2025-02-14 20:10:21 +01:00
from datetime import timedelta, timezone, datetime
2025-02-10 16:12:31 +01:00
import io
2025-02-14 20:10:21 +01:00
from typing import Annotated
2025-02-10 16:12:31 +01:00
import base64
2025-02-14 20:10:21 +01:00
from fastapi import APIRouter, Depends, HTTPException, status
2025-02-10 16:12:31 +01:00
from fastapi.responses import JSONResponse
from pydantic import BaseModel, Field
2025-02-14 20:10:21 +01:00
import jwt
from jwt.exceptions import InvalidTokenError
2025-02-10 16:12:31 +01:00
from sqlmodel import Session, func, select
from sqlmodel.sql.expression import SelectOfScalar
2025-02-14 20:10:21 +01:00
from db import Chemistry, Player, engine, User
2025-02-10 16:12:31 +01:00
import networkx as nx
2025-02-14 20:10:21 +01:00
from fastapi.security import OAuth2PasswordBearer, OAuth2PasswordRequestForm
from pydantic_settings import BaseSettings, SettingsConfigDict
from passlib.context import CryptContext
2025-02-10 16:12:31 +01:00
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
2025-02-14 20:10:21 +01:00
class Config(BaseSettings):
secret_key: str = ""
access_token_expire_minutes: int = 30
model_config = SettingsConfigDict(
env_file=".env", env_file_encoding="utf-8", extra="ignore"
config = Config()
class Token(BaseModel):
access_token: str
token_type: str
class TokenData(BaseModel):
username: str | None = None
pwd_context = CryptContext(schemes=["argon2"], deprecated="auto")
oauth2_scheme = OAuth2PasswordBearer(tokenUrl="token")
analysis_router = APIRouter(prefix="/analysis", dependencies=[Depends(oauth2_scheme)])
def verify_password(plain_password, hashed_password):
return pwd_context.verify(plain_password, hashed_password)
def get_password_hash(password):
return pwd_context.hash(password)
def get_user(username: str):
with Session(engine) as session:
return session.exec(select(User).where(User.username == username)).one_or_none()
def authenticate_user(username: str, password: str):
user = get_user(username)
if not user:
return False
if not verify_password(password, user.hashed_password):
return False
return user
def create_access_token(data: dict, expires_delta: timedelta | None = None):
to_encode = data.copy()
if expires_delta:
expire = datetime.now(timezone.utc) + expires_delta
expire = datetime.now(timezone.utc) + timedelta(minutes=15)
to_encode.update({"exp": expire})
encoded_jwt = jwt.encode(to_encode, config.secret_key, algorithm="HS256")
return encoded_jwt
async def get_current_user(token: Annotated[str, Depends(oauth2_scheme)]):
credentials_exception = HTTPException(
detail="Could not validate credentials",
headers={"WWW-Authenticate": "Bearer"},
payload = jwt.decode(token, config.secret_key, algorithms=["HS256"])
username: str = payload.get("sub")
if username is None:
raise credentials_exception
token_data = TokenData(username=username)
except InvalidTokenError:
raise credentials_exception
user = get_user(fake_users_db, username=token_data.username)
if user is None:
raise credentials_exception
return user
async def get_current_active_user(
current_user: Annotated[User, Depends(get_current_user)],
if current_user.disabled:
raise HTTPException(status_code=400, detail="Inactive user")
return current_user
async def login_for_access_token(
form_data: Annotated[OAuth2PasswordRequestForm, Depends()],
) -> Token:
user = authenticate_user(form_data.username, form_data.password)
if not user:
raise HTTPException(
detail="Incorrect username or password",
headers={"WWW-Authenticate": "Bearer"},
access_token_expires = timedelta(minutes=config.access_token_expire_minutes)
access_token = create_access_token(
data={"sub": user.username}, expires_delta=access_token_expires
return Token(access_token=access_token, token_type="bearer")
2025-02-10 16:12:31 +01:00
C = Chemistry
P = Player
def sociogram_json():
nodes = []
necessary_nodes = set()
links = []
with Session(engine) as session:
for p in session.exec(select(P)).fetchall():
nodes.append({"id": p.name, "appearance": 1})
subquery = (
select(C.user, func.max(C.time).label("latest"))
.where(C.time > datetime(2025, 2, 1, 10))
