
16303 lines
345 KiB
Raw Normal View History

"the act or process of selecting":{
"his selection of a running mate was a long, tedious affair"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[],
"a person or thing that is chosen":{
"our selection was the third entrant in the dog show"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[],
"the power, right, or opportunity to choose":{
"the inn's table d'h\u00f4te is excellent, but there's very limited selection"
"near synonyms":[
"free will",
"near antonyms":[
"Hobson's choice"
"a number of things selected from a group to stand for the whole":{
"a selection of the company's latest line of products for display at the trade show"
"cross section",
"near synonyms":[
"locus classicus",
"near antonyms":[],
"the process of fully developing and using your abilities":{
"near antonyms":[],
"as in pride , pridefulness":{
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"having or showing a bold forcefulness in the pursuit of a goal":{
"we need to hire self-assertive salespeople who don't require constant supervision"
"near synonyms":[
"gung ho",
"near antonyms":[
"having a feeling of superiority that shows itself in an overbearing attitude":{
"after the interview, we chose a less self-assertive and more self-effacing applicant"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"having or showing great faith in oneself or one's abilities":{
"he's a self-assured yachtsman who's not at all intimidated by the competition"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"great faith in oneself or one's abilities":{
"with the self-assuredness of an old pro, the young gymnast executed the difficult feat"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"as in pride , pridefulness":{
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"as in conceited , arrogant":{
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"evenness of emotions or temper":{
"with the self-composedness of a brain surgeon, the contestant gave his answer for the million-dollar question"
"near antonyms":[
"an exaggerated sense of one's importance that shows itself in the making of excessive or unjustified claims":{
"had the self-consequence of someone who was born wealthy and never had to work a day in his life"
"near antonyms":[
"swelled head",
"superiority complex"
"high horse",
"as in coherent , congruent":{
"near synonyms":[
"conformable (to)",
"correspondent (with or to)",
"near antonyms":[
"examination of one's own thoughts and feelings":{
"she doesn't seem to see the difference between a reasonable amount of self-contemplation and total self-absorption"
"near antonyms":[],
"as in conceited , self-conceited":{
"near antonyms":[],
"given to or marked by restraint in the satisfaction of one's appetites":{
"found the self-denying life of the monks at the monastery unexpectedly appealing"
"near antonyms":[
"the act of deliberately killing oneself":{
"the controversy over self-destruction accomplished with the assistance of a physician or other person"
"near synonyms":[
"foul play",
"mercy killing"
"near antonyms":[],
"as in self-indulgent , prideful":{
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"as in independent , self-sufficient":{
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"having skills or knowledge acquired through one's own efforts without formal training":{
"a self-educated computer programmer who launched a successful business online"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"as in clearly , obviously":{
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"examination of one's own thoughts and feelings":{
"many people use the dawning of a new year as an occasion for some quiet self-examination"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[],
"examination of one's own thoughts and feelings":{
"many people use the dawning of a new year as an occasion for some quiet self-examination"
"near antonyms":[],
"easy to understand without explanation":{
"a self-explanatory phrase",
"The chapter titles of the book are self-explanatory ."
"near synonyms":[
"crystal clear",
"near antonyms":[
"the feeling of being happy and satisfied because you are doing something that fully uses your abilities and talents":{
"She found self-fulfillment by starting her own business."
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[],
"the feeling of being happy and satisfied because you are doing something that fully uses your abilities and talents":{
"She found self-fulfillment by starting her own business."
"near antonyms":[],
"the state of being free from the control or power of another":{
"despite pessimistic predictions, self-governance has worked out well for the former colony"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"as in":{
"near antonyms":[],
"as in self-loathing , self-disgust":{
"near antonyms":[],
"the way you think about yourself and your abilities or appearance":{
"She has a positive self-image buoyed by her years of success."
