs", "abuses", "castigations", "censures", "condemnations", "criticisms", "denunciations", "belittlements", "deprecations", "depreciations", "disparagements", "excoriations", "execrations", "revilements", "admonishments", "admonitions", "lectures", "sermons" ], "near antonyms":[ "encomiums", "encomia", "eulogies", "panegyrics", "rhapsodies", "tributes", "acclaim", "acclamations", "accolades", "citations", "homages", "honors", "praises", "approvals", "blessings", "commendations", "endorsements", "indorsements", "sanctions", "ovations", "plaudits", "raves" ], "antonyms":[] }, "to talk loudly and wildly":{ "examples":[ "when the waiter gave him incorrect change, he began ranting about the restaurant's poor service" ], "synonyms":[ "blusters", "fulminates", "huffs", "raves", "spouts" ], "near synonyms":[ "sounds off", "speaks out", "speaks up", "blares", "blurts (out)", "bolts", "bloviates", "blows", "declaims", "harangues", "mouths (off)", "orates", "pontificates", "carries on", "rages", "storms", "takes on" ], "near antonyms":[ "grunts", "murmurs", "mutters", "slurs", "breathes", "whispers" ], "antonyms":[] }, "type":[ "noun", "verb" ] } }