statement2 = select(C).join(
subquery, (C.user == subquery.c.user) & (C.time == subquery.c.latest)
for c in session.exec(statement2):
# G.add_node(c.user)
for p in c.love:
# G.add_edge(c.user, p)
# p_id = session.exec(select(P.id).where(P.name == p)).one()
links.append({"source": c.user, "target": p})
# nodes = [n for n in nodes if n["name"] in necessary_nodes]
return JSONResponse({"nodes": nodes, "links": links})
2025-02-12 17:54:07 +01:00
def sociogram_data(show: int | None = 2):
2025-02-10 16:12:31 +01:00
G = nx.DiGraph()
with Session(engine) as session:
for p in session.exec(select(P)).fetchall():
subquery = (
select(C.user, func.max(C.time).label("latest"))
.where(C.time > datetime(2025, 2, 1, 10))
statement2 = (
2025-02-12 17:54:07 +01:00
# .where(C.user.in_(["Kruse", "Franz", "ck"]))
2025-02-10 16:12:31 +01:00
.join(subquery, (C.user == subquery.c.user) & (C.time == subquery.c.latest))
for c in session.exec(statement2):
2025-02-12 17:54:07 +01:00
if show >= 1:
for i, p in enumerate(c.love):
G.add_edge(c.user, p, group="love", rank=i, popularity=1 - 0.08 * i)
if show <= 1:
2025-02-12 17:23:18 +01:00
for i, p in enumerate(c.hate):
G.add_edge(c.user, p, group="hate", rank=8, popularity=-0.16)
2025-02-10 16:12:31 +01:00
return G
class Params(BaseModel):
node_size: int | None = Field(default=2400, alias="nodeSize")
font_size: int | None = Field(default=10, alias="fontSize")
arrow_size: int | None = Field(default=20, alias="arrowSize")
edge_width: float | None = Field(default=1, alias="edgeWidth")
2025-02-11 14:14:23 +01:00
distance: float | None = 0.2
2025-02-12 15:39:52 +01:00
weighting: bool | None = True
popularity: bool | None = True
2025-02-12 17:54:07 +01:00
show: int | None = 2
2025-02-12 17:23:18 +01:00
ARROWSTYLE = {"love": "-|>", "hate": "-|>"}
EDGESTYLE = {"love": "-", "hate": ":"}
EDGECOLOR = {"love": "#404040", "hate": "#cc0000"}
2025-02-10 16:12:31 +01:00
2025-02-12 12:23:17 +01:00
async def render_sociogram(params: Params):
2025-02-10 16:12:31 +01:00
plt.figure(figsize=(16, 10), facecolor="none")
ax = plt.gca()
ax.set_facecolor("none") # Set the axis face color to none (transparent)
ax.axis("off") # Turn off axis ticks and frames
2025-02-12 17:54:07 +01:00
G = sociogram_data(show=params.show)
2025-02-11 14:14:23 +01:00
pos = nx.spring_layout(G, scale=2, k=params.distance, iterations=50, seed=None)
2025-02-12 15:39:52 +01:00
nodes = nx.draw_networkx_nodes(
2025-02-10 16:12:31 +01:00
2025-02-12 16:08:43 +01:00
v for k, v in G.in_degree(weight="popularity" if params.weighting else None)
2025-02-12 15:39:52 +01:00
if params.popularity
else "#99ccff",
2025-02-10 16:12:31 +01:00
2025-02-12 15:39:52 +01:00
# node_shape="8",
2025-02-10 16:12:31 +01:00
2025-02-12 15:39:52 +01:00
2025-02-10 16:12:31 +01:00
2025-02-12 15:39:52 +01:00
if params.popularity:
2025-02-12 17:23:18 +01:00
cbar = plt.colorbar(nodes)
2025-02-10 16:12:31 +01:00
nx.draw_networkx_labels(G, pos, font_size=params.font_size)
2025-02-12 17:23:18 +01:00
edge_color=[EDGECOLOR[G.edges()[*edge]["group"]] for edge in G.edges()],
2025-02-10 16:12:31 +01:00
2025-02-12 17:23:18 +01:00
style=[EDGESTYLE[G.edges()[*edge]["group"]] for edge in G.edges()],
arrowstyle=[ARROWSTYLE[G.edges()[*edge]["group"]] for edge in G.edges()],
2025-02-12 15:39:52 +01:00
alpha=[1 - 0.08 * G.edges()[*edge]["rank"] for edge in G.edges()]
if params.weighting
else 1,
2025-02-10 16:12:31 +01:00
buf = io.BytesIO()
plt.savefig(buf, format="png", bbox_inches="tight", dpi=300, transparent=True)
encoded_image = base64.b64encode(buf.read()).decode("UTF-8")
return {"image": encoded_image}
analysis_router.add_api_route("/json", endpoint=sociogram_json, methods=["GET"])
2025-02-12 12:23:17 +01:00
analysis_router.add_api_route("/image", endpoint=render_sociogram, methods=["POST"])
2025-02-10 16:12:31 +01:00
if __name__ == "__main__":
with Session(engine) as session:
statement: SelectOfScalar[P] = select(func.count(P.id))
print("players in DB: ", session.exec(statement).first())
G = sociogram_data()
pos = nx.spring_layout(G, scale=1, k=2, iterations=50, seed=42)