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"time_of_retrieval":"20220708-154602" + }, + "Absolutivum":{ + "type":"Substantiv, Neutrum", + "definitions":{ + "erstarrter Kasus eines Verbalabstraktums als n\u00e4here Bestimmung der im Hauptverb ausgedr\u00fcckten Handlung":[] + }, + "pronounciation":[], + "synonyms":[], + "history_and_etymology":null, + "wendungen":[], + "time_of_retrieval":"20220708-154625" + }, + "Atomabfall":{ + "type":"Substantiv, maskulin", + "definitions":{ + "radioaktiver Abfall":[] + }, + "pronounciation":"a\u02c8to\u02d0m\u0294apfal", + "synonyms":[], + "history_and_etymology":null, + "wendungen":[], + "time_of_retrieval":"20220708-154636" + }, + "Ampelkoalition":{ + "type":"Substantiv, feminin", + "definitions":{ + "Koalition aus SPD, FDP und Gr\u00fcnen":[] + }, + "pronounciation":"\u02c8ampl\u0329koalitsi\u032fo\u02d0n", + "synonyms":[], + "history_and_etymology":[ + "nach den Parteifarben Rot, Gelb, Gr\u00fcn" + ], + "wendungen":[], + "time_of_retrieval":"20220708-154707" } } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/de_duden/b_duden.json b/de_duden/b_duden.json index 5fe3fe08..679fce3b 100644 --- a/de_duden/b_duden.json +++ b/de_duden/b_duden.json @@ -64049,5 +64049,21 @@ "history_and_etymology":null, "wendungen":[], "time_of_retrieval":"20220708-154444" + }, + "Breme":{ + "type":"Substantiv, feminin", + "definitions":{ + "Stechfliege, Bremse":[] + }, + "pronounciation":[], + "synonyms":[ + "Bremse" + ], + "history_and_etymology":[ + "mittelhochdeutsch breme, althochdeutsch bremo, zu mittelhochdeutsch bremen, althochdeutsch breman,", + "Bremse" + ], + "wendungen":[], + "time_of_retrieval":"20220708-154604" } } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/de_duden/c_duden.json b/de_duden/c_duden.json index fc6ed1bf..fb78661c 100644 --- a/de_duden/c_duden.json +++ b/de_duden/c_duden.json @@ -7462,5 +7462,20 @@ "history_and_etymology":null, "wendungen":[], "time_of_retrieval":"20220708-154501" + }, + "Center_Einkaufszentrum":{ + "type":"Substantiv, Neutrum", + "definitions":{ + "Gro\u00dfeinkaufsanlage [mit Selbstbedienung]":[], + "Einkaufszentrum":[] + }, + "pronounciation":"\u02c8s\u025bnt\u0250", + "synonyms":[], + "history_and_etymology":[ + "amerikanisch center, englisch centre, eigentlich = Mittelpunkt < franz\u00f6sisch centre < lateinisch centrum,", + "Zentrum" + ], + "wendungen":[], + "time_of_retrieval":"20220708-154620" } } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/de_duden/e_duden.json b/de_duden/e_duden.json index ef1db163..9b2c678e 100644 --- a/de_duden/e_duden.json +++ b/de_duden/e_duden.json @@ -58699,5 +58699,42 @@ "history_and_etymology":null, "wendungen":[], "time_of_retrieval":"20220708-154509" + }, + "euerthalben":{ + "type":"Adverb", + "definitions":{ + "euretwegen":[] + }, + "pronounciation":[], + "synonyms":[], + "history_and_etymology":[ + "", + "-halben", + "" + ], + "wendungen":[], + "time_of_retrieval":"20220708-154520" + }, + "Erscheinungsort":{ + "type":"Substantiv, maskulin", + "definitions":{ + "Ort der Ver\u00f6ffentlichung einer Publikation":[] + }, + "pronounciation":[], + "synonyms":[], + "history_and_etymology":null, + "wendungen":[], + "time_of_retrieval":"20220708-154526" + }, + "Ergebnissteigerung":{ + "type":"Substantiv, feminin", + "definitions":{ + "Steigerung des Betriebsergebnisses":[] + }, + "pronounciation":[], + "synonyms":[], + "history_and_etymology":null, + "wendungen":[], + "time_of_retrieval":"20220708-154649" } } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/de_duden/f_duden.json b/de_duden/f_duden.json index a0fc1334..d4554f22 100644 --- a/de_duden/f_duden.json +++ b/de_duden/f_duden.json @@ -44993,5 +44993,27 @@ "history_and_etymology":null, "wendungen":[], "time_of_retrieval":"20220708-154515" + }, + "Fernsehteilnehmerin":{ + "type":"Substantiv, feminin", + "definitions":{ + "weibliche Person, die ein Fernsehger\u00e4t zum Betrieb bereith\u00e4lt":[] + }, + "pronounciation":"\u02c8f\u025brnze\u02d0ta\u026a\u032flne\u02d0m\u0259r\u026an", + "synonyms":[], + "history_and_etymology":null, + "wendungen":[], + "time_of_retrieval":"20220708-154523" + }, + "Fischer_von_Erlach":{ + "type":"Eigenname", + "definitions":{ + "\u00f6sterreichischer Barockbaumeister":[] + }, + "pronounciation":[], + "synonyms":[], + "history_and_etymology":null, + "wendungen":[], + "time_of_retrieval":"20220708-154529" } } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/de_duden/g_duden.json b/de_duden/g_duden.json index 42015c49..3140268e 100644 --- a/de_duden/g_duden.json +++ b/de_duden/g_duden.json @@ -55763,5 +55763,18 @@ "history_and_etymology":null, "wendungen":[], "time_of_retrieval":"20220708-154504" + }, + "Gesamtschule":{ + "type":"Substantiv, feminin", + "definitions":{ + "Schule, bei der Haupt- und Realschule sowie Gymnasium eine organisatorische Einheit bilden":[ + "die integrierte Gesamtschule (Schulform, bei der an die Stelle der drei traditionellen Schultypen ein Kurssystem tritt)" + ] + }, + "pronounciation":"\u0261\u0259\u02c8zamt\u0283u\u02d0l\u0259", + "synonyms":[], + "history_and_etymology":null, + "wendungen":[], + "time_of_retrieval":"20220708-154627" } } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/de_duden/h_duden.json b/de_duden/h_duden.json index 081a7ea0..4c52ac08 100644 --- a/de_duden/h_duden.json +++ b/de_duden/h_duden.json @@ -48848,5 +48848,40 @@ "history_and_etymology":null, "wendungen":[], "time_of_retrieval":"20220708-154425" + }, + "Handpfluecke":{ + "type":"Substantiv, feminin", + "definitions":{ + "das Pfl\u00fccken, Ernten von Obst, Gem\u00fcse mit der Hand":[] + }, + "pronounciation":[], + "synonyms":[], + "history_and_etymology":null, + "wendungen":[], + "time_of_retrieval":"20220708-154532" + }, + "Heilanzeige":{ + "type":"Substantiv, feminin", + "definitions":{ + "bei einer bestimmten Krankheit angezeigte Anwendung bestimmter Heilmittel oder Heilverfahren; Indikation":[] + }, + "pronounciation":[], + "synonyms":[], + "history_and_etymology":null, + "wendungen":[], + "time_of_retrieval":"20220708-154617" + }, + "Hartebeest":{ + "type":"Substantiv, Neutrum", + "definitions":{ + "Kuhantilope der s\u00fcdafrikanischen Steppe":[] + }, + "pronounciation":[], + "synonyms":[], + "history_and_etymology":[ + "niederl\u00e4ndisch-afrikaans" + ], + "wendungen":[], + "time_of_retrieval":"20220708-154655" } } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/de_duden/i_duden.json b/de_duden/i_duden.json index 6c2c4b19..056e3261 100644 --- a/de_duden/i_duden.json +++ b/de_duden/i_duden.json @@ -18769,5 +18769,34 @@ "history_and_etymology":null, "wendungen":[], "time_of_retrieval":"20220708-154452" + }, + "Industriegesellschaft":{ + "type":"Substantiv, feminin", + "definitions":{ + "Gesellschaft, die durch die Industriewirtschaft gepr\u00e4gt ist":[ + "die moderne Industriegesellschaft", + "in einer Industriegesellschaft leben" + ] + }, + "pronounciation":"\u026and\u028as\u02c8tri\u02d0\u0261\u0259z\u025bl\u0283aft", + "synonyms":[], + "history_and_etymology":null, + "wendungen":[], + "time_of_retrieval":"20220708-154556" + }, + "intraabdominal":{ + "type":"Adjektiv", + "definitions":{ + "innerhalb des Bauchraums [gelegen]":[] + }, + "pronounciation":[], + "synonyms":[], + "history_and_etymology":[ + "", + "abdominal", + "" + ], + "wendungen":[], + "time_of_retrieval":"20220708-154612" } } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/de_duden/k_duden.json b/de_duden/k_duden.json index df342e7b..7eb414d4 100644 --- a/de_duden/k_duden.json +++ b/de_duden/k_duden.json @@ -55863,5 +55863,16 @@ "history_and_etymology":null, "wendungen":[], "time_of_retrieval":"20220708-154455" + }, + "Kraeftegleichgewicht":{ + "type":"Substantiv, Neutrum", + "definitions":{ + "Gleichgewicht politischer, wirtschaftlicher, milit\u00e4rischer o. \u00e4. Kr\u00e4fte":[] + }, + "pronounciation":[], + "synonyms":[], + "history_and_etymology":null, + "wendungen":[], + "time_of_retrieval":"20220708-154545" } } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/de_duden/m_duden.json b/de_duden/m_duden.json index c606e47e..030ae8bb 100644 --- a/de_duden/m_duden.json +++ b/de_duden/m_duden.json @@ -38740,5 +38740,17 @@ "history_and_etymology":null, "wendungen":[], "time_of_retrieval":"20220708-154458" + }, + "Mitleidenschaft":{ + "type":"Substantiv, feminin", + "definitions":{}, + "pronounciation":[], + "synonyms":[], + "history_and_etymology":null, + "wendungen":[ + "etwas in Mitleidenschaft ziehen (etwas mit anderem zugleich beeintr\u00e4chtigen, besch\u00e4digen)", + "jemanden in Mitleidenschaft ziehen (jemanden bei etwas, was ihn selbst nicht unmittelbar betrifft, mit beeintr\u00e4chtigen, ihm dabei ebenfalls Schaden zuf\u00fcgen)" + ], + "time_of_retrieval":"20220708-154534" } } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/de_duden/n_duden.json b/de_duden/n_duden.json index b06f4086..4ea4f4b2 100644 --- a/de_duden/n_duden.json +++ b/de_duden/n_duden.json @@ -20365,5 +20365,20 @@ ], "wendungen":[], "time_of_retrieval":"20220708-154143" + }, + "nationalsprachlich":{ + "type":"Adjektiv", + "definitions":{ + "die Nationalsprache betreffend":[ + "nationalsprachliche Bibel\u00fcbersetzungen" + ] + }, + "pronounciation":[], + "synonyms":[ + "hochsprachlich" + ], + "history_and_etymology":null, + "wendungen":[], + "time_of_retrieval":"20220708-154633" } } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/de_duden/o_duden.json b/de_duden/o_duden.json index bc9e993e..dd3ea0be 100644 --- a/de_duden/o_duden.json +++ b/de_duden/o_duden.json @@ -10486,5 +10486,16 @@ "history_and_etymology":null, "wendungen":[], "time_of_retrieval":"20220708-154224" + }, + "Oben_ohne_Baden":{ + "type":"Substantiv, Neutrum", + "definitions":{ + "das Baden, Schwimmen mit unbedecktem Busen":[] + }, + "pronounciation":[], + "synonyms":[], + "history_and_etymology":null, + "wendungen":[], + "time_of_retrieval":"20220708-154642" } } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/de_duden/p_duden.json b/de_duden/p_duden.json index 2cf669f6..d03a3cfb 100644 --- a/de_duden/p_duden.json +++ b/de_duden/p_duden.json @@ -44087,5 +44087,60 @@ "history_and_etymology":null, "wendungen":[], "time_of_retrieval":"20220708-154512" + }, + "praezipitieren":{ + "type":"schwaches Verb", + "definitions":{ + "ausf\u00e4llen, ausflocken":[] + }, + "pronounciation":[], + "synonyms":[ + "f\u00e4llen", + "auskristallisieren", + "herauskristallisieren", + "ausf\u00e4llen" + ], + "history_and_etymology":[ + "lateinisch" + ], + "wendungen":[], + "time_of_retrieval":"20220708-154547" + }, + "Pfarrsaal":{ + "type":"Substantiv, maskulin", + "definitions":{ + "Saal einer Pfarrei (a)":[] + }, + "pronounciation":[], + "synonyms":[], + "history_and_etymology":null, + "wendungen":[], + "time_of_retrieval":"20220708-154607" + }, + "Polizeihauptwachtmeister":{ + "type":"Substantiv, maskulin", + "definitions":{ + "Polizeibeamter im mittleren Dienst":[], + "In bestimmten Situationen wird die maskuline Form (z. B. Arzt , Mieter , B\u00e4cker ) gebraucht, um damit Personen aller Geschlechter zu bezeichnen. Bei dieser Verwendung ist aber sprachlich nicht immer eindeutig, ob nur m\u00e4nnliche Personen gemeint sind oder auch andere. Deswegen wird seit einiger Zeit \u00fcber sprachliche Alternativen diskutiert.":[] + }, + "pronounciation":[], + "synonyms":[], + "history_and_etymology":null, + "wendungen":[], + "time_of_retrieval":"20220708-154610" + }, + "professionsmaeszig":{ + "type":"Adjektiv", + "definitions":{ + "berufsm\u00e4\u00dfig":[] + }, + "pronounciation":[], + "synonyms":[ + "professionell", + "berufsm\u00e4\u00dfig" + ], + "history_and_etymology":null, + "wendungen":[], + "time_of_retrieval":"20220708-154652" } } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/de_duden/r_duden.json b/de_duden/r_duden.json index beeb82da..c2f369fd 100644 --- a/de_duden/r_duden.json +++ b/de_duden/r_duden.json @@ -37106,5 +37106,53 @@ ], "wendungen":[], "time_of_retrieval":"20220708-154335" + }, + "Rheintal":{ + "type":"Substantiv, Neutrum", + "definitions":{ + "Tal des Rheins":[] + }, + "pronounciation":[], + "synonyms":[], + "history_and_etymology":null, + "wendungen":[], + "time_of_retrieval":"20220708-154536" + }, + "reflexiv":{ + "type":"Adjektiv", + "definitions":{ + "sich (auf das Subjekt) zur\u00fcckbeziehend; r\u00fcckbez\u00fcglich":[ + "reflexive Verben, Pronomen", + "das Verb \u201eirren\u201c kann auch reflexiv gebraucht werden" + ], + "die Reflexion (2) betreffend; durch Reflexion (2) , reflektiert":[ + "reflexives Lernen", + "reflexiv gewonnene Erkenntnisse" + ] + }, + "pronounciation":[], + "synonyms":[ + "r\u00fcckbez\u00fcglich" + ], + "history_and_etymology":[ + "zu lateinisch reflexus,", + "Reflex" + ], + "wendungen":[], + "time_of_retrieval":"20220708-154542" + }, + "rechtfertig":{ + "type":"Adjektiv", + "definitions":{ + "darauf bedacht, stets das, was recht, richtig ist, zu sagen oder zu tun":[] + }, + "pronounciation":[], + "synonyms":[], + "history_and_etymology":[ + "mittelhochdeutsch rehtvertic,", + "rechtfertigen" + ], + "wendungen":[], + "time_of_retrieval":"20220708-154630" } } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/de_duden/s_duden.json b/de_duden/s_duden.json index ccf15d47..97585f22 100644 --- a/de_duden/s_duden.json +++ b/de_duden/s_duden.json @@ -100439,5 +100439,43 @@ "history_and_etymology":null, "wendungen":[], "time_of_retrieval":"20220708-154507" + }, + "Sonnenkugel":{ + "type":"Substantiv, feminin", + "definitions":{ + "die Sonne als kugelf\u00f6rmiger Himmelsk\u00f6rper":[ + "die Temperatur im Innern der Sonnenkugel" + ] + }, + "pronounciation":"\u02c8z\u0254n\u0259nku\u02d0\u0261l\u0329", + "synonyms":[], + "history_and_etymology":null, + "wendungen":[], + "time_of_retrieval":"20220708-154639" + }, + "Strukturgeschichte":{ + "type":"Substantiv, feminin", + "definitions":{ + "Forschungsrichtung in der Geschichtswissenschaft, die die dauerhaften und sich nur allm\u00e4hlich wandelnden Erscheinungen in der Geschichte untersucht":[] + }, + "pronounciation":[], + "synonyms":[], + "history_and_etymology":null, + "wendungen":[], + "time_of_retrieval":"20220708-154701" + }, + "Sanitaerkeramik":{ + "type":"Substantiv, feminin", + "definitions":{ + "keramisches Material, aus dem Sanit\u00e4rkeramik (b) hergestellt wird":[ + "Sanit\u00e4rkeramik herstellen" + ], + "f\u00fcr die Installation in sanit\u00e4ren Anlagen bestimmte Keramik (1a)":[] + }, + "pronounciation":[], + "synonyms":[], + "history_and_etymology":null, + "wendungen":[], + "time_of_retrieval":"20220708-154704" } } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/de_duden/t_duden.json b/de_duden/t_duden.json index 1bc09438..108c18ff 100644 --- a/de_duden/t_duden.json +++ b/de_duden/t_duden.json @@ -30927,5 +30927,27 @@ "history_and_etymology":null, "wendungen":[], "time_of_retrieval":"20220708-154302" + }, + "Theorienstreit":{ + "type":"Substantiv, maskulin", + "definitions":{ + "aus unterschiedlichen Positionen in Bezug auf bestimmte Theorien erwachsende Auseinandersetzung":[] + }, + "pronounciation":"teo\u02c8ri\u02d0\u0259n\u0283tra\u026a\u032ft", + "synonyms":[], + "history_and_etymology":null, + "wendungen":[], + "time_of_retrieval":"20220708-154539" + }, + "Turgenjew":{ + "type":"Eigenname", + "definitions":{ + "russischer Dichter":[] + }, + "pronounciation":[], + "synonyms":[], + "history_and_etymology":null, + "wendungen":[], + "time_of_retrieval":"20220708-154615" } } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/de_duden/u_duden.json b/de_duden/u_duden.json index 4d091bf6..4badeb85 100644 --- a/de_duden/u_duden.json +++ b/de_duden/u_duden.json @@ -35470,5 +35470,16 @@ "history_and_etymology":null, "wendungen":[], "time_of_retrieval":"20220708-154409" + }, + "Unehelichkeit":{ + "type":"Substantiv, feminin", + "definitions":{ + "das Unehelichsein":[] + }, + "pronounciation":[], + "synonyms":[], + "history_and_etymology":null, + "wendungen":[], + "time_of_retrieval":"20220708-154550" } } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/de_duden/v_duden.json b/de_duden/v_duden.json index 5bbc19ac..51ff0e30 100644 --- a/de_duden/v_duden.json +++ b/de_duden/v_duden.json @@ -46202,5 +46202,49 @@ "history_and_etymology":null, "wendungen":[], "time_of_retrieval":"20220708-154238" + }, + "vorblasen":{ + "type":"starkes Verb", + "definitions":{ + "vorsagen":[] + }, + "pronounciation":[], + "synonyms":[], + "history_and_etymology":null, + "wendungen":[], + "time_of_retrieval":"20220708-154622" + }, + "Vermulmung":{ + "type":"Substantiv, feminin", + "definitions":{ + "Umwandlung von Holz in m\u00fcrbe, lockere Massen":[] + }, + "pronounciation":[], + "synonyms":[], + "history_and_etymology":null, + "wendungen":[], + "time_of_retrieval":"20220708-154647" + }, + "Verlagerung":{ + "type":"Substantiv, feminin", + "definitions":{ + "das Verlagern; das Verlagertwerden":[] + }, + "pronounciation":[], + "synonyms":[], + "history_and_etymology":null, + "wendungen":[], + "time_of_retrieval":"20220708-154658" + }, + "Verzinsung":{ + "type":"Substantiv, feminin", + "definitions":{ + "das [Sich]verzinsen":[] + }, + "pronounciation":[], + "synonyms":[], + "history_and_etymology":null, + "wendungen":[], + "time_of_retrieval":"20220708-154709" } } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/de_duden/w_duden.json b/de_duden/w_duden.json index 5cb934ef..e35cd232 100644 --- a/de_duden/w_duden.json +++ b/de_duden/w_duden.json @@ -30977,5 +30977,30 @@ "history_and_etymology":null, "wendungen":[], "time_of_retrieval":"20220708-154035" + }, + "Webstuhl":{ + "type":"Substantiv, maskulin", + "definitions":{ + "(f\u00fcr die Handweberei stuhlartiges) Gestell oder Maschine zum Weben":[ + "ein mechanischer, automatischer Webstuhl" + ] + }, + "pronounciation":[], + "synonyms":[], + "history_and_etymology":null, + "wendungen":[], + "time_of_retrieval":"20220708-154559" + }, + "Waehlervertreter":{ + "type":"Substantiv, maskulin", + "definitions":{ + "von den W\u00e4hlern und W\u00e4hlerinnen eines oder mehrerer Wahlkreise gew\u00e4hlter Vertreter":[], + "In bestimmten Situationen wird die maskuline Form (z. B. Arzt , Mieter , B\u00e4cker ) gebraucht, um damit Personen aller Geschlechter zu bezeichnen. Bei dieser Verwendung ist aber sprachlich nicht immer eindeutig, ob nur m\u00e4nnliche Personen gemeint sind oder auch andere. Deswegen wird seit einiger Zeit \u00fcber sprachliche Alternativen diskutiert.":[] + }, + "pronounciation":[], + "synonyms":[], + "history_and_etymology":null, + "wendungen":[], + "time_of_retrieval":"20220708-154644" } } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/en_MW_thesaurus/ab_mwt.json b/en_MW_thesaurus/ab_mwt.json index 89ae2b32..53d5bfe0 100644 --- a/en_MW_thesaurus/ab_mwt.json +++ b/en_MW_thesaurus/ab_mwt.json @@ -6049,5 +6049,65 @@ "type":[ "verb" ] + }, + "absorption":{ + "a focusing of the mind on something":{ + "examples":[ + "forgot to return the phone call due to his absorption in setting up the new computer system" + ], + "synonyms":[ + "attention", + "concentration", + "engrossment", + "enthrallment", + "immersion" + ], + "near synonyms":[ + "fixation", + "obsession", + "preoccupation", + "alertness", + "application", + "awareness", + "consciousness", + "consideration", + "heedfulness", + "intentness", + "raptness", + "regard", + "contemplation", + "meditation", + 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"irk", + "bore", + "tire", + "weary" + ], + "antonyms":[] }, "to cast a spell on":{ - "antonyms":[], "examples":[ "out of spite, the jealous queen enchanted her chief rival for the title of the fairest one of all" ], - "near antonyms":[ - "bless" + "synonyms":[ + "bewitch", + "charm", + "ensorcell", + "ensorcel", + "hex", + "overlook", + "spell", + "strike" ], - "related":[ + "near synonyms":[ "curse", "jinx", "possess", @@ -608,35 +614,15 @@ "seduce", "tempt" ], - "synonyms":[ - "bewitch", - "charm", - "ensorcell", - "ensorcel", - "hex", - "overlook", - "spell", - "strike" - ] + "near antonyms":[ + "bless" + ], + "antonyms":[] }, "to hold the attention of as if by a spell":{ - "antonyms":[], "examples":[ "the tales about the young wizard have enchanted children around the globe" ], - "near antonyms":[], - "related":[ - "enrapture", - "entrance", - "thrill", - "beguile", - "bewitch", - "charm", - "absorb", - "engage", - "engross", - "involve" - ], "synonyms":[ "arrest", "bedazzle", @@ 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"untwist" + ] + }, + "to catch or hold as if in a net":{ + "examples":[ + "the young runaway gradually became entangled in a web of lies" + ], + "synonyms":[ + "catch up", + "enmesh", + "immesh", + "ensnare", + "ensnarl", + "entoil", + "entrap", + "mesh", + "net", + "snare", + "tangle", + "trap" + ], + "near synonyms":[ + "bag", + "birdlime", + "capture", + "collar", + "embroil", + "implicate", + "involve", + "mire" + ], + "near antonyms":[ + "detach", + "disengage", + "extricate", + "clear", + "free", + "liberate" + ], + "antonyms":[ + "disentangle", + "untangle" + ] + }, + "to make complex or difficult":{ + "examples":[ + "the history of Alexander the Great is entangled by variant accounts of his exploits" + ], + "synonyms":[ + "complex", + "complexify", + "complicate", + "embarrass", + "perplex", + "sophisticate" + ], + "near synonyms":[ + "develop", + "elaborate", + "expand", + "intensify", + "magnify", + "confound", + "confuse", + "mess (up)", + "mix (up)", + "muddle", + "snarl", 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"related":[ - "bootstrappers", - "go-aheads", - "go-getters", - "highfliers", - "highflyers", - "hummers", - "hustlers", - "powerhouses", - "self-starters", - "achievers", - "comers", - "dashers", - "doers", - "enterprisers" - ], - "synonyms":[ - "dynamos", - "fireballs", - "live wires" - ] + "antonyms":[] }, - "as in":{ - "antonyms":[], + "as in shotguns":{ "examples":[], + "synonyms":[], + "near synonyms":[ + "shotguns", + "blasts (at)", + "fires (at)", + "machine-guns", + "tommy-guns", + "blazes", + "peppers", + "potshots", + "snipes (at)", + "croaks", + "destroys", + "dispatches", + "does in", + "fells", + "ices", + "kills", + "slays", + "blows away", + "brings down", + "drops", + "picks off", + "shoots down", + "annihilates", + "blots out", + "butchers", + "decimates", + "massacres", + "slaughters", + "wipes out", + "drills", + "guns", + "plugs", + "pops", + "shoots" + ], "near antonyms":[], - "related":[], - "synonyms":[] + "antonyms":[] }, "type":[ "noun", diff --git 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5d3ddc33..c33d4842 100644 --- a/en_MW_thesaurus/pr_mwt.json +++ b/en_MW_thesaurus/pr_mwt.json @@ -1315,12 +1315,41 @@ ] }, "precocial":{ - "as in":{ - "antonyms":[], + "as in dependent , parasitic":{ "examples":[], - "near antonyms":[], - "related":[], - "synonyms":[] + "synonyms":[], + "near synonyms":[ + "dependent", + "parasitic", + "parasitical", + "symbiotic", + "associational", + "consociational", + "subsocial", + "colonial", + "gregarious", + "sociable", + "social" + ], + "near antonyms":[ + "nonsocial", + "solitary", + "autonomous", + "independent", + "self-contained", + "semiautonomous", + "semi-independent", + "altricial", + "self-subsistent", + "self-sufficient", + "self-supporting", + "self-sustaining", + "lone", + "recluse", + "reclusive", + "unsociable" + ], + "antonyms":[] }, "type":[ "adjective" diff --git a/en_MW_thesaurus/re_mwt.json b/en_MW_thesaurus/re_mwt.json index 9eb0470a..dba2435a 100644 --- a/en_MW_thesaurus/re_mwt.json +++ b/en_MW_thesaurus/re_mwt.json @@ -41312,5 +41312,119 @@ "type":[ "verb" ] + }, + "resents":{ + "to have a resentful awareness of and desire for (another's possessions or advantages) or to feel resentment toward (someone) over possessions or advantages":{ + "examples":[ + "a public prosecutor who resents the nice clothes, fancy car, and big house that his old law school classmate has", + "always resented her baby brother, whom her parents doted on" + ], + "synonyms":[ + "begrudges", + "envies" + ], + "near synonyms":[ + "aches (for)", + "covets", + "craves", + "desires", + "dies (for)", + "hankers (for or after)", + "hungers (for)", + "itches (for)", + "joneses (for)", + "longs (for)", + "lusts (for or after)", + "pants (after)", + "thirsts (for)", + "wants", + "wishes (for)", + "yearns (for)", + "yens (for)", + "salivates" + ], + "near antonyms":[], + "antonyms":[] + }, + "type":[ + "verb" + ] + }, + "retransmitting":{ + "as in recommitting , redelivering":{ + "examples":[], + "synonyms":[], + "near synonyms":[ + "recommitting", + "redelivering", + "retransferring", + "furnishing", + "supplying", + "advancing", + "lending", + "loaning", + "bequeathing", + "handing down", + "handing on", + "willing", + "handing in", + "releasing", + "relinquishing", + "submitting", + "surrendering", + "turning in", + "yielding", + "assigning", + "dealing (out)", + "dispensing", + "dispersing", + "distributing", + "dividing", + "conferring", + "granting", + "commending", + "committing", + "confiding", + "consigning", + "delegating", + "delivering", + "entrusting", + "intrusting", + "giving", + "giving over", + "handing", + "handing over", + "leaving", + "passing", + "recommending", + "reposing", + "transferring", + "transmitting", + "trusting", + "turning over", + "vesting" + ], + "near antonyms":[ + "holding", + "keeping", + "retaining", + "detaining", + "holding back", + "reserving", + "withholding", + "owning", + "possessing", + "accepting", + "receiving", + "taking in", + "occupying", + "taking", + "taking over" + ], + "antonyms":[] + }, + "type":[ + "verb" + ] } } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/en_MW_thesaurus/redo b/en_MW_thesaurus/redo index 0caad34c..8793f95d 100644 --- a/en_MW_thesaurus/redo +++ b/en_MW_thesaurus/redo @@ -2197,7 +2197,6 @@ pellucid armed gizmo employments -precocial so-called stinginess abdicates @@ -2215,7 +2214,6 @@ make one's flesh crawl dwarves roughneck grant -blear pocket book dehumidify moonbeam @@ -3211,7 +3209,6 @@ overlain rundlet lean (toward lead one up the garden path -grinds subjugates anteriorly peculiar @@ -4213,7 +4210,6 @@ embrocation downcast overcommit unmarred -unmaking earnest sociopathic whited @@ -4231,7 +4227,6 @@ dissuades glued cats voided -ceases ebullition pack dammed @@ -5371,7 +5366,6 @@ loser impose (on or upon) disinclinations lubberly -wavering wars (against) affable verbiage @@ -6155,7 +6149,6 @@ sniffles seek (out) slip restarts -enchant pinprick hieroglyphical undone @@ -6704,7 +6697,6 @@ indoctrinated motored resplendency outdistanced -pistols unloosening squaring parcels (out) @@ -6980,7 +6972,6 @@ sheepishness unripe crunch two bits -misadventure apprized overdrawn rant @@ -7376,7 +7367,6 @@ closes one's eyes to breathing whatchamacallits luxe -troth underlying geography repercussion @@ -7474,7 +7464,6 @@ instinctively backbone conveyance faintheartedness -lake ranked infirm barley-broo @@ -7869,7 +7858,6 @@ prosecuted brewed uncultured dawned -happen (by) unproductive sets back chewed the fat @@ -8158,7 +8146,6 @@ snared forgot enshrining candelabrum -righteousness Indian summers disowned jaunt @@ -9402,7 +9389,6 @@ faintly unleashing guided accomplished -battlefield imbed middle of nowhere scrounged diff --git a/en_MW_thesaurus/ri_mwt.json b/en_MW_thesaurus/ri_mwt.json index dd28259c..38707e1d 100644 --- a/en_MW_thesaurus/ri_mwt.json +++ b/en_MW_thesaurus/ri_mwt.json @@ -4229,7 +4229,7 @@ "virtue", "virtuousness" ], - "related":[ + "near synonyms":[ "high-mindedness", "honor", "incorruptibility", @@ -4294,7 +4294,7 @@ "rectitude", "uprightness" ], - "related":[ + "near synonyms":[ "blamelessness", "character", "conscientiousness", diff --git a/en_MW_thesaurus/ru_mwt.json b/en_MW_thesaurus/ru_mwt.json index cb6a64fb..c7ba31bd 100644 --- a/en_MW_thesaurus/ru_mwt.json +++ b/en_MW_thesaurus/ru_mwt.json @@ -8783,5 +8783,88 @@ "type":[ "noun" ] + }, + "rubberneck":{ + "a person who travels for pleasure":{ + "examples":[ + "every year raucous rubbernecks by the busload descend upon the city for its famed Mardi Gras" + ], + "synonyms":[ + "excursionist", + "rubbernecker", + "sightseer", + "tourist", + "traveler", + "traveller", + "tripper" + ], + "near synonyms":[ + "holidayer", + "holidaymaker", + "vacationer", + "vacationist", + "guest", + "hosteler", + "hosteller", + "visitor", + "transient", + "journeyer", + "pilgrim", + "wayfarer", + "snowbird", + "sunseeker" + ], + "near antonyms":[], + "antonyms":[] + }, + "to look long and hard in wonder or surprise":{ + 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"goatskins", + "horsehides", + "kids", + "kidskins", + "lambskins", + "moroccos", + "ostriches", + "pigskins", + "seals", + "sheepskins", + "snakeskins", + "coats", + "fleeces", + "furs", + "pelts", + "nubucks", + "patent leathers", + "suedes", + "hides", + "leathers", + "skins" + ], + "near antonyms":[], + "antonyms":[] + }, + "type":[ + "noun" + ] } } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/en_MW_thesaurus/si_mwt.json b/en_MW_thesaurus/si_mwt.json index e7f1c325..b2f3167f 100644 --- a/en_MW_thesaurus/si_mwt.json +++ b/en_MW_thesaurus/si_mwt.json @@ -5135,5 +5135,76 @@ "type":[ "verb" ] + }, + "silhouette":{ + "a line that traces the outer limits of an object or surface":{ + "examples":[ + "cartoonists often try to give their characters recognizable silhouettes" + ], + "synonyms":[ + "contour", + "figure", + "outline" + ], + "near synonyms":[ + "delineation", + "sketch", + "profile", + "skyline", + "cast", + "configuration", + "conformation", + "form", + "geometry", + "shape", + "framework", + "skeleton" + ], + "near antonyms":[], + "antonyms":[] + }, + "to draw or make apparent the outline of":{ + "examples":[ + "in the photograph the majestic mountain is strikingly silhouetted against the setting sun" + ], + "synonyms":[ + "define", + "delineate", + "outline", + "sketch", + "trace" + ], + "near synonyms":[ + "line", + "bound", + "fringe", + "margin", + "skirt", + "edge", + "hem", + "rim", + "trim", + "frame", + "circle", + "compass", + "encircle", + "girdle", + "girth", + "loop", + "ring", + "round", + "surround", + "chart", + "diagram", + "draw", + "map (out)" + ], + "near antonyms":[], + "antonyms":[] + }, + "type":[ + "noun", + "verb" + ] } } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/en_MW_thesaurus/so_mwt.json b/en_MW_thesaurus/so_mwt.json index 85d82dc4..23aaad67 100644 --- a/en_MW_thesaurus/so_mwt.json +++ b/en_MW_thesaurus/so_mwt.json @@ -6990,5 +6990,50 @@ "type":[ "noun" ] + }, + "solvable":{ + "capable of having the reason for or cause of 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"type":[ + "noun", + "verb" + ] } } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/en_MW_thesaurus/te_mwt.json b/en_MW_thesaurus/te_mwt.json index 865ecaf5..88d2bc4e 100644 --- a/en_MW_thesaurus/te_mwt.json +++ b/en_MW_thesaurus/te_mwt.json @@ -7207,5 +7207,117 @@ "type":[ "verb" ] + }, + "team":{ + "a group of people working together on a task":{ + "examples":[ + "asked the Boy Scouts to split into teams and begin pitching their tents" + ], + "synonyms":[ + "army", + "band", + "brigade", + "company", + "crew", + "gang", + "outfit", + "party", + "platoon", + "squad" + ], + "near synonyms":[ + "battalion", + "corps", + "troop", + "force", + "host", + "posse", + "stable", + "troupe", + "administration", + "department", + "help", + "personnel", + "staff" + ], + "near antonyms":[], + "antonyms":[] + }, + "as in join , league":{ + "examples":[], + "synonyms":[], + "near synonyms":[ + "affiliate", + "ally", + "attach", + "band", + "bond", + "club", + "collaborate", + "collude", + "confederate", + 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+4652,37 @@ "type":[ "adjective" ] + }, + "tiptoeing":{ + "as in padding , ghosting":{ + "examples":[], + "synonyms":[], + "near synonyms":[ + "ghosting", + "padding", + "crawling", + "creeping", + "edging", + "inching", + "worming", + "lurking", + "mooching", + "mousing", + "pussyfooting", + "shirking", + "skulking", + "sliding", + "slinking", + "slipping", + "snaking", + "sneaking", + "stealing" + ], + "near antonyms":[], + "antonyms":[] + }, + "type":[ + "verb" + ] } } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/en_MW_thesaurus/to_mwt.json b/en_MW_thesaurus/to_mwt.json index 101eff9b..66e16bbf 100644 --- a/en_MW_thesaurus/to_mwt.json +++ b/en_MW_thesaurus/to_mwt.json @@ -7600,5 +7600,52 @@ "type":[ "verb" ] + }, + "to come":{ + "being soon to appear or take place":{ + "examples":[ + "The best is yet to come ." + ], + "synonyms":[ + "approaching", + "coming", + "forthcoming", + "imminent", + "impending", + "nearing", + "oncoming", + "pending", + "proximate", + "upcoming" + ], + "near 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+ }, + "the act or state of being engaged to be married":{ + "examples":[ + "solemnly announced their troth before the church's congregation" + ], "synonyms":[ - "oath", - "pledge", - "promise", - "vow", - "word" + "betrothal", + "engagement", + "espousal" + ], + "near synonyms":[], + "near antonyms":[], + "antonyms":[ + "disengagement" ] }, "adherence to something to which one is bound by a pledge or duty":{ - "antonyms":[ - "disloyalty", - "faithlessness", - "falseness", - "falsity", - "inconstancy", - "infidelity", - "perfidiousness", - "perfidy", - "treachery", - "unfaithfulness" - ], "examples":[ "the knight pledged his eternal troth to the defense of the kingdom" ], - "near antonyms":[ - "alienation", - "disaffection", - "estrangement", - "separation" - ], - "related":[ - "affection", - "fondness", - "determination", - "firmness", - "resolution", - "dependability", - "reliability", - "trustability", - "trustiness", - "trustworthiness" - ], "synonyms":[ "adhesion", "allegiance", @@ -8562,32 +8547,49 @@ "loyalty", "piety", "steadfastness" - ] - }, - "the act or state of being engaged to be married":{ + ], + "near synonyms":[ + "affection", + "fondness", + "determination", + "firmness", + "resolution", + "dependability", + "reliability", + "trustability", + "trustiness", + "trustworthiness" + ], + "near antonyms":[ + "alienation", + "disaffection", + "estrangement", + "separation" + ], "antonyms":[ - "disengagement" - ], - "examples":[ - "solemnly announced their troth before the church's congregation" - ], - "near antonyms":[], - "related":[], - "synonyms":[ - "betrothal", - "engagement", - "espousal" + "disloyalty", + "faithlessness", + "falseness", + "falsity", + "inconstancy", + "infidelity", + "perfidiousness", + "perfidy", + "treachery", + "unfaithfulness" ] }, "to obligate by prior agreement":{ - "antonyms":[], "examples":[ "I troth myself eternally to your service" ], - "near antonyms":[ - "renege" + "synonyms":[ + "commit", + "engage", + "mortgage", + "pledge" ], - "related":[ + "near synonyms":[ "affiance", "betroth", "plight", @@ -8602,12 +8604,10 @@ "sign up", "overcommit" ], - "synonyms":[ - "commit", - "engage", - "mortgage", - "pledge" - ] + "near antonyms":[ + "renege" + ], + "antonyms":[] }, "type":[ "noun", @@ -13002,5 +13002,133 @@ "type":[ "noun" ] + }, + "tranquillizing":{ + "tending to calm the emotions and relieve stress":{ + "examples":[ + "a woman who put a lot of faith in the tranquilizing effects of a cup of tea" + ], + "synonyms":[ + "calming", + "comforting", + "dreamy", + "lulling", + "narcotic", + "pacifying", + "quieting", + "relaxing", + "sedative", + "soothing" + ], + "near synonyms":[ + "hypnotic", + "opiate", + "analgesic", + "anesthetic", + "anodyne", + "deadening", + "depressant", + "numbing", + "antianxiety", + "antidepressant", + "antidepression", + "antistress" + ], + "near antonyms":[ + "painful", + "stressful", + "tiresome", + "troubling", + "trying", + "unsettling", + "worrisome", + "energizing", + 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+ "intensifying", + "arousing", + "exciting", + "fomenting", + "inciting", + "rousing", + "stirring (up)", + "working up" + ], + "antonyms":[ + "agitating", + "discomposing", + "disquieting", + "disturbing", + "keying (up)", + "perturbing", + "upsetting", + "vexing" + ] + }, + "type":[ + "adjective", + "verb" + ] } } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/en_MW_thesaurus/un_mwt.json b/en_MW_thesaurus/un_mwt.json index 54193723..7ff00b13 100644 --- a/en_MW_thesaurus/un_mwt.json +++ b/en_MW_thesaurus/un_mwt.json @@ -13168,36 +13168,66 @@ ] }, "unmaking":{ - "as in":{ - "antonyms":[], + "as in impeachment , dethronement":{ "examples":[], - "near antonyms":[], - "related":[], - "synonyms":[] + "synonyms":[], + "near synonyms":[ + "deposition", + "dethronement", + "discharge", + "dismissal", + "expulsion", + "impeachment", + "ouster", + "overthrow", + "removal", + "suspension", + "unseating", + "abasement", + "comedown", + "degradation", + "demotion", + "disrating", + "downgrade", + "reduction", + "downfall", + "fall" + ], + "near antonyms":[ + "advancement", + "ascent", + "creation", + "elevation", + "preference", + "preferment", + "promotion", + "rise", + "upgrade", + "upgrading", + "aggrandizement", + "ennoblement", + "exaltation", + "glorification", + "magnification" + ], + "antonyms":[] }, "to remove from a position of prominence or power (as a throne)":{ - "antonyms":[ - "crowning", - "enthroning", - "throning" - ], "examples":[ "a movie studio chief who likes to boast that he can unmake any star in Hollywood if he wishes" ], - "near antonyms":[ - "baptizing", - "baptising", - "inaugurating", - "inducting", - "initiating", - "installing", - "instating", - "investing", - "appointing", - "designating", - "electing" + "synonyms":[ + "defrocking", + "deposing", + "depriving", + "dethroning", + "displacing", + "ousting", + "uncrowning", + "unseating", + "unthroning" ], - "related":[ + "near synonyms":[ "canning", "cashiering", "discharging", @@ -13225,16 +13255,23 @@ "running off", "throwing out" ], - "synonyms":[ - "defrocking", - "deposing", - "depriving", - "dethroning", - "displacing", - "ousting", - "uncrowning", - "unseating", - "unthroning" + "near antonyms":[ + "baptizing", + "baptising", + "inaugurating", + "inducting", + "initiating", + "installing", + "instating", + "investing", + "appointing", + "designating", + "electing" + ], + "antonyms":[ + "crowning", + "enthroning", + "throning" ] }, "type":[ diff --git a/en_merriam_webster/ab_mw.json b/en_merriam_webster/ab_mw.json index e6f524f9..323fa77d 100644 --- a/en_merriam_webster/ab_mw.json +++ b/en_merriam_webster/ab_mw.json @@ -10097,5 +10097,59 @@ "1835, in the meaning defined at sense 1":"" }, "time_of_retrieval":"20220708-153439" + }, + "aboard":{ + "type":[ + "adverb", + "adverb or adjective", + "preposition" + ], + "definitions":{ + ": alongside":[], + ": on, onto, or within a vehicle (such as a car or ship)":[], + ": in or into a group, association, or organization":[ + "her second promotion since coming aboard" + ], + ": on base":[], + ": on , onto , within":[ + "go aboard ship", + "aboard a plane" + ] + }, + "pronounciation":[ + "\u0259-\u02c8b\u022frd" + ], + "synonyms":[], + "antonyms":[], + "synonym_discussion":"", + "examples":[ + "Recent Examples on the Web: Adverb or adjective", + "That led to Ortiz, Ramirez, and the others coming aboard . \u2014 Peter Abraham, BostonGlobe.com , 11 June 2022", + "With James Bradberry coming aboard , the Philadelphia Eagles will have a pair of Pro Bowl cornerbacks. \u2014 Mark Inabinett | Minabinett@al.com, al , 18 May 2022", + "One of the boats had six people aboard and the other carried three people, the U.S. Coast Guard said in a statement. \u2014 Fox News , 3 June 2022", + "In 2018, a US-Bangla passenger plane from Bangladesh crashed on landing in Kathmandu, killing 49 of the 71 people aboard . \u2014 Time , 29 May 2022", + "Grant Haggerty, 7, who lives in the Sunset District, had been afraid to ride it but once aboard with his parents, Tom and Alayne Haggerty, was able to enjoy his mom pointing out UCSF Medical Center where Grant was born. \u2014 Sam Whiting, San Francisco Chronicle , 9 May 2021", + "Once aboard , you'll be offered breakfast and coffee before diving below the surface to swim among sea turtles and the vibrant coral reefs. \u2014 Evie Carrick, Travel + Leisure , 20 Mar. 2021", + "Once aboard , the frog woman uses a blaster to save the Child from a handful of spiders while Mando torches a full swarm of the nasty things with his flamethrower. \u2014 Alex Kane, USA TODAY , 6 Nov. 2020", + "Emergency responders flew two helicopters to the site of the crash to carry those aboard , two of whom were in critical condition, to Kona Community Hospital, according to KITV4, the local ABC News affiliate. \u2014 Kevin Shalvey, ABC News , 9 June 2022", + "Recent Examples on the Web: Preposition", + "Vince Vukelich of Greendale, George's son, was aboard Dumper Dan VI along with Dain Maddox of Wauwatosa, Marcus Stanford of Madison and me. \u2014 Paul A. Smith, Journal Sentinel , 3 July 2022", + "Husband and wife Jack and Lois Anderson were aboard one, the West Wind, and their son, Andy, captained the other, the Arctic Wind. \u2014 David Reamer, Anchorage Daily News , 3 July 2022", + "Six workers will be aboard each barge when they are towed to various points in the bay by a tug boat for the production. \u2014 Gary Robbins, San Diego Union-Tribune , 2 July 2022", + "The 75-minute Lake Erie excursions are aboard the Appledore IV and Inland Seas. \u2014 Marc Bona, cleveland , 29 June 2022", + "The robot is slated to be aboard the Chandrayaan-3 uncrewed mission to the moon. \u2014 Manasee Wagh, Popular Mechanics , 24 June 2022", + "Government lawyer Mathew Gullick said Friday that 37 people were originally scheduled to be aboard Tuesday\u2019s flight, but six had their deportation orders canceled. \u2014 Danica Kirka, ajc , 12 June 2022", + "Leon\u2019s best shot at winning at Belterra Park last Friday was aboard Rumble Strip Ron in the $100,000 Green Carpet Stakes. \u2014 New York Times , 9 June 2022", + "Of the more than 2,400 American deaths caused by the attack, nearly half of them were aboard the Arizona. \u2014 Arkansas Online , 6 June 2022" + ], + "history_and_etymology":{ + "Middle English abord , probably in part borrowed from Middle French a bord, a bort \"on board,\" in part from Middle English a- a- entry 1 + bord \"board, side of a ship\" \u2014 more at board entry 1":"Adverb or adjective", + "Middle English abord , derivative of abord aboard entry 1":"Preposition" + }, + "first_known_use":{ + "14th century, in the meaning defined at sense 1":"Adverb or adjective", + "15th century, in the meaning defined above":"Preposition" + }, + "time_of_retrieval":"20220708-154553" } } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/en_merriam_webster/be_mw.json b/en_merriam_webster/be_mw.json index e96b4ca3..6d58dfff 100644 --- a/en_merriam_webster/be_mw.json +++ b/en_merriam_webster/be_mw.json @@ -23171,5 +23171,41 @@ "history_and_etymology":{}, "first_known_use":{}, "time_of_retrieval":"20220708-153215" + }, + "bear witness":{ + "type":[ + "idiom" + ], + "definitions":{ + ": to show that something exists or is true":[ + "\u2014 + to His success bears witness to the value of hard work. Rising ticket sales bear witness to the band's popularity." + ], + ": to make a statement saying that one saw or knows something":[ + "asked to bear witness to the facts", + "She was accused of bearing false witness at the trial." + ] + }, + "pronounciation":[], + "synonyms":[], + "antonyms":[], + "synonym_discussion":"", + "examples":[], + "history_and_etymology":{}, + "first_known_use":{}, + "time_of_retrieval":"20220708-154549" + }, + "be around":{ + "type":[ + "intransitive verb" + ], + "definitions":{}, + "pronounciation":[], + "synonyms":[], + "antonyms":[], + "synonym_discussion":"", + "examples":[], + "history_and_etymology":{}, + "first_known_use":{}, + "time_of_retrieval":"20220708-154624" } } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/en_merriam_webster/br_mw.json b/en_merriam_webster/br_mw.json index 11273134..0b42dc1f 100644 --- a/en_merriam_webster/br_mw.json +++ b/en_merriam_webster/br_mw.json @@ -896,6 +896,62 @@ ] }, "bracket":{ + "type":[ + "noun", + "verb" + ], + "definitions":{ + ": an overhanging member that projects from a structure (such as a wall) and is usually designed to support a vertical load or to strengthen an angle":[], + ": a fixture (as for holding a lamp) projecting from a wall or column":[], + ": one of a pair of marks [ ] used in writing and printing to enclose matter or in mathematics and logic as signs of aggregation":[], + ": one of the pair of marks \u3008 \u3009 used to enclose matter":[], + ": parenthesis sense 3":[], + ": brace sense 2b":[], + ": a section of a continuously numbered or graded series (such as age ranges or income levels)":[], + ": a pairing of opponents in an elimination tournament":[], + ": to place within or as if within brackets":[ + "editorial comments are bracketed", + "news stories bracketed by commercials" + ], + ": to eliminate from consideration":[ + "bracket off politics" + ], + ": to extend around so as to encompass : include":[ + "test pressures \u2026 which bracket virtually the entire range of passenger-car tire pressures", + "\u2014 Consumer Reports" + ], + ": to furnish or fasten with brackets":[], + ": to put in the same category or group":[ + "bracketed in a tie for third" + ], + ": to get the range on (a target) by firing over and short":[], + ": to establish the limits of":[ + "bracketed the problem neatly" + ], + ": to take photographs of at more than one exposure in order to ensure that the desired exposure is obtained":[] + }, + "pronounciation":[ + "\u02c8bra-k\u0259t" + ], + "synonyms":[ + "category", + "class", + "classification", + "division", + "family", + "genus", + "grade", + "group", + "kind", + "league", + "order", + "rank(s)", + "rubric", + "set", + "species", + "tier", + "type" + ], "antonyms":[ "analogize", "assimilate", @@ -903,36 +959,7 @@ "equate", "liken" ], - "definitions":{ - ": a fixture (as for holding a lamp) projecting from a wall or column":[], - ": a pairing of opponents in an elimination tournament":[], - ": a section of a continuously numbered or graded series (such as age ranges or income levels)":[], - ": an overhanging member that projects from a structure (such as a wall) and is usually designed to support a vertical load or to strengthen an angle":[], - ": brace sense 2b":[], - ": one of a pair of marks [ ] used in writing and printing to enclose matter or in mathematics and logic as signs of aggregation":[], - ": one of the pair of marks \u3008 \u3009 used to enclose matter":[], - ": parenthesis sense 3":[], - ": to eliminate from consideration":[ - "bracket off politics" - ], - ": to establish the limits of":[ - "bracketed the problem neatly" - ], - ": to extend around so as to encompass : include":[ - "test pressures \u2026 which bracket virtually the entire range of passenger-car tire pressures", - "\u2014 Consumer Reports" - ], - ": to furnish or fasten with brackets":[], - ": to get the range on (a target) by firing over and short":[], - ": to place within or as if within brackets":[ - "editorial comments are bracketed", - "news stories bracketed by commercials" - ], - ": to put in the same category or group":[ - "bracketed in a tie for third" - ], - ": to take photographs of at more than one exposure in order to ensure that the desired exposure is obtained":[] - }, + "synonym_discussion":"", "examples":[ "Noun", "The shelf is held up with two brackets .", @@ -961,41 +988,14 @@ "Vocally, the first and last wives bracket the show with two astonishments. \u2014 Helen Shaw, Vulture , 4 Oct. 2021", "Missing is one section of the distinctive colonnades that bracket the lawn, removed from the venue\u2019s border with the actively renovating Boca Raton Museum of Art next door. \u2014 Ben Crandell, sun-sentinel.com , 30 Sep. 2021" ], + "history_and_etymology":{ + "perhaps from Middle French braguette codpiece, from diminutive of brague breeches, from Old Occitan braga , from Latin braca , of Celtic origin \u2014 more at breech":"Noun" + }, "first_known_use":{ "1574, in the meaning defined at sense 1":"Noun", "1836, in the meaning defined at sense 1a":"Verb" }, - "history_and_etymology":{ - "perhaps from Middle French braguette codpiece, from diminutive of brague breeches, from Old Occitan braga , from Latin braca , of Celtic origin \u2014 more at breech":"Noun" - }, - "pronounciation":[ - "\u02c8bra-k\u0259t" - ], - "synonym_discussion":"", - "synonyms":[ - "category", - "class", - "classification", - "division", - "family", - "genus", - "grade", - "group", - "kind", - "league", - "order", - "rank(s)", - "rubric", - "set", - "species", - "tier", - "type" - ], - "time_of_retrieval":"20220707-071612", - "type":[ - "noun", - "verb" - ] + "time_of_retrieval":"20220708-154647" }, "brackish":{ "antonyms":[ @@ -17428,5 +17428,55 @@ "history_and_etymology":{}, "first_known_use":{}, "time_of_retrieval":"20220708-154113" + }, + "briar":{ + "type":[ + "adjective", + "noun" + ], + "definitions":{ + ": a plant (such as a rose, blackberry, or greenbrier) having a usually woody and thorny or prickly stem":[ + "a thicket of briars", + "\u2026 head up an almost invisible trail along the left bank, through young pines and briars .", + "\u2014 Robert F. Jones" + ], + "\u2014 see also briar patch":[ + "a thicket of briars", + "\u2026 head up an almost invisible trail along the left bank, through young pines and briars .", + "\u2014 Robert F. Jones" + ], + ": a mass of briars":[ + "\u2026 threading his way with perfect skill between tree-trunks, jumping over bush and briar and the smaller streams \u2026", + "\u2014 C. S. Lewis", + "\u2026 volunteers methodically searching through the briar and trees \u2026", + "\u2014 Roy Bragg" + ], + ": a branch or twig of a briar":[ + "With my pair of brush cutters that I always carried I cut away enough of the long briars to provide an opening for me to sit comfortably in.", + "\u2014 Jean Solbert" + ], + ": a tobacco pipe made from a woody root outgrowth of a shrub-like Mediterranean heath ( Erica arborea )":[ + "He grinned again and disappeared in a great cloud of pipe smoke. I pulled out my briar and joined him.", + "\u2014 Marshall Harrison", + "Spelling extracts a black briar pipe from his dinner jacket, draws his courtiers closer and says in a tiny voice, \"I hate parties. What am I doing here?\"", + "\u2014 Mary Murphy" + ] + }, + "pronounciation":[ + "\u02c8br\u012b(-\u0259)r" + ], + "synonyms":[], + "antonyms":[], + "synonym_discussion":"", + "examples":[], + "history_and_etymology":{ + "Middle English brer, brere, going back to Old English br\u0113r, br\u01e3r, of uncertain origin":"Noun", + "short for briar pipe, from briar \"wood of the heath plant Erica arborea, \" borrowed (with conformation to briar entry 1 ) from French bruy\u00e8re \"the heath plant Erica arborea, \" going back to Old French bruiere, bruere \"moorland covered with heath, the heath plant Erica arborea, \" going back to Vulgar Latin *br\u016bc\u0101ria, from *br\u016bcus \"heath plant\" (borrowed from Gaulish *wroikos ) + Latin -\u0101ria -ary entry 1 \u2014 more at erica":"Noun" + }, + "first_known_use":{ + "before the 12th century, in the meaning defined at sense 1":"Noun", + "1882, in the meaning defined above":"Noun" + }, + "time_of_retrieval":"20220708-154602" } } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/en_merriam_webster/ch_mw.json b/en_merriam_webster/ch_mw.json index ba4b0fb1..5286dfd6 100644 --- a/en_merriam_webster/ch_mw.json +++ b/en_merriam_webster/ch_mw.json @@ -28486,5 +28486,21 @@ "history_and_etymology":{}, "first_known_use":{}, "time_of_retrieval":"20220708-154038" + }, + "Chile pine":{ + "type":[ + "noun" + ], + "definitions":{ + ": monkey puzzle":[] + }, + "pronounciation":[], + "synonyms":[], + "antonyms":[], + "synonym_discussion":"", + "examples":[], + "history_and_etymology":{}, + "first_known_use":{}, + "time_of_retrieval":"20220708-154537" } } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/en_merriam_webster/co_mw.json b/en_merriam_webster/co_mw.json index 73907575..143146d6 100644 --- a/en_merriam_webster/co_mw.json +++ b/en_merriam_webster/co_mw.json @@ -24525,10 +24525,18 @@ ] }, "compact disc":{ - "antonyms":[], + "type":[ + "noun" + ], "definitions":{ ": cd entry 2":[] }, + "pronounciation":[ + "\u02c8k\u00e4m-\u02ccpakt-" + ], + "synonyms":[], + "antonyms":[], + "synonym_discussion":"", "examples":[ "Recent Examples on the Web", "Even more perplexing: compact disc sales jumped 21%, hitting $584 million. \u2014 Jacob Carpenter, Fortune , 11 Mar. 2022", @@ -24540,19 +24548,11 @@ "Sony went on to develop the compact disc along with Philips PHG , and that product once again changed the face of the music business. \u2014 Bobby Owsinski, Forbes , 30 May 2021", "Since the early 2000s, Pearl Jam has released official bootlegs of nearly all of the band\u2019s concerts, either on compact disc or digital download. \u2014 Daniel Kreps, Rolling Stone , 7 May 2021" ], + "history_and_etymology":{}, "first_known_use":{ "1979, in the meaning defined above":"" }, - "history_and_etymology":{}, - "pronounciation":[ - "\u02c8k\u00e4m-\u02ccpakt-" - ], - "synonym_discussion":"", - "synonyms":[], - "time_of_retrieval":"20220706-183555", - "type":[ - "noun" - ] + "time_of_retrieval":"20220708-154710" }, "compact fluorescent lamp":{ "antonyms":[], @@ -89827,5 +89827,54 @@ "1956, in the meaning defined above":"" }, "time_of_retrieval":"20220708-154504" + }, + "cold case":{ + "type":[ + "noun" + ], + "definitions":{ + ": an unsolved criminal investigation (as of a homicide or abduction) that has stopped being actively