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[],
"an exaggerated sense of one's importance that shows itself in the making of excessive or unjustified claims":{
"the boxer's flamboyant self-importance often made for a colorful prefight press conference"
"high horse",
"near synonyms":[
"swelled head",
"superiority complex"
"near antonyms":[
"an often unjustified feeling of being pleased with oneself or with one's situation or achievements":{
"her overbearing self-importance has given her a sense of entitlement"
"amour propre",
"swelled head",
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"as in self-recriminations , self-reproaches":{
"near antonyms":[],
"excessive interest in oneself":{
"in their self-involvement , they never noticed that one of their coworkers was on the verge of an emotional breakdown"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"overly concerned with one's own desires, needs, or interests":{
"she's too self-loving an individual to ever have feelings of real love for another person"
"near antonyms":[
"examination of one's own thoughts and feelings":{
"some self-observation might give you some insights into how others perceive you"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[],
"examination of one's own thoughts and feelings":{
"some self-observation might give you some insights into how others perceive you"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[],
"overly concerned with one's own desires, needs, or interests":{
"a self-obsessed television journalist, she has a penchant for making herself the focus of every story"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"designed to replace or decrease human labor and especially physical labor":{
"vehicular access to the building complex is controlled by a self-operating gate opener"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[],
"an often unjustified feeling of being pleased with oneself or with one's situation or achievements":{
"an editor of sufficient self-opinion to include some of her own work in an anthology of the best American short stories"
"near antonyms":[
"amour propre",
"swelled head",
"a feeling of pity for yourself because you believe you have suffered more than is fair or reasonable":{
"He was wallowing in self-pity .",
"She spoke without a trace of self-pity ."
"near antonyms":[],
"as in arrogant , conceited":{
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"as in composure , self-possession":{
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"evenness of emotions or temper":{
"that neurosurgeon's self-possession in the operating room is legendary"
"near antonyms":[
"the power to control one's actions, impulses, or emotions":{
"the little girl's self-possession very occasionally gave way to crying fits"
"near antonyms":[
"excessive interest in oneself":{
"the smug self-preoccupation of a generation that had grown up experiencing nothing but affluence"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"a feeling of responsibility for wrongdoing":{
"he was filled with self-reproach for causing the accident"
"near synonyms":[
"mea culpa"
"near antonyms":[],
"having or showing a strong belief that your own actions, opinions, etc., are right and other people's are wrong":{
"a self-righteous tone",
"It's OK to criticize, but don't get self-righteous about it."
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"an often unjustified feeling of being pleased with oneself or with one's situation or achievements":{
"so many of the Web site's self-portraits give the impression of clueless self-satisfaction"
"amour propre",
"swelled head",
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"overly concerned with one's own desires, needs, or interests":{
"she's just another self-serving politician who puts her own ambitions above the public good"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"having skills or knowledge acquired through one's own efforts without formal training":{
"the cellist's success is all the more remarkable because she is self-taught"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"sticking to an opinion, purpose, or course of action in spite of reason, arguments, or persuasion":{
"a self-willed toddler who refused to take her shoes off in the examining room"
"near antonyms":[
"overly concerned with one's own desires, needs, or interests":{
"a selfish desire to succeed at the expense of others"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"excessive interest in oneself":{
"the only reason for constantly ignoring everyone else's problems is selfishness"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"a tendency to regard the well-being of others as more important than one's own well-being":{
"She was widely admired for her selflessness and dedication to the cause."
"near antonyms":[],
"sell (out)":{
"to be unfaithful or disloyal to":{
"the band sold out its faithful followers, abandoning its edgy style for a more commercial sound"
"near synonyms":[
"give away",
"inform (on)",
"rat (on)",
"snitch (on)",
"split (on)",
"tell (on)",
"turn in"
"near antonyms":[
"stand by"
"the act or fact of violating the trust or confidence of another":{
"the sellout makes it much harder for me to trust you ever again"
"double cross",
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"selling a bill of goods to":{
"to rob by the use of trickery or threats":{
"near antonyms":[],
"roping (in)",
"doing in",
"ripping off",
"shaking down",
"selling short":{
"to place too low a value on":{
"I think you're selling yourself short ; you're much better at this than you think you are."
"near synonyms":[
"playing down",
"near antonyms":[
"the act or practice of giving up or rejecting something once enjoyed or desired":{
"dieting is an endless exercise in self-denial"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"voluntary restraint in the satisfaction of one's appetites":{
"self-indulgent even when she was poor, she wasn't about to practice self-denial after getting rich"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"excessive interest in oneself":{
"she saw in him the kind of self-concern that she thought was unattractive in a partner"
"near antonyms":[
"designed to replace or decrease human labor and especially physical labor":{
"a self-regulating thermostat runs the home's heating and cooling system"
"near antonyms":[],
"as in frontiers , borderlands":{
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"the act of achieving the full development of your abilities and talents":{
"Work is often a means of self-realization ."