pursued because of a lack of evidence":[ + "The case is pursued diligently by various detectives, but eventually abandoned and filed away among other cold cases .", + "\u2014 Jonathan Yardley , The Washington Post , 9 Feb. 2014" + ] + }, + "pronounciation":[], + "synonyms":[], + "antonyms":[], + "synonym_discussion":"", + "examples":[], + "history_and_etymology":{}, + "first_known_use":{ + "1973, in the meaning defined above":"" + }, + "time_of_retrieval":"20220708-154533" + }, + "covered bridge":{ + "type":[ + "noun" + ], + "definitions":{ + ": a bridge that has its roadway protected by a roof and enclosing sides":[] + }, + "pronounciation":[], + "synonyms":[], + "antonyms":[], + "synonym_discussion":"", + "examples":[ + "Recent Examples on the Web", + "The village\u2019s iconic covered bridge , next to the Quechee waterfall, for one. \u2014 Kevin Cullen, BostonGlobe.com , 12 May 2022", + "The historic 120-year old covered bridge in Long Grove reached another milestone of sorts earlier this month when a U-Haul truck slammed into its wooden canopy. \u2014 Gregory Harutunian, chicagotribune.com , 18 Mar. 2022", + "In 2021, officials passed an ordinance amending the village code regarding local traffic restrictions, hoping the move would alert internet search engine map providers to update their software to not offer driving routes across the covered bridge . \u2014 Yadira Sanchez Olson, chicagotribune.com , 30 Dec. 2021", + "The only remaining covered bridge in Hamilton County, Potter's Bridge is the perfect place for a fall photo shoot. \u2014 Lilly St. Angelo, The Indianapolis Star , 17 Dec. 2021", + "Join a group hike on the Thimbleberry Nature and Snowshoe Trails, then take in a handful of waterfalls and a historic covered bridge on the park's other trails. \u2014 Chelsey Lewis, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel , 24 Dec. 2021", + "Mayor Jim Graven made the honor after the Memorial Day commemoration and the Olmsted Falls Historical Society service at the Charles A. Harding covered bridge . \u2014 cleveland , 7 June 2021", + "For now, the bridges remain a regular draw for covered bridge enthusiasts and other visitors looking for an interesting attraction. \u2014 oregonlive , 14 Nov. 2021", + "In reality, Bruce is the oldest of six from Cornish, N.H., home to the longest covered bridge in America. \u2014 BostonGlobe.com , 2 Nov. 2021" + ], + "history_and_etymology":{}, + "first_known_use":{ + "1809, in the meaning defined above":"" + }, + "time_of_retrieval":"20220708-154649" } } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/en_merriam_webster/dr_mw.json b/en_merriam_webster/dr_mw.json index 3bc62a38..b2d226d5 100644 --- a/en_merriam_webster/dr_mw.json +++ b/en_merriam_webster/dr_mw.json @@ -14087,5 +14087,43 @@ "1882, in the meaning defined above":"" }, "time_of_retrieval":"20220708-154352" + }, + "drop tank":{ + "type":[ + "noun" + ], + "definitions":{ + ": an auxiliary fuel tank for airplanes that can be jettisoned (as when empty)":[] + }, + "pronounciation":[], + "synonyms":[], + "antonyms":[], + "synonym_discussion":"", + "examples":[ + "Recent Examples on the Web", + "The lack of missiles and drop tanks hanging off the wings and fuselage improves the aircraft's radar-cross section. \u2014 Kyle Mizokami, Popular Mechanics , 3 Nov. 2015", + "The MiG-17PF even comes with a pair of drop tanks for cross-country travel. \u2014 Kyle Mizokami, Popular Mechanics , 19 Oct. 2017" + ], + "history_and_etymology":{}, + "first_known_use":{ + "1943, in the meaning defined above":"" + }, + "time_of_retrieval":"20220708-154635" + }, + "dragboat":{ + "type":[ + "noun" + ], + "definitions":{ + ": dragger":[] + }, + "pronounciation":[], + "synonyms":[], + "antonyms":[], + "synonym_discussion":"", + "examples":[], + "history_and_etymology":{}, + "first_known_use":{}, + "time_of_retrieval":"20220708-154658" } } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/en_merriam_webster/em_mw.json b/en_merriam_webster/em_mw.json index ffab5f5f..85f771a1 100644 --- a/en_merriam_webster/em_mw.json +++ b/en_merriam_webster/em_mw.json @@ -7371,5 +7371,23 @@ "history_and_etymology":{}, "first_known_use":{}, "time_of_retrieval":"20220708-154157" + }, + "emerge victorious":{ + "type":[ + "idiom" + ], + "definitions":{ + ": to be the winner":[ + "Who will emerge victorious in this contest?" + ] + }, + "pronounciation":[], + "synonyms":[], + "antonyms":[], + "synonym_discussion":"", + "examples":[], + "history_and_etymology":{}, + "first_known_use":{}, + "time_of_retrieval":"20220708-154654" } } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/en_merriam_webster/eq_mw.json b/en_merriam_webster/eq_mw.json index 56851277..9a613962 100644 --- a/en_merriam_webster/eq_mw.json +++ b/en_merriam_webster/eq_mw.json @@ -487,13 +487,27 @@ ] }, "equalize":{ - "antonyms":[], + "type":[ + "noun", + "verb" + ], "definitions":{ - ": to adjust or correct the frequency characteristics of (an electronic signal) by restoring to their original level high frequencies that have been attenuated":[], - ": to compensate for":[], ": to make equal":[], + ": to compensate for":[], + ": to adjust or correct the frequency characteristics of (an electronic signal) by restoring to their original level high frequencies that have been attenuated":[], ": to tie the score":[] }, + "pronounciation":[ + "\u02c8\u0113-kw\u0259-\u02ccl\u012bz" + ], + "synonyms":[ + "balance", + "equate", + "even", + "level" + ], + "antonyms":[], + "synonym_discussion":"", "examples":[ "They are hoping to equalize pay for workers with similar jobs.", "Educational opportunities have not yet equalized .", @@ -508,25 +522,11 @@ "Districts were redrawn to equalize populations in them. \u2014 Doug Thompson, Arkansas Online , 1 Mar. 2022", "Under the new agreement, USSF becomes the first federation in the world to equalize FIFA World Cup prize money. \u2014 Carrie Wittmer, Glamour , 18 May 2022" ], + "history_and_etymology":{}, "first_known_use":{ "1600, in the meaning defined at transitive sense 1":"" }, - "history_and_etymology":{}, - "pronounciation":[ - "\u02c8\u0113-kw\u0259-\u02ccl\u012bz" - ], - "synonym_discussion":"", - "synonyms":[ - "balance", - "equate", - "even", - "level" - ], - "time_of_retrieval":"20220707-063924", - "type":[ - "noun", - "verb" - ] + "time_of_retrieval":"20220708-154707" }, "equalizer":{ "antonyms":[], diff --git a/en_merriam_webster/es_mw.json b/en_merriam_webster/es_mw.json index ebad5654..1c4444bd 100644 --- a/en_merriam_webster/es_mw.json +++ b/en_merriam_webster/es_mw.json @@ -4190,5 +4190,33 @@ "1927, in the meaning defined above":"" }, "time_of_retrieval":"20220708-153726" + }, + "establishing shot":{ + "type":[ + "noun" + ], + "definitions":{ + ": a usually long shot in film or video used at the beginning of a sequence to establish an overview of the scene that follows":[] + }, + "pronounciation":[], + "synonyms":[], + "antonyms":[], + "synonym_discussion":"", + "examples":[ + "Recent Examples on the Web", + "In Aniq\u2019s rom-com version of the event, a majority of the action is shot inside the vehicle, with a minimal establishing shot of the car leaving the driveway. \u2014 Wilson Chapman, Variety , 3 Mar. 2022", + "After the last establishing shot of Baldwin was in the can, lunch was called. \u2014 Meg James, Amy Kaufman And Julia Wick, Anchorage Daily News , 2 Nov. 2021", + "After the last establishing shot of Baldwin was in the can, lunch was called. \u2014 Meg James, Amy Kaufman And Julia Wick, Anchorage Daily News , 2 Nov. 2021", + "After the last establishing shot of Baldwin was in the can, lunch was called. \u2014 Meg James, Amy Kaufman And Julia Wick, Anchorage Daily News , 2 Nov. 2021", + "An astonishing establishing shot of the prairie at sunset is particularly Zhaoesque. \u2014 Jeva Lange, The Week , 5 Nov. 2021", + "After the last establishing shot of Baldwin was in the can, lunch was called. \u2014 Meg James, Amy Kaufman And Julia Wick, Anchorage Daily News , 2 Nov. 2021", + "After the last establishing shot of Baldwin was in the can, lunch was called. \u2014 Meg James, Amy Kaufman And Julia Wick, Anchorage Daily News , 2 Nov. 2021", + "After the last establishing shot of Baldwin was in the can, lunch was called. \u2014 Meg James, Amy Kaufman And Julia Wick, Anchorage Daily News , 2 Nov. 2021" + ], + "history_and_etymology":{}, + "first_known_use":{ + "circa 1948, in the meaning defined above":"" + }, + "time_of_retrieval":"20220708-154528" } } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/en_merriam_webster/fa_mw.json b/en_merriam_webster/fa_mw.json index b94b9282..550bfa8c 100644 --- a/en_merriam_webster/fa_mw.json +++ b/en_merriam_webster/fa_mw.json @@ -21688,5 +21688,49 @@ "1928, in the meaning defined above":"" }, "time_of_retrieval":"20220708-154233" + }, + "factor X":{ + "type":[ + "noun" + ], + "definitions":{ + ": a clotting factor that is produced primarily in the liver under the influence of vitamin K and in its activated form is a proteolytic enzyme that converts prothrombin to thrombin in a reaction dependent on calcium ions and phospholipids and accelerated by factor V":[] + }, + "pronounciation":[ + "-\u02c8ten" + ], + "synonyms":[], + "antonyms":[], + "synonym_discussion":"", + "examples":[ + "Recent Examples on the Web", + "In Strategy 1, the revealing factor X is 3160/1600 = 1:98. \u2014 Nicholas Diaco, Scientific American , 20 Mar. 2018" + ], + "history_and_etymology":{}, + "first_known_use":{ + "1954, in the meaning defined above":"" + }, + "time_of_retrieval":"20220708-154542" + }, + "fat-choy":{ + "type":[ + "noun" + ], + "definitions":{ + ": an edible blue-green alga ( Nostoc commune variety flagelliforme )":[] + }, + "pronounciation":[ + "\u02c8f\u00e4t\u02c8-", + "\u02c8fat\u02c8ch\u022fi" + ], + "synonyms":[], + "antonyms":[], + "synonym_discussion":"", + "examples":[], + "history_and_etymology":{ + "Chinese (Cantonese) fa\u00e0t ts'o\u00ec , from fa\u00e0t hair + ts'o\u00ec vegetable":"" + }, + "first_known_use":{}, + "time_of_retrieval":"20220708-154546" } } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/en_merriam_webster/fe_mw.json b/en_merriam_webster/fe_mw.json index 2a1fad16..c86e45e6 100644 --- a/en_merriam_webster/fe_mw.json +++ b/en_merriam_webster/fe_mw.json @@ -9410,5 +9410,32 @@ }, "first_known_use":{}, "time_of_retrieval":"20220708-153906" + }, + "federative":{ + "type":[ + "adjective", + "adverb" + ], + "definitions":{ + ": of, relating to, or formed by federation":[ + "a federative republic" + ] + }, + "pronounciation":[ + "\u02c8fe-d(\u0259-)r\u0259-", + "\u02c8fe-d\u0259-\u02ccr\u0101-tiv" + ], + "synonyms":[], + "antonyms":[], + "synonym_discussion":"", + "examples":[ + "Recent Examples on the Web", + "Later it was ceded in the winter market to AS Monaco, a group that has definitely done its federative rights. \u2014 SI.com , 1 July 2019" + ], + "history_and_etymology":{}, + "first_known_use":{ + "1690, in the meaning defined above":"" + }, + "time_of_retrieval":"20220708-154557" } } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/en_merriam_webster/fi_mw.json b/en_merriam_webster/fi_mw.json index 7660036c..a59621b5 100644 --- a/en_merriam_webster/fi_mw.json +++ b/en_merriam_webster/fi_mw.json @@ -16408,5 +16408,25 @@ "1645, in the meaning defined above":"" }, "time_of_retrieval":"20220708-154344" + }, + "filter tip":{ + "type":[ + "adjective", + "noun" + ], + "definitions":{}, + "pronounciation":[], + "synonyms":[], + "antonyms":[], + "synonym_discussion":"", + "examples":[ + "Recent Examples on the Web", + "But that doesn\u2019t affect all the other stuff \u2014 like straws, cigarette filter tips , diapers, tampon applicators, syringes, appliances, and blood vials. \u2014 Frank Kummer, Philly.com , 24 May 2018" + ], + "history_and_etymology":{}, + "first_known_use":{ + "1932, in the meaning defined above":"" + }, + "time_of_retrieval":"20220708-154601" } } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/en_merriam_webster/fl_mw.json b/en_merriam_webster/fl_mw.json index 30935b56..a788af62 100644 --- a/en_merriam_webster/fl_mw.json +++ b/en_merriam_webster/fl_mw.json @@ -15896,5 +15896,23 @@ "history_and_etymology":{}, "first_known_use":{}, "time_of_retrieval":"20220708-154215" + }, + "flatheaded borer":{ + "type":[ + "noun" + ], + "definitions":{ + ": any of numerous beetle larvae of the family Buprestidae that bore beneath the bark or in the sapwood of trees":[] + }, + "pronounciation":[], + "synonyms":[], + "antonyms":[], + "synonym_discussion":"", + "examples":[], + "history_and_etymology":{ + "so called from its much enlarged and flattened thorax":"" + }, + "first_known_use":{}, + "time_of_retrieval":"20220708-154539" } } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/en_merriam_webster/fr_mw.json b/en_merriam_webster/fr_mw.json index 13872eb9..11eca18b 100644 --- a/en_merriam_webster/fr_mw.json +++ b/en_merriam_webster/fr_mw.json @@ -14585,5 +14585,33 @@ "1891, in the meaning defined above":"" }, "time_of_retrieval":"20220708-153925" + }, + "free trade":{ + "type":[ + "noun" + ], + "definitions":{ + ": trade based on the unrestricted international exchange of goods with tariffs used only as a source of revenue":[] + }, + "pronounciation":[], + "synonyms":[], + "antonyms":[], + "synonym_discussion":"", + "examples":[ + "Recent Examples on the Web", + "This year, India signed a free trade agreement with the UAE, its first in more than a decade, and has eyed the rest of the Gulf states for similar agreements, according to news reports. \u2014 Nadeen Ebrahim, CNN , 6 June 2022", + "For oil-rich UAE, the deal with Israel is its second bilateral free trade agreement after signing a similar accord with India in February. \u2014 Reuters, NBC News , 31 May 2022", + "The framework is not a free trade agreement, CNBC notes, and does not include any market access or tariff reduction outlines. \u2014 Brigid Kennedy, The Week , 27 May 2022", + "The framework is not a traditional free trade agreement but instead an architecture for negotiation to address four major areas: supply chains, the digital economy, clean energy transformation and investments in infrastructure. \u2014 New York Times , 20 May 2022", + "Not to be excluded, the United Arab Emirates also just signed a free trade agreement with Israel, becoming the first Arab nation to do so. \u2014 Daniel Markind, Forbes , 7 June 2022", + "The Summit of the Americas was launched by President Bill Clinton as part of an effort to galvanize support for a free trade agreement stretching from Alaska to Argentina. \u2014 Elliot Spagat, Joshua Goodman And Chris Megerian, Anchorage Daily News , 6 June 2022", + "The United States is hosting the summit for the first time since its launch in 1994, in Miami, as part of an effort to galvanize support for a free trade agreement stretching from Alaska to Patagonia. \u2014 Elliot Spagat, BostonGlobe.com , 5 June 2022", + "Defend workers and union rights, and hammer away at China and free trade deals. \u2014 Eric Bradner, CNN , 3 Apr. 2022" + ], + "history_and_etymology":{}, + "first_known_use":{ + "1766, in the meaning defined above":"" + }, + "time_of_retrieval":"20220708-154540" } } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/en_merriam_webster/gl_mw.json b/en_merriam_webster/gl_mw.json index bfb35e90..bda9c7e6 100644 --- a/en_merriam_webster/gl_mw.json +++ b/en_merriam_webster/gl_mw.json @@ -7535,5 +7535,41 @@ "circa 1740, in the meaning defined at sense 1a":"" }, "time_of_retrieval":"20220708-152805" + }, + "glide path":{ + "type":[ + "noun" + ], + "definitions":{ + ": glide slope":[], + ": a course of action that leads easily to an expected outcome":[ + "While Markey has been a fine member of Congress for decades, he isn't owed a glide path to another term.", + "\u2014 Adrian Walker", + "\u2026 a state that invests more in locking up prisoners than in opening doors to education is on a glide path to mediocrity.", + "\u2014 John Stobo", + "Elite law schools are not always a glide path to becoming a partner at a big law firm.", + "\u2014 Elizabeth Olson" + ] + }, + "pronounciation":[], + "synonyms":[], + "antonyms":[], + "synonym_discussion":"", + "examples":[ + "Recent Examples on the Web", + "This should be considered a national strength to build on, not a national shame to be put on a glide path to extinction. \u2014 Andrew Stuttaford, National Review , 30 Oct. 2020", + "Usually, the winner of the GOP nomination is on a glide path to victory in November. \u2014 Bryan Schott, The Salt Lake Tribune , 6 June 2022", + "Her status has put her on a glide path to the Republican nomination for governor in what is a deep-red state. \u2014 New York Times , 24 May 2022", + "Digitally native vertical brands are faced with essentially the same challenges, but many of them are hoping that opening physical stores will get them on the glide path to profitability. \u2014 Steve Dennis, Forbes , 5 May 2022", + "This should be considered a national strength to build on, not a national shame to be put on a glide path to extinction. \u2014 Andrew Stuttaford, National Review , 30 Oct. 2020", + "This should be considered a national strength to build on, not a national shame to be put on a glide path to extinction. \u2014 Andrew Stuttaford, National Review , 30 Oct. 2020", + "This analogy brings to mind an airliner on a glide path to a specific airport, guided by precise instruments and pilots with spotless safety records. \u2014 WSJ , 1 May 2022", + "This should be considered a national strength to build on, not a national shame to be put on a glide path to extinction. \u2014 Andrew Stuttaford, National Review , 30 Oct. 2020" + ], + "history_and_etymology":{}, + "first_known_use":{ + "1914, in the meaning defined at sense 1":"" + }, + "time_of_retrieval":"20220708-154638" } } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/en_merriam_webster/gr_mw.json