"near antonyms":[],
"able to take care of oneself or itself without outside help":{
"she had to take a higher-paying job in order to be self-supporting"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"an ambitious person who eagerly goes after what is desired":{
"hired a self-starter who instantly saw what needed to be done, and did it"
"live wire",
"near synonyms":[
"eager beaver",
"near antonyms":[
"able to take care of oneself or itself without outside help":{
"with its own farm, the estate was largely self-sustaining"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"sells down the river":{
"to be unfaithful or disloyal to":{
"sells (out)",
"near synonyms":[
"gives away",
"informs (on)",
"rats (on)",
"snitches (on)",
"splits (on)",
"tells (on)",
"turns in"
"near antonyms":[
"stands by"
"as in self-conceited , self-applauding":{
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"selling (out)":{
"to be unfaithful or disloyal to":{
"the band sold out its faithful followers, abandoning its edgy style for a more commercial sound"
"near synonyms":[
"giving away",
"informing (on)",
"ratting (on)",
"snitching (on)",
"splitting (on)",
"telling (on)",
"turning in"
"near antonyms":[
"standing by"
"as in self-images , self-perceptions":{
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[],
"as in implodes":{
"near synonyms":[
"goes under",
"flames out",
"strikes out",
"washes out"
"near antonyms":[
"comes off",
"goes over",
"pans out",
"works out",
"a steadfast adherence to an opinion, purpose, or course of action in spite of reason, arguments, or persuasion":{
"a schoolboy with a streak of self-will and rebellion"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"able to take care of oneself or itself without outside help":{
"only self-supported performing arts organizations will survive the huge cut in government subsidies"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"the idea that you have about the kind of person you are":{
"People's self-perceptions are often very different from the way other people perceive them."
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[],
"as in diffident , self-doubting":{
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"to offer for sale to the public":{
"used to sell groceries in a small neighborhood market"
"dealing (in)",
"putting up",
"near synonyms":[
"trafficking (in)",
"near antonyms":[],
"as in self-accusations , self-betrayals":{
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"as in self-knowledges":{
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[],
"sells (out)":{
"to be unfaithful or disloyal to":{
"the band sold out its faithful followers, abandoning its edgy style for a more commercial sound"
"near synonyms":[
"gives away",
"informs (on)",
"rats (on)",
"snitches (on)",
"splits (on)",
"tells (on)",
"turns in"
"near antonyms":[
"stands by"
"the set of qualities that makes a person, a group of people, or a thing different from others":{
"some believe that it's only in times of great stress that a person's true self is revealed"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[],
"as in restrictively":{
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"overly concerned with one's own desires, needs, or interests":{
"most of the local teenagers seem too self-involved to care much about the world that lies beyond their affluent suburb"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"as in selfless , unselfish":{
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"the ability to care for one's self":{
"self-sufficiency is a goal that all teenagers should work towards"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"having or consisting of a single color":{
"although a self-colored cat is most frequently black, it may also be brown, cream, lilac, blue, or red"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"the act or process of selecting":{
"the selecting of the party's nominee took three days and half a dozen votes"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[],
"to decide to accept (someone or something) from a group of possibilities":{
"selected only two people out of 300 applicants for the summer internship"
"opting (for)",
"singling (out)",
"near synonyms":[
"settling (on or upon)"
"near antonyms":[
"throwing away",
"throwing out"
"turning down"
"sells short":{
"to place too low a value on":{
"I think you're selling yourself short ; you're much better at this than you think you are."
"near synonyms":[
"plays down",
"near antonyms":[
"as in self-accusation , self-betrayal":{
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"as in self-knowledge":{
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[],
"as in self-hypnosis , automatism":{
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[],
"overly concerned with one's own desires, needs, or interests":{
"a physician who specializes in cosmetic surgery mainly for self-infatuated socialites"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"as in self-doubting , self-distrustful":{
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"an ambitious person who eagerly goes after what is desired":{
"hired a self-starter who instantly saw what needed to be done, and did it"
"live wires",
"near synonyms":[
"eager beavers",
"near antonyms":[
"to decide to accept (someone or something) from a group of possibilities":{
"selected only two people out of 300 applicants for the summer internship"
"opts (for)",
"singles (out)",
"near synonyms":[
"settles (on or upon)"
"near antonyms":[
"throws away",
"throws out"
"turns down"
"as in self-promoter , self-dramatizer":{
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[],
"as in self-abnegation":{
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"as in self-image , self-perception":{
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[],
"the person in a business deal who hands over an item in exchange for money":{
"the seller ceremoniously gave me the title to the car when I handed him my check"
"near synonyms":[
"black marketers",
"black marketeers",
"horse traders",
"near antonyms":[
"end users",
"to offer for sale to the public":{
"used to sell groceries in a small neighborhood market"
"deals (in)",
"puts up",
"near synonyms":[
"traffics (in)",
"near antonyms":[],
"as in self-disgust , self-hate":{
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"amour propre",
"swelled head",
"as in self-esteem , self-discovery":{
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[],
"free from emotional or mental agitation":{
"appeared self-composed for someone who had just been in a car accident"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"examination of one's own thoughts and feelings":{
"the author seems to use poetry as a medium for her restless self-searching"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[],
"the process of fully developing and using your abilities":{
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[],
"as in automatism , autosuggestion":{
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[],
"able to take care of oneself or itself without outside help":{
"that country was agronomically self-subsistent before industrialization"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"the power to control one's actions, impulses, or emotions":{
"toddlers have very little self-control"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"the checking of one's true feelings and impulses when dealing with others":{
"she could be passionate and intense, but generally exercised steely self-control in the company of strangers"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"overly concerned with one's own desires, needs, or interests":{
"many residents of that community seem to be into psychoanalysis, a luxury that few but the self-regarding wealthy can afford"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"a person forced or required to enroll in military service":{
"had the dubious distinction of being the last selectee to serve in the Vietnam War"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"one who has been chosen by some authority for a specific position or duty":{
"NASA's roster of selectees for its astronaut training program"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[],
"sell (for)":{
"to have a price of":{
"the house is selling for $200,000"
"go (for)",
"near synonyms":[
"list (for)",
"amount (to)",
"come (to)",
"near antonyms":[],
"not being under the rule or control of another":{
"far beyond the reach of civil or military authorities, the settlers on the frontier were essentially self-governed"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"as in self-promoter , self-advertiser":{
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[],
"as in self-sacrifice , self-immolation":{
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"as in independent":{
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"as in sober , staid":{
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"as in disciplined , self-controlled":{
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"the act or power of making one's own choices or decisions":{
"the United States officially recognizes 18 as the age at which someone is entitled to self-determination"
"free will",
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"the state of being free from the control or power of another":{
"rebels fighting for the territory's self-determination"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"as in modest , timid":{
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"to decide to accept (someone or something) from a group of possibilities":{
"selected only two people out of 300 applicants for the summer internship"
"opt (for)",
"single (out)",
"near synonyms":[
"settle (on or upon)"
"near antonyms":[
"throw away",
"throw out"
"turn down"
"singled out from a number or group as more to one's liking":{
"the company claims to use only select beans to make its coffee"
"near synonyms":[
"picked over",
"weeded (out)",
"winnowed (out)"
"near antonyms":[
"having qualities that appeal to a refined taste":{
"select fabrics that the shop makes into expensive suits for its well-heeled clientele"
"near synonyms":[
"par excellence",
"near antonyms":[
"a feeling of responsibility for wrongdoing":{
"he was filled with self-reproach for causing the accident"
"near synonyms":[
"mea culpa"
"near antonyms":[],
"as in self-conceited , self-complacent":{
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"examination of one's own thoughts and feelings":{
"she doesn't seem to see the difference between a reasonable amount of self-contemplation and total self-absorption"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[],
"as in self-conceited , self-opinionated":{
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"excessive interest in oneself":{
"her degree of self-interest is perhaps best reflected in her favorite topic of conversation\u2014herself"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"as in working , employed":{
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"out of work"
"as in implode":{
"near synonyms":[
"go under",
"flame out",
"strike out",
"wash out"
"near antonyms":[
"come off",
"go over",
"pan out",
"work out",
"as in selflessness , unselfishness":{
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"sells a bill of goods to":{
"to rob by the use of trickery or threats":{
"does in",
"rips off",
"shakes down",
"near synonyms":[
"ropes (in)",
"near antonyms":[],
"tending to select carefully":{
"we were highly selective about the music we listened to while trying out loudspeakers"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"the idea that you have about the kind of person you are":{
"People's self-perceptions are often very different from the way other people perceive them."