b/en_merriam_webster/gr_mw.json index 0b372442..4c26671a 100644 --- a/en_merriam_webster/gr_mw.json +++ b/en_merriam_webster/gr_mw.json @@ -10763,5 +10763,26 @@ "1947, in the meaning defined above":"" }, "time_of_retrieval":"20220708-154439" + }, + "grind along":{ + "type":[ + "phrasal verb" + ], + "definitions":{ + ": to continue in a slow and steady way":[ + "The economy continues to grind along ." + ], + ": to continue moving down or along (something) in a slow and steady way":[ + "The traffic was grinding along the highway." + ] + }, + "pronounciation":[], + "synonyms":[], + "antonyms":[], + "synonym_discussion":"", + "examples":[], + "history_and_etymology":{}, + "first_known_use":{}, + "time_of_retrieval":"20220708-154645" } } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/en_merriam_webster/gu_mw.json b/en_merriam_webster/gu_mw.json index 4249acf1..6529358b 100644 --- a/en_merriam_webster/gu_mw.json +++ b/en_merriam_webster/gu_mw.json @@ -5437,5 +5437,21 @@ }, "first_known_use":{}, "time_of_retrieval":"20220708-154510" + }, + "gumbo lily":{ + "type":[ + "noun" + ], + "definitions":{ + ": prairie lily sense 2":[] + }, + "pronounciation":[], + "synonyms":[], + "antonyms":[], + "synonym_discussion":"", + "examples":[], + "history_and_etymology":{}, + "first_known_use":{}, + "time_of_retrieval":"20220708-154608" } } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/en_merriam_webster/he_mw.json b/en_merriam_webster/he_mw.json index 0dc4d80e..6affd6fa 100644 --- a/en_merriam_webster/he_mw.json +++ b/en_merriam_webster/he_mw.json @@ -16797,5 +16797,63 @@ "history_and_etymology":{}, "first_known_use":{}, "time_of_retrieval":"20220708-154432" + }, + "hemoglobin A":{ + "type":[ + "noun" + ], + "definitions":{ + ": the hemoglobin in the red blood cells of the normal human adult":[] + }, + "pronounciation":[], + "synonyms":[], + "antonyms":[], + "synonym_discussion":"", + "examples":[], + "history_and_etymology":{}, + "first_known_use":{ + "1958, in the meaning defined above":"" + }, + "time_of_retrieval":"20220708-154535" + }, + "hepatitis D":{ + "type":[ + "noun" + ], + "definitions":{ + ": an acute or chronic hepatitis that is caused by the hepatitis D virus , is marked chiefly by fatigue, fever, nausea, loss of appetite, and jaundice, and is transmitted especially by contact with infected blood (as by transfusion or by sharing contaminated needles in illicit intravenous drug use) or by contact with other infected body fluids (such as semen)":[] + }, + "pronounciation":[ + "-\u02c8d\u0113" + ], + "synonyms":[], + "antonyms":[], + "synonym_discussion":"", + "examples":[ + "Recent Examples on the Web", + "Of course, there are various hepatitis viruses that can cause hepatitis such as the hepatitis A, hepatitis B, hepatitis C, hepatitis D , and hepatitis E viruses. \u2014 Bruce Y. Lee, Forbes , 26 Apr. 2022", + "The two other types of hepatitis, hepatitis D , also known as delta hepatitis, and hepatitis E, are not common in the United States. \u2014 Shari Rudavsky, Indianapolis Star , 15 June 2018" + ], + "history_and_etymology":{}, + "first_known_use":{ + "1986, in the meaning defined above":"" + }, + "time_of_retrieval":"20220708-154636" + }, + "heavy liquid":{ + "type":[ + "noun" + ], + "definitions":{ + ": a suspension of very fine particles of high specific gravity in water that forms a slurry with a specific gravity greater than that of water":[] + }, + "pronounciation":[], + "synonyms":[], + "antonyms":[], + "synonym_discussion":"", + "examples":[], + "history_and_etymology":{}, + "first_known_use":{}, + "time_of_retrieval":"20220708-154652" } } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/en_merriam_webster/ho_mw.json b/en_merriam_webster/ho_mw.json index 4132dc19..facc8716 100644 --- a/en_merriam_webster/ho_mw.json +++ b/en_merriam_webster/ho_mw.json @@ -21068,5 +21068,24 @@ }, "first_known_use":{}, "time_of_retrieval":"20220708-154435" + }, + "house car":{ + "type":[ + "noun" + ], + "definitions":{ + ": an enclosed freight car (as a boxcar, refrigerator car, stockcar)":[], + ": a railroad car for handling goods to be loaded or unloaded at a freight house":[] + }, + "pronounciation":[], + "synonyms":[], + "antonyms":[], + "synonym_discussion":"", + "examples":[], + "history_and_etymology":{}, + "first_known_use":{ + "1838, in the meaning defined at sense 1":"" + }, + "time_of_retrieval":"20220708-154659" } } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/en_merriam_webster/in_mw.json b/en_merriam_webster/in_mw.json index 5e7e1937..47f24420 100644 --- a/en_merriam_webster/in_mw.json +++ b/en_merriam_webster/in_mw.json @@ -60290,12 +60290,22 @@ ] }, "intraday":{ - "antonyms":[], + "type":[ + "adjective" + ], "definitions":{ ": occurring in the course of a single day":[ "the market showed wide intraday fluctuations" ] }, + "pronounciation":[ + "-(\u02cc)tr\u00e4-", + "\u02c8in-tr\u0259-\u02ccd\u0101", + "\u02ccin-tr\u0259-\u02c8d\u0101" + ], + "synonyms":[], + "antonyms":[], + "synonym_discussion":"", "examples":[ "Recent Examples on the Web", "Shares of Zoom fell sharply on the news, finishing the day almost 6% down from intraday highs. \u2014 Spencer Neale, Washington Examiner , 24 Apr. 2020", @@ -60304,21 +60314,11 @@ "Use intraday highs and lows and the index was down 21.6%, for a new bear market. \u2014 James Mackintosh, WSJ , 22 Aug. 2018", "That compares with an intraday gain of 1.3 percent in March 9, 2006, when North Korea launched two short-range missiles. \u2014 Luzi-ann Javier, Bloomberg.com , 8 May 2017" ], + "history_and_etymology":{}, "first_known_use":{ "1950, in the meaning defined above":"" }, - "history_and_etymology":{}, - "pronounciation":[ - "-(\u02cc)tr\u00e4-", - "\u02c8in-tr\u0259-\u02ccd\u0101", - "\u02ccin-tr\u0259-\u02c8d\u0101" - ], - "synonym_discussion":"", - "synonyms":[], - "time_of_retrieval":"20220707-045129", - "type":[ - "adjective" - ] + "time_of_retrieval":"20220708-154606" }, "intradepartmental":{ "antonyms":[], @@ -68474,5 +68474,24 @@ "1903, in the meaning defined above":"" }, "time_of_retrieval":"20220708-154227" + }, + "in living color":{ + "type":[ + "idiom" + ], + "definitions":{ + ": in the bright colors of real life":[ + "a television program shown in living color", + "\u2014 often used figuratively or humorously His opinions are aired once a week in living color ." + ] + }, + "pronounciation":[], + "synonyms":[], + "antonyms":[], + "synonym_discussion":"", + "examples":[], + "history_and_etymology":{}, + "first_known_use":{}, + "time_of_retrieval":"20220708-154633" } } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/en_merriam_webster/lo_mw.json b/en_merriam_webster/lo_mw.json index 8bb5f9b0..be06d71a 100644 --- a/en_merriam_webster/lo_mw.json +++ b/en_merriam_webster/lo_mw.json @@ -18145,5 +18145,33 @@ "1581, in the meaning defined at sense 1a":"" }, "time_of_retrieval":"20220708-154341" + }, + "load factor":{ + "type":[ + "noun" + ], + "definitions":{ + ": the percentage of available seats paid for and occupied in an aircraft":[] + }, + "pronounciation":[], + "synonyms":[], + "antonyms":[], + "synonym_discussion":"", + "examples":[ + "Recent Examples on the Web", + "The company\u2019s total capacity stood just 28% below 2019 levels and the consolidated load factor was 76% in the third quarter. \u2014 Trefis Team, Forbes , 19 Jan. 2022", + "Singapore\u2019s government has initiated vaccinated travel corridors with dozens of countries, helping the carrier\u2019s group load factor rise to 46.5% in December from 13.7% the previous year. \u2014 Harry Suhartono, Bloomberg.com , 12 Feb. 2022", + "Its most recent monthly report shows a load factor , or capacity measurement, of 58.3% in November, a drop from 67.7% in October, which the company attributed to a new rise in COVID-19 cases in Iceland and European markets. \u2014 Lorraine Mirabella, baltimoresun.com , 16 Dec. 2021", + "Per quarterly filings, JetBlue Airways (NASDAQ: JBLU) had guided its Q3 2021 revenues to be 9% lower than observed in Q3 2019 with a significant improvement in load factor . \u2014 Trefis Team, Forbes , 8 Oct. 2021", + "In 2020, Southwest Airlines implemented 34% (y-o-y) capacity reduction and achieved a load factor of 52%. \u2014 Trefis Team, Forbes , 28 May 2021", + "Flights are becoming more full, Sun Country said, with its passenger load factor reaching 77%, the highest since late 2019. \u2014 Evan Ramstad, Star Tribune , 29 July 2021", + "In 2020, the company\u2019s revenues fell by 60% (y-o-y) as the capacity (ASMs) dropped by 51% and the passenger load factor plummeted to 55%. \u2014 Trefis Team, Forbes , 29 June 2021", + "That's not far from the US domestic load factor of 85% achieved in 2019, which was the busiest US air travel year in history, according to the US Bureau of Transportation Statistics. \u2014 CNN , 24 June 2021" + ], + "history_and_etymology":{}, + "first_known_use":{ + "1943, in the meaning defined above":"" + }, + "time_of_retrieval":"20220708-154629" } } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/en_merriam_webster/ma_mw.json b/en_merriam_webster/ma_mw.json index f7098ee4..794e4e88 100644 --- a/en_merriam_webster/ma_mw.json +++ b/en_merriam_webster/ma_mw.json @@ -26841,15 +26841,29 @@ ] }, "max":{ - "antonyms":[ - "least", - "minimum" + "type":[ + "abbreviation", + "adjective", + "noun" ], "definitions":{ ": maximum sense 1":[], ": maximum sense 2":[], ": to the greatest extent possible":[] }, + "pronounciation":[ + "\u02c8maks" + ], + "synonyms":[ + "maximum", + "most", + "outside" + ], + "antonyms":[ + "least", + "minimum" + ], + "synonym_discussion":"", "examples":[ "The boat can hold a max of 20 people.", "at the max there will be 25 people at the party", @@ -26863,25 +26877,11 @@ "The Ordinary Natural Moisturizing Factor + HA is a moisturizer made for combination skin that works to keep skin hydrated to the max . \u2014 The Salt Lake Tribune , 16 May 2022", "The laptop does a good job of showing off the performance of Intel's new 12th Gen P-series chips, all in a thin-and light design that doesn't get too hot, even when it's pushed to the max . \u2014 Scharon Harding, Ars Technica , 13 May 2022" ], + "history_and_etymology":{}, "first_known_use":{ "1851, in the meaning defined at sense 1":"" }, - "history_and_etymology":{}, - "pronounciation":[ - "\u02c8maks" - ], - "synonym_discussion":"", - "synonyms":[ - "maximum", - "most", - "outside" - ], - "time_of_retrieval":"20220706-172944", - "type":[ - "abbreviation", - "adjective", - "noun" - ] + "time_of_retrieval":"20220708-154643" }, "maxilliped":{ "antonyms":[], diff --git a/en_merriam_webster/ne_mw.json b/en_merriam_webster/ne_mw.json index 1061cf2f..ee1d0590 100644 --- a/en_merriam_webster/ne_mw.json +++ b/en_merriam_webster/ne_mw.json @@ -12173,5 +12173,19 @@ "1993, in the meaning defined above":"" }, "time_of_retrieval":"20220708-154354" + }, + "neutralization number":{ + "type":[ + "noun" + ], + "definitions":{}, + "pronounciation":[], + "synonyms":[], + "antonyms":[], + "synonym_discussion":"", + "examples":[], + "history_and_etymology":{}, + "first_known_use":{}, + "time_of_retrieval":"20220708-154705" } } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/en_merriam_webster/no_mw.json b/en_merriam_webster/no_mw.json index 3b127bb0..c09fa5b0 100644 --- a/en_merriam_webster/no_mw.json +++ b/en_merriam_webster/no_mw.json @@ -24163,5 +24163,23 @@ "14th century, in the meaning defined at sense 1a":"" }, "time_of_retrieval":"20220708-154450" + }, + "no great shakes":{ + "type":[ + "idiom" + ], + "definitions":{ + ": not very good or skillful at something":[ + "He's no great shakes as a poker player." + ] + }, + "pronounciation":[], + "synonyms":[], + "antonyms":[], + "synonym_discussion":"", + "examples":[], + "history_and_etymology":{}, + "first_known_use":{}, + "time_of_retrieval":"20220708-154604" } } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/en_merriam_webster/ol_mw.json b/en_merriam_webster/ol_mw.json index 4c005c23..816415a5 100644 --- a/en_merriam_webster/ol_mw.json +++ b/en_merriam_webster/ol_mw.json @@ -2758,5 +2758,23 @@ }, "first_known_use":{}, "time_of_retrieval":"20220708-153902" + }, + "oligopsonist":{ + "type":[ + "noun" + ], + "definitions":{ + ": a member of an oligopsonistic industry or market":[] + }, + "pronounciation":[ + "\u02cc\u00e4l\u0259\u02c8g\u00e4ps\u0259n\u0259\u0307st" + ], + "synonyms":[], + "antonyms":[], + "synonym_discussion":"", + "examples":[], + "history_and_etymology":{}, + "first_known_use":{}, + "time_of_retrieval":"20220708-154555" } } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/en_merriam_webster/pa_mw.json b/en_merriam_webster/pa_mw.json index 62bf6053..0b88d1eb 100644 --- a/en_merriam_webster/pa_mw.json +++ b/en_merriam_webster/pa_mw.json @@ -24925,5 +24925,28 @@ "1895, in the meaning defined above":"" }, "time_of_retrieval":"20220708-154455" + }, + "pathognomonic":{ + "type":[ + "adjective" + ], + "definitions":{ + ": distinctively characteristic of a particular disease":[] + }, + "pronounciation":[ + "\u02ccpath-\u0259(g)-n\u014d-\u02c8m\u00e4n-ik", + "\u02ccpa-th\u0259(g)-n\u014d-\u02c8m\u00e4-nik" + ], + "synonyms":[], + "antonyms":[], + "synonym_discussion":"", + "examples":[], + "history_and_etymology":{ + "borrowed from New Latin pathogn\u014dmonicus, borrowed from Greek pathogn\u014dmonik\u00f3s, from patho- patho- + gn\u014dmonik\u00f3s \"judging by rule, capable of judging,\" from gn\u1e53m\u014dn \"examiner, interpreter\" + -ikos -ic entry 1 \u2014 more at gnomon":"" + }, + "first_known_use":{ + "1625, in the meaning defined above":"" + }, + "time_of_retrieval":"20220708-154524" } } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/en_merriam_webster/pl_mw.json b/en_merriam_webster/pl_mw.json index a921c8ca..2e4bf194 100644 --- a/en_merriam_webster/pl_mw.json +++ b/en_merriam_webster/pl_mw.json @@ -13682,5 +13682,25 @@ }, "first_known_use":{}, "time_of_retrieval":"20220708-154322" + }, + "plot's elm":{ + "type":[ + "noun" + ], + "definitions":{ + ": a European elm ( Ulmus plotii ) having an arching leader, pendulous branches, and subcordate bluntly serrate leaves":[] + }, + "pronounciation":[ + "\u02c8pl\u00e4ts-" + ], + "synonyms":[], + "antonyms":[], + "synonym_discussion":"", + "examples":[], + "history_and_etymology":{ + "probably from the name Plot":"" + }, + "first_known_use":{}, + "time_of_retrieval":"20220708-154620" } } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/en_merriam_webster/queue b/en_merriam_webster/queue index a200e296..5585a639 100644 --- a/en_merriam_webster/queue +++ b/en_merriam_webster/queue @@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ black cherry aphid sir scorzonera board of trade +melamine resin avowedly cable grip strip camera @@ -25,7 +26,6 @@ black swallowtail frequency modulation remediation lead someone (around) by the nose -silky wallaby fattening Darwin's finches meritocrat @@ -159,7 +159,6 @@ cable length defensive tall meadow rue fixate -throw a block radicchio precancerous blood-vascular @@ -361,6 +360,7 @@ phase-contrast microscope leasing double prime missionary salesman +brackets efficience pigsty daisy phrenocardiac @@ -371,7 +371,6 @@ adulterous bank discount anti-unemployment otter -load factor people person rippleless primrose green @@ -408,11 +407,12 @@ age difference sixty-fourmo gum up (something) belonoid -abate treasure hunt groundplot +spiderwort family the plot thickens man up +abate ill-affected at cross-purposes stroke oar @@ -520,9 +520,9 @@ sexual predator or bust barley smut no secret +the papacy hard tick spiritually-minded -refined wool fat haloperidol ground beef in the melting pot @@ -534,6 +534,7 @@ number two iron hammerkop square out quid +Atalán se tenant common disaster meanwhile @@ -551,7 +552,6 @@ dad joke buildup tollgate bullfoot -plot's elm imidacloprid S phase air support @@ -620,6 +620,7 @@ battle fatigue mingle-mangle undergown wine thrush +delta plateau black draft shenzi civic center @@ -696,7 +697,6 @@ Sept flame stitch spitball great power -suberize pastose the little/small matter Eoacanthocephala @@ -705,6 +705,7 @@ person-to-person nickel silver in no small part inapparent +tenaillon press-gang manufacturer's agent have a loose screw @@ -727,6 +728,7 @@ cantilever arch take (great) pains grizzly ironbark acacia +inconnu grow curtain speech ranging @@ -769,7 +771,6 @@ heavy cream again ritornello pull/yank someone's chain -cold fusion direct-response great lobelia mixed grill @@ -792,9 +793,9 @@ hyrax tulip tree scale landlord gray squeteague -ascititious einmal ist keinmal roasted +covered dish ticker know better interstellar @@ -823,7 +824,6 @@ let (someone or something) be crown gall cityscape flame cell -vial outstanding great room end fly @@ -838,7 +838,9 @@ intercountry any number of coal atoxyl +mathematical logic humanics +Bettendorf interborough ordinate eco-conscious @@ -936,12 +938,14 @@ wipe joint blow to pieces ought urinator +doses Addison's disease choiceness vacancy clause air strike let (someone) in on (something) Flint +subcollegiate Heine double bass spirit of vitriol @@ -956,6 +960,7 @@ evaluable soldering iron hot logging asking price +drop table pension fund trebbiano dentilabial @@ -1009,6 +1014,7 @@ phono- dead drop foxhole spark plug +you/you'd better believe it antimony trioxide automated bridle path @@ -1042,9 +1048,9 @@ field dodder razor saw disk engine quick-fire -max consumer credit power forward +ion exchange resin non-profit-making bit key -ory @@ -1052,6 +1058,7 @@ escape clause three-bagger complex plane underneath it all +curly bracket demand-side re-cover P'u-i @@ -1065,7 +1072,6 @@ typeholder scram price fatty liver -resin leader pin head-and-tail-light ill-defined @@ -1149,8 +1155,6 @@ quisutsch ptychotis oil carry through concessible -delta process -remnant fan mail proficuous make someone's day @@ -1181,7 +1185,6 @@ beggar-my-neighbor correction line stakeout Coconuco -graph theory scot and lot imputed value man/woman of his/her word @@ -1244,6 +1247,7 @@ cane fruit tumorous silver perch Iberville +prevention is better than cure beyond doubt preemployment go together @@ -1258,7 +1262,9 @@ the Almighty cluster headache besmirch sweet balsam +sex-influenced devalorize +North Port snow crab in greeting chemical peel @@ -1427,7 +1433,6 @@ French disease snail mail farrow unseasonable -spiderwort lifeboat falls high mass seaward @@ -1471,6 +1476,7 @@ Dürer avian influenza casual ejector molecular spectrum +mathematicization wild bergamot interchannel wriggling @@ -1516,6 +1522,7 @@ antihemophilic factor pocket gopher three-phase Scottish rite +spider wheel therapeutant the public turnover hinge @@ -1645,7 +1652,6 @@ in all cable buoy reticulum sino-tibetan -federative wine-cask borer nosology pay rate @@ -1661,7 +1667,6 @@ bear away driveboat first slip hacker -covered bridge key horizon come home to specific gravity @@ -1672,8 +1677,8 @@ full military honors snapping shrimp simple bitters thickly -espouser coercive +espouser generation heave into view (the) worse for wear @@ -1731,6 +1736,7 @@ affluent makomako Indo-European languages go over big +glide plane three-decker to a (bare) minimum at the center of things @@ -1757,7 +1763,6 @@ bile salt taken finance house percentage -grind along Old School Baptist moistless interregional @@ -1800,6 +1805,7 @@ mean free path saldid judicial Southport +no better smoking section clavicle take a leak @@ -1807,6 +1813,7 @@ western sugar maple obsessus slow-foot assumed bond +silky terrier diffract blood donor demand loan @@ -1857,6 +1864,7 @@ Ofo singletree correcting bird's-eye view +tracked horseshit golden orange wringing @@ -1904,6 +1912,7 @@ axiom of parallels dogey leprosy corner +emerging away strip token histogeny @@ -1977,6 +1986,7 @@ manured rid failure wergild +friar downsitting niter-blue Maldives @@ -2066,8 +2076,8 @@ phase in hippopotamus linear differential equation Gracilariidae -cow desegregated +cow shopping goods in the driver's seat give (someone) the bird @@ -2108,7 +2118,6 @@ supervisor nonvoter letter writer bard -workload the lame the turf living death @@ -2131,8 +2140,10 @@ earned run stroking marksman purry +unworkability acceptance speech profiling +rosin on a whim return address video @@ -2150,6 +2161,7 @@ drop handle income bond black hand slow-walk +bracken poisoning nullified slogan original equipment manufacturer @@ -2204,9 +2216,7 @@ countercaster Sotomayor might fibril -reregulation without question -Chile pine federal on the edge of one's seat profit system @@ -2289,6 +2299,7 @@ retrench accusatival obomegoid X-C +better the devil you know than the devil you don't let out becall you should have seen his face @@ -2309,7 +2320,6 @@ place of origin Bisharin container angel's kiss -the paranormal fender boom house finch cowman @@ -2351,6 +2361,7 @@ quasi-legislative annual sage stand back Arcos de la Frontera +cascara sagrada pitch tree queen anne green retiree @@ -2473,7 +2484,6 @@ deuterium oxide nondominant rapidamente in two shakes -flatheaded borer vibrational quantum number in reach responsal @@ -2482,6 +2492,7 @@ prophylactic nimble?pronunciation&lang=en_us&dir=n&file=nimble03 administrative unit make oneself at home +self-examination moving staircase a sight to see/behold fair to say @@ -2496,6 +2507,7 @@ far removed from rotatee trade union vest-pocket veto +north polar distance address bus spell trouble exchange @@ -2523,6 +2535,7 @@ involuntary deposit tympaniform see out day return +synodic grade quasi- short mark @@ -2661,7 +2674,6 @@ off-season anapaite yields aorto- -better Urodela breakthrough halftone @@ -2726,7 +2738,6 @@ whiteweed Juliaca the shape of things to come cognition -in living color slide rule uncandor consternation @@ -2842,6 +2853,7 @@ iron hydroxide fat dormouse relic of the past secureness +established order dweeble Treasury Bench bio- @@ -2861,7 +2873,6 @@ embryous gambier pull station exequatur -mathematician improved small-fruited hickory Draize test @@ -2873,6 +2884,7 @@ stationary wave track and slide ratio heir at law +in litigation squirrel corn mast cell superior @@ -2883,7 +2895,6 @@ HMO straight and narrow chattering à la -apocrine gland beyond help filter bubble family romance @@ -2940,6 +2951,7 @@ averred fix (someone) with visual cortex Hercynian +in loco parentis about good abandon/drop all pretense at spindle tuber @@ -2981,7 +2993,6 @@ downslide china clay prespecify California laurel -gumbo lily purposelike hare system ill-sorted @@ -3024,9 +3035,11 @@ service ceiling inflammatory bowel disease electrician intertroop +Chileno bone china sweet potato team foul +subthreshold one-night%20stand polyp arc @@ -3068,6 +3081,7 @@ multi-tool Tree supervises Theseus +federator natural bridge wipe away gloy @@ -3086,7 +3100,9 @@ civil service Graz give (something) a jerk proportional parts +resin canal uncultivation +discretion is the better part of valor two-piecer biotic province books @@ -3130,6 +3146,7 @@ clotting factor the same (thing) goes for (another person) forinsec green gland +nail-tailed wallaby let it be known pleat root beer @@ -3189,7 +3206,6 @@ storyteller sparkover cattle egret carpenter's level -glide path gaiters multiplication table joblessness @@ -3243,7 +3259,6 @@ silver hake scodgy self-study billiken -cold case so be it list system prefixing @@ -3328,6 +3343,7 @@ in commercio sage grouse photo-offset grievant +to the letter yellow jack paysanne daily double @@ -3394,6 +3410,7 @@ subordinating nonanimal tuck up cast around +filter stick hkf market value customer agent @@ -3435,6 +3452,7 @@ mischoose canvasser voided high-speed +little better than locomote uptear Trumbull @@ -3444,10 +3462,12 @@ white grease Welsh black case goods one's very own +free trader another-guess harrier eagle ninety/ninety-nine percent of the time organic brain syndrome +fat-chewing Passy grain drill intertribal @@ -3514,13 +3534,11 @@ kangaroo feathers folkright common carp yellow rain lily -subthoracic out of hours black thumb parvenu eat dust gangbang -aboard poppet temporary whisker @@ -3559,7 +3577,6 @@ close to the mark after-hours three of a kind pull switch -be around pace egg High Sheriff orthomyxovirus @@ -3629,12 +3646,14 @@ yearlong exploratory loud and clear marquess +parathyroidectomy remunerate pastural high day great ape mesaconic acid the disabled +glideless epiphany phasemeter hearing @@ -3646,7 +3665,6 @@ royal python big bang hadromycotic hot sauce -hemoglobin A my information is skibby canker rose @@ -3705,16 +3723,14 @@ tree squirrel admittee merchant navy putt -dipper ocher brown couldn't -factor X +dipper hotline essentially cabuya rivel Blackfoot -north pole fir balsam glands French cuff @@ -3739,6 +3755,7 @@ scotia great mullein variate renter +sawney alarmism beef Stroganoff Electra complex @@ -3754,6 +3771,7 @@ triumvirs chafer grey fat-shamer +animal starch new jack guinea-hen flower rearwardly @@ -3821,6 +3839,7 @@ processed cheese availability bleeding edge nose bit +seadrome it's a wash Triple Crown edge out @@ -3884,7 +3903,6 @@ parasailing take mercy on optimism above/beyond reproach -house car embryogeny lose sleep over take it/things day by day @@ -4011,7 +4029,6 @@ skirt red grouper mind you fête galante -I must love you and leave you touch/strike/hit a raw nerve mushroom cap postcrisis @@ -4063,7 +4080,9 @@ court of record black-capped mano undiscovered +oligopoly lump +loaderman station house fushionless Iberia @@ -4095,6 +4114,7 @@ locust highbinding play the part leaf drop +maxi- brandise Pepys segmentation @@ -4107,7 +4127,6 @@ spicery pyxie saturniid night after night -hepatitis D phylogenetics happen along hold (someone) up to (public) ridicule @@ -4276,7 +4295,6 @@ two-by-four suffers caud- standard money -parathyroid gland methodologist guess-warp central locking @@ -4290,6 +4308,7 @@ slow pill die-off unsaturate Togo +against one's better judgment antigay not unless developmental disorder @@ -4349,6 +4368,7 @@ interassociation community property flamethrower the center of attention +self-exalting woodwind quintet err on the side of grateful @@ -4376,6 +4396,7 @@ purchasing department mouth hook immediate inference intertrial +imu silver deposit returning foundation stop @@ -4506,6 +4527,7 @@ Fula lessee black-footed cat double bass viol +dosage response table-board at the end of the day secular humanism @@ -4538,6 +4560,7 @@ profile goliath heron partial out ovarium +spark lever suicide note sophistication meritmonger @@ -4601,16 +4624,17 @@ ascensionist mail drop Viru in the pocket of (someone) +dos gris throw one's hands up (in the air) defalcate station break knolly absolute pitch +Plotinism colony standard port eleven restrictionism -establishing shot gadzooks shot clock knitch @@ -4718,6 +4742,7 @@ median basilic vein NIST avocado toast Royal Oak +Briand instigative soul mate transmissible @@ -4781,6 +4806,7 @@ center square feisty HLA honor camp +vinyl resin damselfish Tocantins xanthan gum @@ -4911,6 +4937,8 @@ dry cleaner labor camp fire wheel take up residence +apocrine +monkey puzzle double substitution field rush phone phreak @@ -4962,6 +4990,7 @@ resolvedly pleasure principle crude bulbourethral gland +treasuryship Oedogoniaceae bear claw battle of the sexes @@ -5000,10 +5029,10 @@ trumpeter Fields fipple flute false buckthorn -depreciative triodia cold-storage training color transparency +depreciative genital bulb Silver Star solar corona @@ -5019,6 +5048,7 @@ processable contingency coefficient take heart tenuous +yellowtail frog spit the curse countess @@ -5109,6 +5139,7 @@ B complex mostly blood crisis asaron +subcollection stickybeak white grunt hedge @@ -5156,9 +5187,11 @@ General Post Office heavy on court of common pleas take (someone) unawares +flatheaded apple tree borer puppy fat mail-rider half past +bracket creep from below paltry orhamwood @@ -5226,6 +5259,7 @@ snowfield epidemic honor guard pistolet +the best/better/greater part of time clerk frightfulness participial @@ -5247,7 +5281,6 @@ poa skew curve seating arrangement/plan habit-forming -traveling staircase endocrine gland fringed fern put two and two together @@ -5307,6 +5340,7 @@ the string section balm of Gilead marine green body art +the less said, the better horsetail Valsaceae knife-boy @@ -5317,6 +5351,7 @@ take the words right out of someone's mouth grimp Pygmalion Grapsus +omnia mutantur, nos et mutamur in illis Archiacanthocephala optical double star gripman @@ -5325,6 +5360,7 @@ prostatectomy Borgia satin weave of one's very own +sawmiller unattractive deer tick atomic hydrogen welding @@ -5477,14 +5513,12 @@ concessioner sexdigitism connectivity beaver -strike up grinder's green phone tag bay poplar filterable deliver on pygmy elephant -intraday testify for the defense/prosecution acetic acid multiplied @@ -5514,12 +5548,14 @@ semisoft stumer sitch tree +apocrisiarius cold room solar diagonal how many reescalate winter fat diagonal matrix +In give (someone) the hook Great Scott gene frequency @@ -5577,7 +5613,6 @@ federal court eagle vulture double-space overprinting -Sharp reciprocation gray jay invalidation @@ -5640,7 +5675,6 @@ we-group corroboration clear obscure living standard -scotograph take pity on maker intermembrane @@ -5700,6 +5734,7 @@ assoil Therapsida high achiever toleration +guest rope colog -genetic supermodern @@ -5727,7 +5762,6 @@ double dribble year flatland take someone's fancy -subcollege suicide pact un-European predicted @@ -5866,13 +5900,11 @@ propulsor floating lever pontoon housemother -holohemihedral knish anti-state integrated logging misset coffee wit -tenaim chief of staff nothing so much as hook shot @@ -5943,7 +5975,6 @@ purple veil duckie of advanced age/years executor -sexi- indeterminacy principle good old drop kip @@ -5971,10 +6002,12 @@ quicksilver weed straw line to let betafite +to the mercy of reengrave mark my words debtor tapeman +merocrine nuclide withers sipe @@ -6123,6 +6156,7 @@ couples therapy indefinite article rattletrap two-worlds theory +briarberry disengaged the flicks fight one's way @@ -6133,7 +6167,6 @@ by choice Received Pronunciation all-commodity rate heir -responding tree-ripe avernal white potato @@ -6159,6 +6192,7 @@ draw shot body count customer's broker hot shoe +holohyaline a growing belief that center ice electrodeless discharge @@ -6181,8 +6215,10 @@ yard rope cylindrical coordinate sun bear trona +epoxy resin field pennycress conspiringly +responde Hydroida cleantech black rot @@ -6228,6 +6264,7 @@ repentingly swing shift oxidize YK +synthetic resin galjoen pacemaker parr @@ -6275,6 +6312,7 @@ double star modulated continuous waves treasury stock tender (young) age +heavy man cnida deed poll depth of engagement @@ -6341,7 +6379,6 @@ quantity threefold silk gland growth company -neutralization number theologian blue-winged teal legislative assembly @@ -6498,6 +6535,7 @@ tulip shell clean dollar plain sailing index plane +resins great white trillium double paper commiserable @@ -6757,6 +6795,7 @@ stair dance lab/laboratory rat strike-through code duello +abo dubiosity black sally hooked @@ -6852,6 +6891,7 @@ electron lens magnetoplumbite buildable open compound +Noguchi what it used to be suer big crunch @@ -6921,7 +6961,6 @@ ureteropyelogram parti- double-u shadow play -drop tank androgenesis autoptic alliteratively @@ -7029,6 +7068,7 @@ presurgical negative angle administrative law employers' association +radiograph juvenile insurance askance fungus root @@ -7068,7 +7108,6 @@ gain twist datcha solar mass take a load off someone's mind -bear witness procerity china closet stoop tag @@ -7119,11 +7158,13 @@ Dentaliidae heard Great Entrance tracklaying +resina as if manurage sudsy anatomico- choreography +star catalog low blow small forward trading @@ -7146,7 +7187,6 @@ corporation cock stump topmast leukocytoblast semicircular canal -sacred bark succorance corrective justice boat hook @@ -7158,9 +7198,9 @@ ridiculing fall in love hour wheel the Host -take one's licks Blackwall hitch transactional analysis +graph paper revision wild rice prochlorite @@ -7185,7 +7225,7 @@ fee simple snafu sialorrhea housepride -trackable +gnomon precast spread formation interdominion @@ -7235,7 +7275,6 @@ Chatterton solar panel puddles grapple shot -pathognomonic stakes race north relations @@ -7255,7 +7294,6 @@ body color wild hyssop genitor whistle-pig -sea drum psychiatry robber ant links @@ -7274,11 +7312,11 @@ be in receipt of triple-expansion engine soaring power stall +bracket fungus occupational therapy A and M Hadrosaurus take over -sawmilling hay fever checkered flag (as) big as life @@ -7358,7 +7396,6 @@ heterosis self-abandoned dressing station venal -silver salt embrue not have a pot to piss in go/swim with/against the tide @@ -7373,6 +7410,7 @@ overly vertebral foramen absolute brightness pocket battleship +emerge the victor court of honor paucis verbis larvaevorid @@ -7388,6 +7426,7 @@ do (someone) a service hepatize woman of ill repute gether +greater/better/more than the sum of its parts follicle-stimulating hormone aswang insulinize @@ -7404,6 +7443,7 @@ wellstrand time money ischemia Shortt clock +better 'ole smitham in hot pursuit iron range @@ -7480,6 +7520,7 @@ retrained that goes double for sans serif Geneva convention +suberone square-marked toad circuit court mesoscutal @@ -7529,6 +7570,7 @@ smoke train Alençon diamond reforming sue for damages +better-off besiegingly at a pinch out of contention for @@ -7540,6 +7582,7 @@ Réaumur sergeant major of the marine corps incus semiempirical +bearwood get busy seeing that last-gasp goal @@ -7559,6 +7602,7 @@ summer squash valence band quantum jump force of circumstance(s) +prairie lily keep it down ither family expense @@ -7566,6 +7610,7 @@ driveshaft leap into action stirringly curtain off +briar patch genetrix trumpet call fairstitcher @@ -7601,7 +7646,6 @@ Eg carb silver gar dark-fired -dose information science mountain ivy in practice @@ -7640,6 +7684,7 @@ be in for a (big/real) surprise buncher funiculus phonographer +bracket capital electrocardiogram so what on the right/wrong track @@ -7672,6 +7717,7 @@ institutionize Chinese lantern I wouldn't know moving violation +resilver wildcatter maftir outdo oneself @@ -7717,7 +7763,6 @@ uncanny?pronunciation&lang=en_us&dir=u&file=uncann01 grossen soft wheat meta -synodic month in someone's keeping coconut oil unshared @@ -7784,6 +7829,7 @@ let's go replacement vein drop pass mailbag +dragbolt genecology factor IX reenvision @@ -7853,7 +7899,6 @@ in hock somatic cell bring tears to one's eyes power-stall landing -fat-choy sonovox music therapy it @@ -7934,7 +7979,6 @@ highbelia raise one's voice stirrup cup a feeling of -guess-rope plus lens low birch carpet rod @@ -7978,6 +8022,7 @@ bona+fide black-tailed deer instigating natriuresis +grindable Russian olive hand in halfway house @@ -7989,7 +8034,6 @@ slenderness eructation restrained refreshing -equalize I don't know about you/him/her/them silverfish stock insurance company @@ -8199,7 +8243,6 @@ take/claim someone's life a force to be reckoned with have a low opinion of (something) Punuk -to the limit oligarchic through arch blue runner @@ -8208,6 +8251,7 @@ skip out bear grass grungy close, but no cigar +for the better linear function slaves let someone in on a (little) secret @@ -8243,6 +8287,7 @@ wild hop Word of God unl knives and forks +mawther homeopathic do one's job full duplex @@ -8282,13 +8327,14 @@ garlic mustard give a plug for apyrous magnetic field -unworkableness rumblegumption bloodspotting a perfect world +sawmill palea dentifrice espringal +quire gametes target language cow cocky @@ -8330,7 +8376,6 @@ phylum lime uranite shotgun can tricker -white salmon