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[],
"as in frontier , borderland":{
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"an often unjustified feeling of being pleased with oneself or with one's situation or achievements":{
"the self-assumption of the young Internet entrepreneur was positively stunning"
"amour propre",
"swelled head",
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"overly concerned with one's own desires, needs, or interests":{
"her self-concerned older brother rarely if ever had time to hear about her day"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"examination of one's own thoughts and feelings":{
"so consumed with self-questioning that he was virtually paralyzed by self-doubt"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[],
"as in self-awareness , self-consciousness":{
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[],
"an open declaration of something (as a fault or the commission of an offense) about oneself":{
"by his own self-confession , he cravenly betrayed his best friend"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"overly concerned with one's own desires, needs, or interests":{
"a staggeringly self-interested careerist who is eminently indifferent to anything that does not affect his personal well-being"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"knowledge and awareness of your own personality or character":{
"Her self-awareness was unusual in such a young child."
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[],
"one who does things only for his own benefit and with little regard for right and wrong":{
"he's a self-seeker who is nice only to people who can do him favors"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"someone with the right or responsibility for making a selection":{
"the librarians who are the selectors of the annual award for best children's book"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[],
"as in self-advertisers , self-dramatizers":{
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[],
"an open declaration of something (as a fault or the commission of an offense) about oneself":{
"by his own self-confession , he cravenly betrayed his best friend"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"as in confidence , self-assurance":{
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"examination of one's own thoughts and feelings":{
"after some self-reflection I realized that I hadn't been honest with my partner"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[],
"as in self-promoting , self-loving":{
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"as in oneness":{
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"having too high an opinion of oneself":{
"a self-satisfied woman who thought that if she could balance two careers, everyone else should too"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"being one and not another":{
"that's the selfsame man who once helped me"
"near synonyms":[],
"near antonyms":[
"as in insecurity , self-doubt":{
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"as in self-recrimination , self-reproach":{
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"as in semiautomatic":{
"near synonyms":[
"zip gun",
"small arm",
"assault rifle",
"assault weapon",
"machine gun",
"machine pistol",
"submachine gun",
"tommy gun",
"near antonyms":[],
"as in pride , pridefulness":{
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"the power to control one's actions, impulses, or emotions":{
"she had remarkable self-mastery for one so young"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"as in self-revelation , self-accusation":{
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"a steadfast adherence to an opinion, purpose, or course of action in spite of reason, arguments, or persuasion":{
"a schoolboy with a streak of self-will and rebellion"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"as in imploding":{
"near synonyms":[
"going under",
"flaming out",
"striking out",
"washing out"
"near antonyms":[
"coming off",
"going over",
"panning out",
"working out",
"the power to control one's actions, impulses, or emotions":{
"a man of extraordinary self-containment , he refused to lose his temper even in the most trying of circumstances"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"as in self-awareness , self-consciousness":{
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[],
"as in self-revelations , self-accusations":{
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"as in self-revelations":{
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[],
"having or showing great faith in oneself or one's abilities":{
"only a self-confident person can win the trust of the people and serve as an effective leader"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"free from emotional or mental agitation":{
"a supremely self-possessed teacher who could handle any crisis"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"a strip of flexible material (as leather) worn around the waist":{
"the self-belt is covered with the same faux suede as the dress"
"near synonyms":[
"Sam Browne belt",
"near antonyms":[],
"not comfortable around people":{
"he's dating a sweet, self-effacing girl"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"as in selfless":{
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"as in disciplined , self-controlled":{
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"examination of one's own thoughts and feelings":{
"so consumed with self-questioning that he was virtually paralyzed by self-doubt"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[],
"as in self-reflective":{
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"as in self-imposed":{
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"examination of one's own thoughts and feelings":{
"the author seems to use poetry as a medium for her restless self-searching"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[],
"the ability to care for one's self":{
"hopes to achieve full self-support within a year of graduating from college"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"the act of achieving the full development of your abilities and talents":{
"Work is often a means of self-realization ."
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[],
"sell a bill of goods to":{
"to rob by the use of trickery or threats":{
"do in",
"rip off",
"shake down",
"near synonyms":[
"rope (in)",
"near antonyms":[],
"as in selfish , self-centered":{
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"seller's markets":{
"as in buyer's markets":{
"near synonyms":[
"buyer's markets",
"bear markets",
"bull markets",
"near antonyms":[],
"the set of qualities that make a person different from other people":{
"twins making an effort to establish their separate self-identities"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"as in self-revelations , self-betrayals":{
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"someone with the right or responsibility for making a selection":{
"the librarians who are the selectors of the annual award for best children's book"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[],
"as in self-abnegations":{
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"the act or practice of giving up or rejecting something once enjoyed or desired":{
"dieting is an endless exercise in self-denial"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"singled out from a number or group as more to one's liking":{
"a selected brand of ice cream with an exceptionally high butterfat content"
"near synonyms":[
"picked over",
"weeded (out)",
"winnowed (out)"
"near antonyms":[
"to decide to accept (someone or something) from a group of possibilities":{
"selected only two people out of 300 applicants for the summer internship"
"opted (for)",
"singled (out)",
"near synonyms":[
"settled (on or upon)"
"near antonyms":[
"threw away",
"threw out"
"turned down"
"seller's market":{
"as in buyer's market":{
"near synonyms":[
"buyer's market",
"bear market",
"bull market",
"near antonyms":[],
"not being under the rule or control of another":{
"she left home and became entirely self-governing and financially independent at the age of 18"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"of, relating to, or favoring political democracy":{
"a self-governing nation that could be a role model for other countries in the region"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"the set of qualities that make a person different from other people":{
"twins making an effort to establish their separate self-identities"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"having or showing great concern for other people and little or no concern for yourself":{
"a selfless act",
"selfless dedication to helping the most in need"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"as in semiautomatics":{
"near synonyms":[
"zip guns",
"small arms",
"assault rifles",
"assault weapons",
"machine guns",
"machine pistols",
"submachine guns",
"tommy guns",
"near antonyms":[],
"government in which the supreme power is held by the people and used by them directly or indirectly through representation":{
"self-government implies faith in the wisdom and essential goodness of the people"
"near synonyms":[
"pure democracy",
"home rule",
"near antonyms":[
"the power to control one's actions, impulses, or emotions":{
"steely self-government was all that kept her from lashing out at the rude customer"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"the state of being free from the control or power of another":{
"championed self-government for the nation's indigenous peoples"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"as in self-advertiser , self-dramatizer":{
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[],
"great faith in oneself or one's abilities":{
"for so young a pianist, he has remarkable composure and self-confidence on stage"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"an often unjustified feeling of being pleased with oneself or with one's situation or achievements":{
"the movie star became a victim of her own self-conceit , having deluded herself into believing that she was as great as her press agent said she was"
"amour propre",
"swelled head",
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"able to take care of oneself or itself without outside help":{
"a program to help teenagers become self-dependent"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"not often":{
"we seldom go to the theater downtown because its prices are so high"
"near synonyms":[
"now and then",
"near antonyms":[
"as in unusual , rare":{
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"common or garden",
"de rigueur",
"able to take care of oneself or itself without outside help":{
"the college student worked nights so that he would be self-sufficient"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"the power to control one's actions, impulses, or emotions":{
"she demonstrated an almost unnatural self-restraint during the fight"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"the checking of one's true feelings and impulses when dealing with others":{
"we must practice self-restraint even with people who are deliberately rude"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"as in arrogantly , haughtily":{
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"hat in hand",
"of, relating to, or favoring political democracy":{
"having rid itself of the yoke of colonialism, the new nation chose to be a self-ruling state"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"not being under the rule or control of another":{
"was granted special status as a self-ruling province"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"selling (for)":{
"to have a price of":{
"the house is selling for $200,000"
"going (for)",
"near synonyms":[
"listing (for)",
"amounting (to)",
"coming (to)",
"near antonyms":[],
"a person forced or required to enroll in military service":{
"had the dubious distinction of being the last selectee to serve in the Vietnam War"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"one who has been chosen by some authority for a specific position or duty":{
"NASA's roster of selectees for its astronaut training program"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[],
"as in generosity , altruism":{
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"excessive interest in oneself":{
"she saw in him the kind of self-concern that she thought was unattractive in a partner"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"sell short":{
"to place too low a value on":{
"I think you're selling yourself short ; you're much better at this than you think you are."
"near synonyms":[
"play down",
"near antonyms":[
"a feeling that you are a good person who deserves to be treated with respect":{
"He had a healthy sense of self-worth despite the ridicule he received as a child."
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"the ability to care for one's self":{
"self-sufficiency is a goal that all teenagers should work towards"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"as in self-pity":{
"near synonyms":[
"blue devils",
"near antonyms":[
"as in self-revelation , self-betrayal":{
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"as in overconfidently , stoutheartedly":{
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"concerned with the way one is perceived by others":{
"He used to feel self-conscious about his belly."