gangava gaine Sheol @@ -8454,7 +8499,6 @@ double cloth electron tube sundew family Thorazine -free trade semiconductor punditry knapscull @@ -8480,12 +8524,14 @@ fix one's eyes/gaze/stare on/upon obstetricate a white Christmas drivable +synodicon chiral shotgun feed -gamic dead wagon water milfoil bear-trap dam +square bracket dog flower interclass steady oneself @@ -8503,7 +8549,6 @@ haul in powers of observation dolphin striker pygmy hippopotamus -omnia vincit amor surprize as a matter of form hydrogen oxide @@ -8549,6 +8594,7 @@ foreclosable blending Allison tuna at the tender age +angle bracket negative equity ground pistachio in a wink @@ -8585,6 +8631,7 @@ umbrella tent fight talk great guns complex number +traveling steady merchant in the cold light of day cocoa butter @@ -8666,7 +8713,6 @@ gill arch partially ordered legal proceedings purpose-built -briar in/into the swing of highly superior autobiographical memory sticky-sweet @@ -8690,6 +8736,7 @@ botulinum toxin silverize capsaicin sink without trace +get the better of sharp-set carbonylate reject @@ -8823,6 +8870,7 @@ or some such detainee instituting ripe old age +cascara buckthorn indicative profiteering the deep end @@ -8838,6 +8886,7 @@ report stage stirrup bar staminate black-eyed Susan +oligopsonistic potato beetle chlorider saddle @@ -8845,23 +8894,26 @@ short of the mark murderee saturated vapor percussion section +housecarl inversionist river blue black currant die away stake body +star-chamber Sheikh ul Islam +resplendent bisect receiving Xhosa (sitting) in the catbird seat alternative food eastern equine encephalitis +white sandbox pocket veto beeve intersegmental oilfielder -starch get/take the bit between one's teeth full-fat industry @@ -8912,6 +8964,7 @@ enzymes are you kidding (me) song cycle die like flies +max out rumble-tumble Recklinghausen renal pelvis @@ -8928,6 +8981,7 @@ formfitting ever since court card carbonatite +drop test finder result swing both ways @@ -9043,7 +9097,6 @@ speed limit Pelops receipt book at someone's earliest opportunity -tickier redwood hypertense Bodianus @@ -9089,7 +9142,6 @@ old-maid's-pink security interest undetectable perse -filter tip life arrow léger absenteeism @@ -9121,6 +9173,7 @@ silverling parhelion unhedged asarotum +scotodinia reemphasize petting zoo filch @@ -9132,6 +9185,7 @@ herring-cale coix nonentitative short-grass prairie +gumboil double bogey flight surgeon puromycin @@ -9144,13 +9198,11 @@ segments Oreamnos reeming iron TORCH -treasury savings certificate published man-woman rivalrous proportional tax radio range station -oligopsonist kathakali cut nail landsleit @@ -9185,9 +9237,9 @@ vest-pocket skirty surpasses vibrating +better luck next time place of abode take it on the chin -sparkling water power series morning campion low man on the totem pole @@ -9298,6 +9350,7 @@ Ictalurus electron volt intercolonial no-trump +acrylic resin phobic estriol strong gale @@ -9321,6 +9374,7 @@ fat cell subsequent to construct form perceived +guessingly rapide pistol-whip Old Frisian @@ -9357,9 +9411,9 @@ position effect Whatman motor court lymph gland -dragboat filterer p- +Coverdale blood price pagoda tree arithmetic logic unit @@ -9448,13 +9502,13 @@ factorage division of powers figure-of-eight bandage allothigenous -out of danger oil paint suff benefit of clergy pass-through entity houseperson creditable +better oneself massecuite gamosepalous wage @@ -9490,7 +9544,6 @@ coordination complex mesenteron take to one's heels dandruff -no great shakes hook into drop out of sight robotize @@ -9510,6 +9563,7 @@ grind to a halt cut short intercompany get/take quite a hammering +glide slope Apus electron telescope winter skate @@ -9539,8 +9593,10 @@ canker stain ball sage neural assister +hepatitis C mental illness anti-prostitution +remix potato leafhopper Abrikosov alarms @@ -9600,7 +9656,6 @@ Bartholomew I cucumber tree radiation therapy self-finance -heavy liquid up-twister municipal cloud forest @@ -9659,7 +9714,6 @@ excise private secretary DDVP come out of left field -emerge victorious Patiala tamaricaceae a matter of opinion @@ -9708,6 +9762,7 @@ atemporal stake truck livability underpin +silver scabbard fish not-for-profit capon habile @@ -9734,7 +9789,6 @@ kill (the) time torch tree fat-rumped sheep W-engine -self-exam oxidation state Yooper treasures @@ -9810,7 +9864,6 @@ unencrypted unimpregnated electrical bring to -bracket circumincession aligned set shot @@ -9867,7 +9920,6 @@ tannin identity principle field line great-circle chart -Atalanta stationarily up and around flagrantness diff --git a/en_merriam_webster/re_mw.json b/en_merriam_webster/re_mw.json index 9d3a6276..ae388e9c 100644 --- a/en_merriam_webster/re_mw.json +++ b/en_merriam_webster/re_mw.json @@ -31629,15 +31629,34 @@ ] }, "remnant":{ - "antonyms":[], + "type":[ + "adjective", + "noun" + ], "definitions":{ + ": a usually small part, member, or trace remaining":[], ": a small surviving group":[ "\u2014 often used in plural" ], - ": a usually small part, member, or trace remaining":[], ": an unsold or unused end of piece goods":[], ": still remaining":[] }, + "pronounciation":[ + "\u02c8rem-n\u0259nt" + ], + "synonyms":[ + "balance", + "leavings", + "leftovers", + "odds and ends", + "remainder", + "remains", + "residue", + "residuum", + "rest" + ], + "antonyms":[], + "synonym_discussion":"", "examples":[ "Noun", "Remnants go on sale next week.", @@ -31661,33 +31680,14 @@ "Hurricane Pamela out in the Pacific will make landfall over Mexico, but some of the remnant moisture will move into Texas later this week. \u2014 Janice Dean, Fox News , 12 Oct. 2021", "Scofield paid less for quality finishes by buying a remnant stone counter and wood floors sourced by architect Mitchell Snyder. \u2014 oregonlive , 30 May 2022" ], + "history_and_etymology":{ + "Middle English, contraction of remenant , from Anglo-French remanant , from present participle of remaindre to remain \u2014 more at remain entry 1":"Noun" + }, "first_known_use":{ "14th century, in the meaning defined at sense 1a":"Noun", "1550, in the meaning defined above":"Adjective" }, - "history_and_etymology":{ - "Middle English, contraction of remenant , from Anglo-French remanant , from present participle of remaindre to remain \u2014 more at remain entry 1":"Noun" - }, - "pronounciation":[ - "\u02c8rem-n\u0259nt" - ], - "synonym_discussion":"", - "synonyms":[ - "balance", - "leavings", - "leftovers", - "odds and ends", - "remainder", - "remains", - "residue", - "residuum", - "rest" - ], - "time_of_retrieval":"20220706-220250", - "type":[ - "adjective", - "noun" - ] + "time_of_retrieval":"20220708-154622" }, "remodel":{ "antonyms":[ @@ -60855,5 +60855,161 @@ "1603, in the meaning defined above":"" }, "time_of_retrieval":"20220708-154411" + }, + "resin":{ + "type":[ + "adjective", + "noun", + "verb" + ], + "definitions":{ + ": any of various solid or semisolid amorphous fusible flammable natural organic substances that are usually transparent or translucent and yellowish to brown, are formed especially in plant secretions, are soluble in organic solvents (such as ether) but not in water, are electrical nonconductors, and are used chiefly in varnishes, printing inks, plastics, and sizes and in medicine":[], + ": rosin":[], + ": any of a large class of synthetic products that have some of the physical properties of natural resins but are different chemically and are used chiefly in plastics":[], + ": any of various products made from a natural resin or a natural polymer":[], + ": to treat with resin":[] + }, + "pronounciation":[ + "\u02c8rez-\u1d4an", + "\u02c8re-z\u1d4an" + ], + "synonyms":[], + "antonyms":[], + "synonym_discussion":"", + "examples":[ + "Recent Examples on the Web: Noun", + "Times art critic Christopher Knight checks out an exhibition of paintings and sculptures by Kevin Beasley, who works wonders with polyurethane resin . \u2014 Charles Mcnultytheater Critic, Los Angeles Times , 21 May 2022", + "Missing bones\u2014made with resin or 3-D printed to match the real ones\u2014fill Hector out at the tip of its tail, neck, back skull and the tiny bones around Hector\u2019s belly. \u2014 Joseph Pisani, WSJ , 13 May 2022", + "Made with live resin , the blend is created in collaboration with Astor Farms, offering an original farm-to-table-cannabis beverage. \u2014 Sophie Saint Thomas, Forbes , 3 May 2022", + "The displaced queen is then immortalized in resin and crafted into a pendant or pin by a jewelry-making friend. \u2014 Diane Bellcolumnist, San Diego Union-Tribune , 24 May 2022", + "And oud comes from aquilaria, a type of tree that grows here, but the actual resin that oud comes from is only from when this tree is wounded in some way infected by some kind of mold. \u2014 Kira Bindrim, Quartz , 23 May 2022", + "Raw Virginia cotton encased in clear resin is formed into a modern bathtub as sleek as a Brancusi sculpture. \u2014 Los Angeles Times , 17 May 2022", + "Some crew members like to sleep with their faces covered by cloths saturated in the resin . \u2014 Laura Miller, The New York Review of Books , 11 May 2022", + "However, DePalma and his collaborators have also found some spherules that landed in tree resin on the surface of a log that fateful day and were preserved in amber. \u2014 Katie Hunt, CNN , 11 May 2022", + "Recent Examples on the Web: Verb", + "Next, consider the best shed material\u2014options range from steel to resin to wood\u2014for your home's climate. \u2014 Adrienne Jordan, Better Homes & Gardens , 18 Oct. 2021", + "Not resin , not pine tar, not sunscreen, just Lena Blackburne Baseball Rubbing Mud is permitted. \u2014 Bernie Pleskoff, Forbes , 24 June 2021" + ], + "history_and_etymology":{ + "Middle English, from Anglo-French reisine , from Latin resina ; akin to Greek rh\u0113tin\u0113 pine resin":"Noun" + }, + "first_known_use":{ + "14th century, in the meaning defined at sense 1a":"Noun", + "1865, in the meaning defined above":"Verb" + }, + "time_of_retrieval":"20220708-154526" + }, + "refined wool fat":{ + "type":[ + "noun" + ], + "definitions":{ + ": lanolin sense b":[] + }, + "pronounciation":[], + "synonyms":[], + "antonyms":[], + "synonym_discussion":"", + "examples":[], + "history_and_etymology":{}, + "first_known_use":{}, + "time_of_retrieval":"20220708-154544" + }, + "reregulation":{ + "type":[ + "noun", + "transitive verb" + ], + "definitions":{ + ": the act or process of imposing regulations and restrictions on something (such as an industry) that was previously deregulated":[ + "The role of the state is expanding again, together with a reregulation of markets.", + "\u2014 Roger C. Altman", + "That warning from aviation experts has prompted some industry leaders to call for re-regulation , something considered almost heresy until now.", + "\u2014 Alexandra Marks" + ] + }, + "pronounciation":[ + "also -\u02ccr\u0101-", + "-\u02ccre-g\u0259-", + "(\u02cc)r\u0113-\u02ccre-gy\u0259-\u02c8l\u0101-sh\u0259n" + ], + "synonyms":[], + "antonyms":[], + "synonym_discussion":"", + "examples":[], + "history_and_etymology":{}, + "first_known_use":{ + "1789, in the meaning defined above":"" + }, + "time_of_retrieval":"20220708-154617" + }, + "responding":{ + "type":[ + "intransitive verb", + "noun", + "verb" + ], + "definitions":{ + ": an engaged pillar supporting an arch or closing a colonnade or arcade":[], + ": to say something in return : make an answer":[ + "respond to criticism" + ], + ": to react in response":[ + "responded to a call for help" + ], + ": to show favorable reaction":[ + "respond to surgery" + ], + ": to be answerable":[ + "respond in damages" + ], + ": reply":[] + }, + "pronounciation":[ + "ri-\u02c8sp\u00e4nd" + ], + "synonyms":[ + "react", + "reply" + ], + "antonyms":[], + "synonym_discussion":"", + "examples":[ + "Verb", + "She hasn't yet responded to my letter.", + "My mother responded to my request with a firm no.", + "The teacher asked a question, but the student didn't respond .", + "\u201cAre you ready?\u201d he asked. \u201cNo,\u201d she responded .", + "When I asked him what he was doing, he responded that it was none of my business.", + "Police quickly responded to the call for help.", + "She responded to their decision by threatening to quit.", + "Recent Examples on the Web: Noun", + "Brown did try to temper expectations, pointing out that police respond to emergencies and not address basic social ills that aid crime. \u2014 William Lee, Chicago Tribune , 31 May 2022", + "Have immune systems that over-corrected in response to COVID and now under- respond to pathogens. \u2014 Erin Prater, Fortune , 4 June 2022", + "The suit says Bush failed to wait for cover officers or ask that officers trained in crisis intervention from the department\u2019s Behavioral Health Unit respond before entering the home. \u2014 oregonlive , 10 May 2022", + "Devices need to interpret user activity and context and respond \u2014that\u2019s their purpose. \u2014 Mark Lippett, Forbes , 5 May 2022", + "How ocean life at the North and South poles respond will be different than species in the tropics. \u2014 Riley Black, Smithsonian Magazine , 28 Apr. 2022", + "Indy police's critical incident respond team and internal affairs department are conducting separate investigations. \u2014 Jake Allen, USA TODAY , 26 Apr. 2022", + "Most patients who get post-vaccine myocarditis who receive medical treatment respond well and felt better quickly, the CDC said. \u2014 Rong-gong Lin Ii And Luke Money, chicagotribune.com , 26 Feb. 2022", + "Most patients who get post-vaccine myocarditis who receive medical treatment respond well and felt better quickly, the CDC said. \u2014 Los Angeles Times , 26 Feb. 2022", + "Recent Examples on the Web: Verb", + "Cr\u00e9dito Real didn\u2019t respond to requests for comment. \u2014 Alexander Saeedy, WSJ , 13 June 2022", + "Wolverine executives did not respond to phone and email messages left Friday. \u2014 Brian Maffly, The Salt Lake Tribune , 13 June 2022", + "His employer, Cornwall Security Services, did not respond to requests for comment in early June. \u2014 Nathan Solis, Los Angeles Times , 12 June 2022", + "Board Chairwoman Julie Henn did not respond to a request for comment Saturday. \u2014 Alison Knezevich, Baltimore Sun , 12 June 2022", + "Stovall did not immediately respond Saturday to telephone and email messages. \u2014 Ken Ritter, Chicago Tribune , 11 June 2022", + "Stovall did not immediately respond Saturday to telephone and email messages. \u2014 Ken Ritter, BostonGlobe.com , 11 June 2022", + "Stovall did not immediately respond Saturday to telephone and email messages. \u2014 CBS News , 11 June 2022", + "Price and Ginter did not respond to requests for comment. \u2014 Jeff Mcdonald, San Diego Union-Tribune , 11 June 2022" + ], + "history_and_etymology":{ + "Middle English respounde , literally, reply, from Anglo-French respuns, respunt response":"Noun", + "alteration of Middle English respounden , from Anglo-French respundre , from Latin respond\u0113re to promise in return, answer, from re- + spond\u0113re to promise \u2014 more at spouse":"Verb" + }, + "first_known_use":{ + "15th century, in the meaning defined above":"Noun", + "1572, in the meaning defined at intransitive sense 1":"Verb" + }, + "time_of_retrieval":"20220708-154651" } } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/en_merriam_webster/redo b/en_merriam_webster/redo index 6039201f..89f4657a 100644 --- a/en_merriam_webster/redo +++ b/en_merriam_webster/redo @@ -245,7 +245,6 @@ affluent resistant malignancy fatness -compact disc turnout table distributer @@ -258,7 +257,6 @@ cooked slenderness restrained eructation -equalize refreshing in error hunt @@ -270,7 +268,6 @@ whack jumbo preceding undecided -intraday inflammatory bowel disease one-night%20stand arc @@ -417,7 +414,6 @@ resentment cow proponent bushel -vial outstanding gist diagnosis @@ -464,7 +460,6 @@ switch hunker middenhead clammy -sacred bark nonanimal mighty slogan @@ -530,7 +525,6 @@ drier take over consumer credit motion sickness -max delegate prime rate frightfully @@ -579,13 +573,11 @@ background radiation responsible brain coral imputation -remnant ever jump disengaged remunerate neediness -bracket calendar creditably leaping diff --git a/en_merriam_webster/sa_mw.json b/en_merriam_webster/sa_mw.json index 2008a6f3..1b04485c 100644 --- a/en_merriam_webster/sa_mw.json +++ b/en_merriam_webster/sa_mw.json @@ -2144,20 +2144,21 @@ ] }, "sacred bark":{ - "antonyms":[], - "definitions":[ - ": cascara sagrada", - ": cascara buckthorn" - ], - "examples":[], - "first_known_use":[], - "history_and_etymology":[], - "pronounciation":[], - "synonyms":[], - "time_of_retrieval":"20220705-103430", "type":[ "noun" - ] + ], + "definitions":{ + ": cascara sagrada":[], + ": cascara buckthorn":[] + }, + "pronounciation":[], + "synonyms":[], + "antonyms":[], + "synonym_discussion":"", + "examples":[], + "history_and_etymology":{}, + "first_known_use":{}, + "time_of_retrieval":"20220708-154559" }, "sacred bean":{ "antonyms":[], @@ -14943,5 +14944,21 @@ "history_and_etymology":{}, "first_known_use":{}, "time_of_retrieval":"20220708-153937" + }, + "sawmilling":{ + "type":[ + "noun" + ], + "definitions":{ + ": the process of operating a sawmill":[] + }, + "pronounciation":[], + "synonyms":[], + "antonyms":[], + "synonym_discussion":"", + "examples":[], + "history_and_etymology":{}, + "first_known_use":{}, + "time_of_retrieval":"20220708-154523" } } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/en_merriam_webster/sc_mw.json b/en_merriam_webster/sc_mw.json index 74894b35..3f11fb5b 100644 --- a/en_merriam_webster/sc_mw.json +++ b/en_merriam_webster/sc_mw.json @@ -13328,5 +13328,27 @@ "1733, in the meaning defined above":"" }, "time_of_retrieval":"20220708-153012" + }, + "scotograph":{ + "type":[ + "noun" + ], + "definitions":{ + ": radiograph":[] + }, + "pronounciation":[ + "\u02c8sk\u014dt-", + "-r\u0227f", + "\u02c8sk\u00e4t\u0259\u02ccgraf" + ], + "synonyms":[], + "antonyms":[], + "synonym_discussion":"", + "examples":[], + "history_and_etymology":{ + "Greek skotos darkness + English -graph":"" + }, + "first_known_use":{}, + "time_of_retrieval":"20220708-154656" } } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/en_merriam_webster/se_mw.json b/en_merriam_webster/se_mw.json index 30b94875..51c23e02 100644 --- a/en_merriam_webster/se_mw.json +++ b/en_merriam_webster/se_mw.json @@ -30052,5 +30052,19 @@ "history_and_etymology":{}, "first_known_use":{}, "time_of_retrieval":"20220708-154515" + }, + "sexi-":{ + "type":[], + "definitions":{ + "\u2014 see sex-":[] + }, + "pronounciation":[], + "synonyms":[], + "antonyms":[], + "synonym_discussion":"", + "examples":[], + "history_and_etymology":{}, + "first_known_use":{}, + "time_of_retrieval":"20220708-154615" } } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/en_merriam_webster/si_mw.json b/en_merriam_webster/si_mw.json index d4190889..f4f04ac0 100644 --- a/en_merriam_webster/si_mw.json +++ b/en_merriam_webster/si_mw.json @@ -12324,5 +12324,24 @@ "history_and_etymology":{}, "first_known_use":{}, "time_of_retrieval":"20220708-154459" + }, + "silver salt":{ + "type":[ + "noun" + ], + "definitions":{ + ": a salt of silver":[], + ": a silvery crystalline salt C 14 H 7 O 2 SO 3 Na used in dye manufacture : the sodium salt of anthraquinone-2-sulfonic acid":[] + }, + "pronounciation":[], + "synonyms":[], + "antonyms":[], + "synonym_discussion":"", + "examples":[], + "history_and_etymology":{ + "in sense 1, from silver entry 1 ; in sense 2, from silver entry 2":"" + }, + "first_known_use":{}, + "time_of_retrieval":"20220708-154613" } } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/en_merriam_webster/snafus b/en_merriam_webster/snafus index 4f0e7cfe..123b91cf 100644 --- a/en_merriam_webster/snafus +++ b/en_merriam_webster/snafus @@ -234,6 +234,7 @@ scatole cometh caveare philippina +funduck step down (from) gobbo partake (of) @@ -306,6 +307,7 @@ abstracta walky-talky Chimaeroidei casava +tickier quas cancellus calmuck diff --git a/en_merriam_webster/sp_mw.json b/en_merriam_webster/sp_mw.json index 35f00faa..b471be13 100644 --- a/en_merriam_webster/sp_mw.json +++ b/en_merriam_webster/sp_mw.json @@ -20466,5 +20466,52 @@ "14th century, in the meaning defined at sense 1a":"Noun" }, "time_of_retrieval":"20220708-153635" + }, + "sparkling water":{ + "type":[ + "noun" + ], + "definitions":{ + ": soda water sense 2a":[] + }, + "pronounciation":[], + "synonyms":[], + "antonyms":[], + "synonym_discussion":"", + "examples":[], + "history_and_etymology":{}, + "first_known_use":{}, + "time_of_retrieval":"20220708-154530" + }, + "spiderwort":{ + "type":[ + "noun" + ], + "definitions":{ + ": any of a genus ( Tradescantia of the family Commelinaceae, the spiderwort family) of American monocotyledonous plants with ephemeral often blue or violet flowers":[] + }, + "pronounciation":[ + "\u02c8sp\u012b-d\u0259r-\u02ccw\u0259rt", + "-\u02ccw\u022frt" + ], + "synonyms":[], + "antonyms":[], + "synonym_discussion":"", + "examples":[ + "Recent Examples on the Web", + "The plantings include hostas, astilbe, daylilies, roses, lamium, Japanese anemones, spiderwort , coral-bells, zinnia, clematis, dianthus and different kinds of sedum. \u2014 Joanne Kempinger Demski, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel , 9 July 2021", + "This is hairy flower spiderwort \u2013 Tradescantia hirsutiflora. \u2014 Janet Carson, Arkansas Online , 18 Apr. 2021", + "Calla lilies and spiderwort are best divided in the spring, just as new growth begins. \u2014 oregonlive , 7 Nov. 2020", + "There are a lot of ferns, mayapples, monks hood, goats beard, gooseneck loosestrife, iris of all kinds, daylilies, tiger lilies, spiderwort , lungwort and lamb's ear. \u2014 Joanne Kempinger Demski, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel , 28 Aug. 2020", + "Bulb-type plants: Achimenes, African iris, bulbine, caladium, canna, crinum, crocosmia, day lily, eucharis lily, gladiolus, gloriosa lily, peacock ginger, society garlic, spiderwort , rain lily and walking iris. \u2014 Tom Maccubbin, OrlandoSentinel.com , 30 June 2018", + "Bulb-type plants: Achimenes, African iris, bulbine, caladium, canna, crinum, crocosmia, day lily, eucharis lily, gladiolus, gloriosa lily, peacock ginger, society garlic, spiderwort , rain lily and walking iris. \u2014 Tom Maccubbin, OrlandoSentinel.com , 30 June 2018", + "Bulb-type plants: Achimenes, African iris, bulbine, caladium, canna, crinum, crocosmia, day lily, eucharis lily, gladiolus, gloriosa lily, peacock ginger, society garlic, spiderwort , rain lily and walking iris. \u2014 Tom Maccubbin, OrlandoSentinel.com , 30 June 2018", + "Bulb-type plants: Achimenes, African iris, bulbine, caladium, canna, crinum, crocosmia, day lily, eucharis lily, gladiolus, gloriosa lily, peacock ginger, society garlic, spiderwort , rain lily and walking iris. \u2014 Tom Maccubbin, OrlandoSentinel.com , 30 June 2018" + ], + "history_and_etymology":{}, + "first_known_use":{ + "1629, in the meaning defined above":"" + }, + "time_of_retrieval":"20220708-154618" } } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/en_merriam_webster/st_mw.json b/en_merriam_webster/st_mw.json index 1cf9e503..c6fbebb9 100644 --- a/en_merriam_webster/st_mw.json +++ b/en_merriam_webster/st_mw.json @@ -38584,5 +38584,39 @@ "history_and_etymology":{}, "first_known_use":{}, "time_of_retrieval":"20220708-154416" + }, + "strike up":{ + "type":[ + "verb" + ], + "definitions":{ + ": to begin to sing or play or to be sung or played":[], + ": to cause to begin singing or playing":[ + "strike up the band" + ], + ": to cause to begin":[ + "strike up a conversation" + ] + }, + "pronounciation":[], + "synonyms":[], + "antonyms":[], + "synonym_discussion":"", + "examples":[ + "Recent Examples on the Web", + "Try renting a booth at a coworking space or head to the local coffee shop, and don\u2019t be afraid to strike up a conversation. \u2014 Julie Ball, Forbes , 3 May 2022", + "Moore said his locker is situated right next to Brown and that the two have already been able to strike up a friendship. \u2014 Bob Mcmanaman, The Arizona Republic , 3 June 2022", + "While Sarmat can theoretically strike up to ten separate targets, the distance between cities such as London, England and Edinburgh, Scotland is likely too great for a single missile to cover. \u2014 Kyle Mizokami, Popular Mechanics , 5 May 2022", + "Scientists hope that these and other messages, written in binary code of zeroes and ones, will resonate with extraterrestrial life forms in the Milky Way galaxy and invite them to strike up a conversation with Earthlings. \u2014 Sarah Kuta, Smithsonian Magazine , 18 May 2022", + "Introduce yourself and strike up a conversation with a new person. \u2014 Kim Neeson, Forbes , 22 Apr. 2022", + "The two didn't hit it off right away, however, as there was a large crowd of people around, and Miranda was simply too nervous to strike up a conversation. \u2014 Effie Orfanides, PEOPLE.com , 25 Apr. 2022", + "The two girls strike up an immediate friendship, wandering the woods together, finishing the fort, and staging elaborate plays for their own amusement. \u2014 Devan Coggan, EW.com , 22 Apr. 2022", + "Cora and Will strike up an unlikely friendship, and investigate the serpent. \u2014 Emily Burack, Town & Country , 16 Mar. 2022" + ], + "history_and_etymology":{}, + "first_known_use":{ + "circa 1562, in the meaning defined at intransitive sense":"" + }, + "time_of_retrieval":"20220708-154631" } } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/en_merriam_webster/su_mw.json b/en_merriam_webster/su_mw.json index 493473bd..d3e0d46c 100644 --- a/en_merriam_webster/su_mw.json +++ b/en_merriam_webster/su_mw.json @@ -25887,5 +25887,41 @@ }, "first_known_use":{}, "time_of_retrieval":"20220708-154514" + }, + "subcollege":{ + "type":[ + "adjective" + ], + "definitions":{}, + "pronounciation":[ + "\u02c8s\u0259b-\u02cck\u00e4-lij" + ], + "synonyms":[], + "antonyms":[], + "synonym_discussion":"", + "examples":[], + "history_and_etymology":{}, + "first_known_use":{ + "1877, in the meaning defined above":"" + }, + "time_of_retrieval":"20220708-154531" + }, + "suberize":{ + "type":[ + "transitive verb" + ], + "definitions":{ + ": to cause or effect the suberization of":[] + }, + "pronounciation":[], + "synonyms":[], + "antonyms":[], + "synonym_discussion":"", + "examples":[], + "history_and_etymology":{ + "suberize from Latin suber cork oak, cork + English -ize; suberinize from suberin + -ize":"" + }, + "first_known_use":{}, + "time_of_retrieval":"20220708-154551" } } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/en_merriam_webster/sy_mw.json b/en_merriam_webster/sy_mw.json index 68b03bf5..704153af 100644 --- a/en_merriam_webster/sy_mw.json +++ b/en_merriam_webster/sy_mw.json @@ -3329,5 +3329,23 @@ "14th century, in the meaning defined at sense 1":"" }, "time_of_retrieval":"20220708-152522" + }, + "synodic month":{ + "type":[ + "noun" + ], + "definitions":{ + ": a lunar month":[] + }, + "pronounciation":[], + "synonyms":[], + "antonyms":[], + "synonym_discussion":"", + "examples":[], + "history_and_etymology":{}, + "first_known_use":{ + "1654, in the meaning defined above":"" + }, + "time_of_retrieval":"20220708-154609" } } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/en_merriam_webster/ta_mw.json b/en_merriam_webster/ta_mw.json index ebc66438..c51798ab 100644 --- a/en_merriam_webster/ta_mw.json +++ b/en_merriam_webster/ta_mw.json @@ -14780,5 +14780,23 @@ "history_and_etymology":{}, "first_known_use":{}, "time_of_retrieval":"20220708-154225" + }, + "take one's licks":{ + "type":[ + "idiom" + ], + "definitions":{ + ": to be subjected to harsh criticism":[ + "The movie has taken its licks from the reviewers." + ] + }, + "pronounciation":[], + "synonyms":[], + "antonyms":[], + "synonym_discussion":"", + "examples":[], + "history_and_etymology":{}, + "first_known_use":{}, + "time_of_retrieval":"20220708-154519" } } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/en_merriam_webster/te_mw.json b/en_merriam_webster/te_mw.json index 7c4b57d9..880fc3fe 100644 --- a/en_merriam_webster/te_mw.json +++ b/en_merriam_webster/te_mw.json @@ -10885,5 +10885,24 @@ "history_and_etymology":{}, "first_known_use":{}, "time_of_retrieval":"20220708-152143" + }, + "tenaim":{ + "type":[ + "noun plural but singular or plural in construction" + ], + "definitions":{ + ": formal prenuptial conditions or agreement made at a Jewish betrothal ceremony":[], + ": a Jewish social function announcing an engagement":[] + }, + "pronounciation":[], + "synonyms":[], + "antonyms":[], + "synonym_discussion":"", + "examples":[], + "history_and_etymology":{ + "Yiddish tnoyim , from Late Hebrew t\u0115n\u0101'\u012bm , from plural of t\u0115n\u0101'\u012b agreement":"" + }, + "first_known_use":{}, + "time_of_retrieval":"20220708-154521" } } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/en_merriam_webster/th_mw.json b/en_merriam_webster/th_mw.json index a13ea78c..59cd219b 100644 --- a/en_merriam_webster/th_mw.json +++ b/en_merriam_webster/th_mw.json @@ -18105,5 +18105,23 @@ "history_and_etymology":{}, "first_known_use":{}, "time_of_retrieval":"20220708-154512" + }, + "throw a block":{ + "type":[ + "idiom" + ], + "definitions":{ + ": to hit an opposing player to prevent him from making a tackle":[ + "The lineman threw a block that freed his teammate to make a long run." + ] + }, + "pronounciation":[], + "synonyms":[], + "antonyms":[], + "synonym_discussion":"", + "examples":[], + "history_and_etymology":{}, + "first_known_use":{}, + "time_of_retrieval":"20220708-154627" } } \ No newline at end of file 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+ "traveling staircase":{ + "type":[ + "noun" + ], + "definitions":{ + ": moving staircase":[] + }, + "pronounciation":[], + "synonyms":[], + "antonyms":[], + "synonym_discussion":"", + "examples":[], + "history_and_etymology":{}, + "first_known_use":{}, + "time_of_retrieval":"20220708-154641" + }, + "treasury savings certificate":{ + "type":[ + "noun" + ], + "definitions":{ + ": a registered nontransferable certificate of the U.S. government issued between 1921 and 1924 in denominations of $25, $100, and $1000 maturity value five years from date of issue with the interest rate being about 4\u00b9/\u2082 percent per annum compounded semiannually if held to maturity":[] + }, + "pronounciation":[], + "synonyms":[], + "antonyms":[], + "synonym_discussion":"", + "examples":[], + "history_and_etymology":{}, + "first_known_use":{}, + "time_of_retrieval":"20220708-154701" } } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/en_merriam_webster/vi_mw.json b/en_merriam_webster/vi_mw.json index 522b5503..60a89495 100644 --- a/en_merriam_webster/vi_mw.json +++ b/en_merriam_webster/vi_mw.json @@ -942,10 +942,19 @@ ] }, "vial":{ - "antonyms":[], + "type":[ + "noun" + ], "definitions":{ ": a small closed or closable vessel especially for liquids":[] }, + "pronounciation":[ + "\u02c8v\u012b(-\u0259)l", + "\u02c8v\u012b-\u0259l" + ], + "synonyms":[], + "antonyms":[], + "synonym_discussion":"", "examples":[ "Recent Examples on the Web", "Eli Lilly's list price for Humalog, its analog insulin product, jumped 680% to $275 per vial in 2018 from its introduction in 1996, Human Rights Watch said. \u2014 Aimee Picchi, CBS News , 12 Apr. 2022", @@ -957,22 +966,13 @@ "The vaccine itself has to be reconstituted by injecting a sodium chloride solution into the vaccine vial , ultimately yielding 6.3 doses that need to be used within six hours. \u2014 New York Times , 17 Jan. 2021", "Humalog, an insulin produced by Eli Lilly and commonly used by diabetics, went from $21 a vial when it was introduced in 1996 to $275 today \u2014 an increase of 1,209 percent. \u2014 Washington Post , 14 Apr. 2022" ], - "first_known_use":{ - "14th century, in the meaning defined above":"" - }, "history_and_etymology":{ "Middle English fiole, viole , from Anglo-French, from Late Latin fiola , alteration of Latin phiala \u2014 more at phial":"" }, - "pronounciation":[ - "\u02c8v\u012b-\u0259l", - "\u02c8v\u012b(-\u0259)l" - ], - "synonym_discussion":"", - "synonyms":[], - "time_of_retrieval":"20220707-081253", - "type":[ - "noun" - ] + "first_known_use":{ + "14th century, in the meaning defined above":"" + }, + "time_of_retrieval":"20220708-154640" }, "viand":{ "antonyms":[], diff --git a/en_merriam_webster/wh_mw.json b/en_merriam_webster/wh_mw.json index 61f830d4..0be9258b 100644 --- a/en_merriam_webster/wh_mw.json +++ b/en_merriam_webster/wh_mw.json @@ -10463,5 +10463,24 @@ }, "first_known_use":{}, "time_of_retrieval":"20220708-154216" + }, + "white salmon":{ + "type":[ + "noun" + ], + "definitions":{ + ": coho":[], + ": a large squawfish ( Ptychocheilus lucius ) of the Colorado river basin that reaches a length of five feet":[], + ": yellowtail sense a":[], + ": inconnu":[] + }, + "pronounciation":[], + "synonyms":[], + "antonyms":[], + "synonym_discussion":"", + "examples":[], + "history_and_etymology":{}, + "first_known_use":{}, + "time_of_retrieval":"20220708-154548" } } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/en_merriam_webster/wo_mw.json b/en_merriam_webster/wo_mw.json index 480424bb..962c5cb2 100644 --- a/en_merriam_webster/wo_mw.json +++ b/en_merriam_webster/wo_mw.json @@ -8255,5 +8255,39 @@ "1956, in the meaning defined above":"" }, "time_of_retrieval":"20220708-154022" + }, + "workload":{ + "type":[ + "noun" + ], + "definitions":{ + ": the amount of work or of working time expected or assigned":[ + "students with a heavy workload" + ], + ": the amount of work performed or capable of being performed (as by a mechanical device) usually within a specific period":[] + }, + "pronounciation":[ + "\u02c8w\u0259rk-\u02ccl\u014dd" + ], + "synonyms":[], + "antonyms":[], + "synonym_discussion":"", + "examples":[ + "Students complained about the heavy workload .", + "Recent Examples on the Web", + "And in light of the pandemic, geopolitical issues and overall burn out in the health care industry, settings like labs are facing staffing and workload procedure challenges. \u2014 Robert Reiss, Forbes , 17 June 2022", + "With Davis\u2019 duties as the lead play-by-play announcer for Fox leading him to trim his Dodgers workload to 115-120 games per season and Steiner reducing his travel, Tim Neverett gets a lot of practice in adjusting to various partners\u2019 habits. \u2014 Los Angeles Times , 8 June 2022", + "Golden State\u2019s low workload start to this series combined with the extra time off should keep this from becoming a war of attrition. \u2014 Adam Himmelsbach, BostonGlobe.com , 6 June 2022", + "Demand for board oversight has increased dramatically in recent years, along with their workload . \u2014 Aman Kidwai, Fortune , 5 May 2022", + "Crosby, O\u2019Brien said, has two particular gifts, the first being an ability to tolerate an unusually high workload . \u2014 New York Times , 3 May 2022", + "That typo symbolized a U.S. tax filing system that is faulty, with a weary staff shouldering an enormous workload . \u2014 Washington Post , 16 Apr. 2022", + "One of the largest public defender agencies in the Portland area plans to temporarily stop taking on misdemeanor and felony cases in Washington County starting Monday, citing an unsustainable workload and a recent flurry of resignations. \u2014 oregonlive , 2 Mar. 2022", + "Patrick should see an even bigger workload going forward due to the loss of Hamler. \u2014 Alex Kay, Forbes , 28 Sep. 2021" + ], + "history_and_etymology":{}, + "first_known_use":{ + "1899, in the meaning defined at sense 1":"" + }, + "time_of_retrieval":"20220708-154611" } } \ No newline at end of file