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"as in pride , ego":{
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"as in self-opinionatedness":{
"near synonyms":[
"parti pris",
"near antonyms":[
"designed to replace or decrease human labor and especially physical labor":{
"self-acting machines that were ushered in with the industrial revolution"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[],
"as in uninhibitedness":{
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"as in selflessness , unselfishness":{
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"overly concerned with one's own desires, needs, or interests":{
"a group of self-centered residents with no interest or involvement in their community"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"as in self-discipline , self-denial":{
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"as in self-revelation":{
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[],
"as in self-congratulatory , self-contented":{
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"the set of qualities that makes a person, a group of people, or a thing different from others":{
"some believe that it's only in times of great stress that a person's true self is revealed"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[],
"having or consisting of a single color":{
"a self -red rose of a shade that hasn't been seen before"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"the set of qualities that make a person different from other people":{
"he spent a year in a monastery determining the core of his selfhood"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"examination of one's own thoughts and feelings":{
"after some self-reflection I realized that I hadn't been honest with my partner"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[],
"as in pride , pridefulness":{
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"as in self-aggrandizing , self-dramatizing":{
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"the act of deliberately killing oneself":{
"members of the cult decided to hasten the end of their time in this world\u2014and the start of their life in the next\u2014with an orgy of self-slaughter"
"near synonyms":[
"foul play",
"mercy killing"
"near antonyms":[],
"as in self-importance , pride":{
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"as in gluttony , intemperance":{
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"as in indulgence , overindulgence":{
"near synonyms":[
"conspicuous consumption",
"near antonyms":[
"able to take care of oneself or itself without outside help":{
"proud that their nonprofit theater was self-subsisting and didn't rely on government funding"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"an often unjustified feeling of being pleased with oneself or with one's situation or achievements":{
"his overweening self-admiration blinded him to constructive criticism of any kind"
"amour propre",
"swelled head",
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"as in pretense , pretension":{
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"as in unbridled , unrestrained":{
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"a reasonable or justifiable sense of one's worth or importance":{
"getting a job and moving out of his parents' house did a lot to increase his self-respect"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"as in sensual , voluptuous":{
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"great faith in oneself or one's abilities":{
"because of her self-assurance she could bring herself to quit her dead-end job and start her own company"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"the act of deliberately killing oneself":{
"how to deter terrorists who are willing to commit self-murder as well as the mass murder of innocent people"
"near synonyms":[
"foul play",
"mercy killing"
"near antonyms":[],
"the act or fact of violating the trust or confidence of another":{
"the sellout makes it much harder for me to trust you ever again"
"double crosses",
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"as in self-annihilation":{
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"the act of deliberately killing oneself":{
"the controversy over self-destruction accomplished with the assistance of a physician or other person"
"near synonyms":[
"foul play",
"mercy killings"
"near antonyms":[],
"meant to make yourself or the things you do seem unimportant":{
"He spoke in a self-deprecating tone.",
"self-deprecating humor"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"as in insecure , self-doubting":{
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"as in disciplined , self-disciplined":{
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"examination of one's own thoughts and feelings":{
"not one for self-scrutiny , the president was known for never looking back or second-guessing himself"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[],
"as in self-awareness , self-analysis":{
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[],
"done, made, or given with one's own free will":{
"if the candidates all follow self-imposed campaign-spending limits, government oversight is unnecessary"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"as in composedly , unconcernedly":{
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"having a strong desire for personal advancement":{
"a self-seeking schemer who claimed others' ideas and achievements as his own"
"near synonyms":[
"gung ho",
"near antonyms":[
"overly concerned with one's own desires, needs, or interests":{
"a self-seeking woman who could be counted on to sidetrack all conversation into a discussion of her problems"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"excessive interest in oneself":{
"in their self-involvement , they never noticed that one of their coworkers was on the verge of an emotional breakdown"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"as in self-deprecating , self-effacing":{
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"to offer for sale to the public":{
"used to sell groceries in a small neighborhood market"
"deal (in)",
"put up",
"near synonyms":[
"traffic (in)",
"near antonyms":[],
"fit to be offered for sale":{
"the abandoned house is not sellable in its current condition"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"as in confidence , self-assuredness":{
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"able to take care of oneself or itself without outside help":{
"each new colony was expected to develop a self-sustained economy"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"as in disciplined , self-collected":{
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[
"great faith in oneself or one's abilities":{
"he had the self-trust to quit his secure job and start his own business"
"near synonyms":[
"near antonyms":[